APPA Regional Presidents’ Conference Call

(Tuesday, March 12, 2013); (Time: 3:00 pm EST)

Call-in number – 1-800-264-8432; pass code 673401#




·  Discuss items as desired by regional presidents – In order to enhance cross-communication, please don’t hesitate to discuss items or challenges so APPA and the other regions can help. APPA is looking at guidelines that it can share with regions exploring setting up Apprentice Programs.

·  Focus on each region’s targets/ stretch goals –CAPPA spreadsheet is attached. The column on Institutional Memberships will begin again in April while the other column will run concurrent with the current regional Presidents term of office.

·  Ballot/Election/”Get out the Vote” – We discussed timeline and strategies to get out the vote. David Gray will be sending out hard copies of the election dates that we can all share with our institutions to help remind them to vote. Regions with at least 30% participations will be rewarded by APPA. The reward has yet to be determined.

·  APPA/Regional Relationship Task Force Phase 2 Update from PCAPPA on the integrated institutional membership component; discuss content of the Business Partners engagement group’s February conference call. Great comments from the Business Partners about what’s going on in APPA.

·  APPA’s 100-year Anniversary – A document highlighting the details of the “content” we need go out to members April 1.

·  Emerging Professionals – There is a scheduled pre-conference workshop at the APPA 2013 conference in Minneapolis (August 1, 2013), The CAPPA region needs to secure six names of EP’s to attend this workshop? Thoughts?

·  APPA/Mexico Initiative – CAPPA is one of four relevant regions lead by Lalo Gomez that is engage in this Initiative.

·  Financial update – APPA is monitoring final revenue and expense numbers with the hope of a surplus position by year-end.


·  APPA 2013 conference (plus a one-day SFO Summit & an Emerging Professionals (EP) pre-conference) – Will be in Minneapolis, Minnesota, August 2-4, 2013; registration is LIVE! Register for SFO Summit and send an Emerging Professional to the pre-conference workshop/ full conference.

·  The Covey-on-Campus / Leadership Academy’s Tracks 1 & 2 programs are available for institutional/campus delivery – [Track 2 delivery scheduled at UC, Boulder this February; Arkansas State University will deliver Track 1 in February; University of Alabama, Birmingham has delayed delivery until late spring/early summer; Track 2 deliveries at the University of Arizona this spring/summer; U Iowa and VCU are exploring Track 1 delivery]

·  Credentialing Program (EFP/ CEFP) – Please consider utilizing the process and funding approach that the MIAPPA chapter used??…APPA is gaining momentum! (refer to the goals noted in the regional alignment document for your region’s engagement in delivering this program; on-line delivery of the combined CEFP/ EFP Preparatory Course will be delayed;

·  Thought Leaders Symposium – A printed executive summary of the 2012 monograph titled “Campus Space. . . An Asset and A Burden” along with an accompanying cover letter has been sent to the institutional business officers (co-signed by the NACUBO President); the same will go to the institutional presidents and planning professionals shortly; a great team has been finalized for the April 2013 delivery on the topic of “the rising cost of higher education” with particular respect to the built environment.


·  Membership Retention approach – institutional renewal invoices for FY 2013-2014 have been sent out.

·  Membership Recruitment plans – Top 100 program listing is still viable and important as a focus; employing the “soft” approach developed by the Membership Committee.

·  Drive-In Workshops – Activity has been fantastic this year; APPA exceeded their expectations; Thanks everyone! [Don’t hesitate to sign up your institution to deliver a workshop; it’s great content for a chapter meeting as well; please get the word out; more details available on the APPA web site; these workshops are driving new Chapter discussions and therefore, greater grassroots engagement..

·  Update on HBCU’s & K-12 Schools – The CAPPA Membership committee is engaged in this activity.

·  Community College Engagement Group initiative – JB Messer & Bill Ward are working with identified state/regional champions for targeted renewal/recruitment efforts.


·  FPI reports out shortly; the beta version of the additional Energy/ Sustainability (ESAT) module will remain open indefinitely

·  FPI International cohorts opportunity - no new news


·  Awards Recognition programs – the # of awards’ submittals was up; Thanks everyone!

INFORMATIONAL ITEMS: (These can be discussed further if time permits.)

·  Future fall regional meetings and updates of your regional board officers – REMINDER to please visit the regions’ section of the APPA website and look at the bottom of the page for the table identifying your meeting dates contracted through 2015; please notify Holly Judd () of updates to your meeting dates/locations and your officers listing

·  Collaborative Projects with other associations: (as time permits…NO NEW UPDATES …)

o  ASHRAE – TCO research contract/project continues to unfold; most of the 35 institutions/organizations sent an invitation have engaged in the project’s data collection effort to date; we have closed the survey; final reports have been prepared and were reviewed by the steering committee; presentations were made at the June ASHRAE conference, APPA 2012 conference, AND NACUBO annual meeting; expect final report by late June 2013

o  CAUBO (Canadian Association of University Business Officers) – FPI survey is live; purchase of the JLL Energy/Sustainability benchmarking program is in its final stages

o  HACC (Harrisburg Area Community College) – continuing our efforts with IFMA as co-collaborators to increase the number of accredited FM degree programs at higher education institutions of all types; no new updates

o  ACUHO-I – we are engaged in a successful collaborative delivery of webinars and co-sponsor the Housing/Facilities workshop in October annually; FPI presentation included this time; Lander provided opening keynote 2012; Mary and Lander delivered an educational session on “Women in Facilities”

o  AGB (Association Governing Boards) –re-write of their Board pamphlet on “Buildings & Grounds Committee” for governing boards (Harvey Kaiser is the lead author) is complete; each board member received a copy

o  NACUBO (National Association of College & University Officers) – one educational presentation on TCO was made and was considered very successful; expect placement of articles on facilities subject matter this spring and next fall

o  FFC (Federal Facilities Council) –delivered TLS 2012 on Space Management

o  SACUBO (Southern Association of College & University Business Officers) – ELM (and Ron) delivered sessions at their November 2012 conference

o  MISBO (Mid-Atlantic Independent School Business Officials) – ELM delivered session at their October 2012 conference

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