of the

Butler County Republican Central Committee

Approved 2012



A. The Voting Membership

The voting membership of the Butler County Republican Central Committee shall consist of a man and a woman elected from each precinct/ward in the County and the Committee officers. Members of the Butler County Republican Committee shall be elected pursuant to the laws of the State of Missouri Elected members shall hold office until their successors are elected and qualified. The Precincts/wards represented on the BCRCC are Ash Hill, Beaver Dam, Black River, Cane Creek, Coon Island, Epps, Gillis Bluff, Kinyon, Lake Road, Neely, Oak Grove, Sale Barn, St. Francis, and Poplar Bluff Wards 1-5. Changing of these precincts/ward represented on the Central Committee may only be changed by a 2/3 majority vote of a BCRCC meeting, whether regular, special or at reorganization.

B.  Qualifications for Committee Members

Committee members must have been registered voters and residents of Butler County and the precinct that they represent for one year previous to their taking office on the Butler County Republican Committee.

C.  Duties of Members

Members are responsible for fulfilling all obligations and duties required by the laws of the State of Missouri and for the activities and functioning of the Republican Party and its structures within their County Precinct. Those activities may include but are not limited to: organizing their precinct by establishing and maintaining a ward file on every potential voter, determining those most likely to vote Republican through personal and telephone contact and ensuring that they are registered to vote, identifying those that are willing to contribute financially to the Butler County Republican party and following up with personal contact with a member of the Finance Committee, actively support Republican candidates seeking office after the primary election, actively participating in the operation of the Republican Headquarters during election year, reminding all Republicans within their precinct to vote and following through to make sure they do so. Additionally, committee members shall be responsible for attending County Committee meetings.

D.  Vacancy

A vacancy shall exist whenever a member of the Butler County Republican Committee dies, resigns or ceases to be a registered voter of the county or a resident of the precinct from which he or she is elected or when the County Clerk of the County certifies that no person was elected at the primary election from a precinct. A vacancy shall also exist after a member fails to attend three (3) consecutive regularly scheduled meetings without the approval of the Butler County Republican Central Committee chairperson, prior to the meeting missed.

1.  Filling a vacancy. When a vacancy exists, the Butler County Republican Committee may elect another qualified individual to fill the vacancy. That person must meet the same qualifications as stated, pursuant to the laws of the State of Missouri.

2.  Election of a Candidate to Fill a Vacancy. At a duly called meeting of the Committee, a candidate to fill a vacancy shall be nominated either by declaring himself or herself to be such a candidate or by responding to a motion of nomination of himself or herself by one of the members. A simple majority is required to elect a committee member. If the race has more than two candidates, any candidate or committee member may request a ten minute delay between votes.

E.  Ex-Officio Members

Ex-officio members shall consist of elected Republican County Officials, and the President of the Butler County Teenage Republicans. The Butler County Republican Committee may designate by a majority vote additional individuals as Ex-Officio members at any time.

F.  Duties and Powers of Ex-Officio Members

This committee recognizes the importance of our elected county officials and other party leaders in the continued success of the Republican Party in Butler County and encourages their involvement by creating the designation of Ex-Officio members. While Ex-Officio members have no vote, they have the right to and are encouraged to participate in the activities, discussions, and meetings of the Butler County Republican Committee.



A.  Officers

Officers of the Butler County Republican Committee shall consist of a Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer. The offices of Chairman and Vice-Chairman shall be filled by one man and one woman. So shall the offices of secretary and treasurer be filled. Only the Chairman and Vice-Chairman must be committee members. No elected officials shall be eligible to serve as Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary or Treasurer. This does not apply to non-partisan positions such as School Board and City Council. All other qualifications of officers shall be those set by the Revised Statutes of the State of Missouri.

1.  Chairman. The Chairman shall be the chief executive officer of the Butler County Republican Party. The Chairman shall preside at all meetings of the Butler County Republican Party. The Chairman shall perform such other duties as are enumerated in these bylaws and as may be delegated to him by the Butler County Republican Committee. The Chairman shall be an ex-officio member of all sub-committees. The Chairman is the local spokesperson for the Republican Party and shall see that the party positions are publicized.

2.  Vice-Chairman. The Vice-Chairman shall perform all duties of the Chairman in the temporary absence of the Chairman. In case of the temporary absence from a meeting of both the Chairman and the Vice-Chairman, the Treasurer and Secretary shall preside in that order.

3.  Secretary. The secretary shall attend all meetings of the Butler County Republican Committee and the Executive Committee. The Secretary shall keep a record of those proceedings thereof and shall issue notice of all Butler County Republican Committee meetings to each member. The Secretary shall be responsible for keeping copies of all letters, documents, notices, and bylaws for the Butler County Republican Committee. During absence of the Secretary, the Executive Committee may appoint a secretary. All records of the secretary are official records of the Butler County Republican Committee.

4.  Treasurer. The Treasurer shall receive all money and shall disburse the same. The treasurer shall keep proper books of all receipts and disbursements, which shall be open to the inspection of any member of the Butler County Republican Committee within a week of a written request to the Treasurer. The Treasurer shall report at each regular and special meeting of the Butler County Republican Committee in detail all receipts and disbursements since the preceding report. Upon request of the Butler County Republican Committee, he shall give bond for any sum not to exceed $25,000.00. The premium for said bond shall be paid by the Butler County Republican Committee. No elected officials shall be eligible to serve as Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary or Treasurer. All disbursements made by the Treasurer shall be made by check signed by the Treasurer and one other member of the Executive Committee, unless this committee shall otherwise provide by resolution. The Treasurer shall maintain current reporting and filings of the Treasurer are official records of the Butler County Republican Committee. A deputy treasurer may be elected by a majority vote of the committee to aid in the reporting and maintenance of the committee fund. They may also be given check signing authorization to fulfill the two signature requirement for checks.

B.  Election of Officers

The officers shall be elected in the following order; Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, and Treasurer. Nominations for officers shall be made by any member of the Butler County Republican Committee or by the candidate declaring himself or herself a candidate. A simple majority is required to elect committee officers. If the race has more than two candidates, any candidate or committee member may request a ten minute delay between votes.

C.  Any elected or appointed officer of the Butler County Republican Committee may be removed from office for cause. Such removal must be done at a regular or special meeting of the Butler County Republican Committee provided that (a) notice of such removal be mailed to every member of the County Committee at least two weeks before the meeting; and (b) that two thirds of the County Committee votes for such removal.



A.  Reorganizational Meetings

The Butler County Republican Committee shall meet to reorganize every two years or as prescribed by Missouri Laws. The reorganizational meeting of the membership shall be held in accordance with laws of the State of Missouri. Dates for regular meetings shall be set at the reorganizational meeting in accordance with Section B of this Article. Items to be considered at the reorganizational meeting will be as follows:

1.  Acceptance of the certification from the County Clerk of newly elected members.

2.  Election of new Executive Committee

3.  Approval of by-laws and changes thereto.

4.  Elections by new committee to fill vacant positions as defined by by-laws.

5.  Agree on date and time of monthly meeting

6.  Other business

B.  At each reorganizational meeting of the membership, the County Chairman shall propose meeting dates during the next year, dating from the reorganization meeting. The membership shall vote on the proposed dates and those dates shall be the regular meeting dates. At the final regular meeting held within the year after the reorganization meeting, the chairman shall propose meeting dates during the year before the next reorganization meeting.

1.  Regular Meeting Dates Changed. The regular meeting dates adopted by the Butler County Republican Committee may be changed only by a majority vote of the Executive Committee. If a regular meeting date of the Butler County Republican Committee be changed the membership shall be notified within 48 hours of the change and must be notified (5) five days before the meeting is scheduled.

C.  Special Meetings

Special Meetings of the Butler County Republicans Committee may be called at any time at the discretion of the Chairman upon the issuance of written notice at least (5) five days prior to the meeting date. This notice shall include date, time, place and subject of the meeting to the membership. The Chairman shall call a special meeting if presented with a written request signed by a majority of the membership. Only business set forth in the special meeting notice may be conducted at the meeting.



A.  Quorum

For the transaction of any business a quorum is required. A quorum shall exist when there are present at a meeting a simple majority of the voting membership as defined by Article I(A) of these bylaws, excluding vacancies as defined by Article I(D). A majority of votes when used in this document shall mean a simple majority of the quorum plus one.

B.  Order of Business

The order of business at every meeting shall be in the form of a written agenda provided in advance to all Butler County Republican Committee members by the Secretary. The Agenda is as follows and shall not deviate unless approved by a majority of the membership of the Butler County Republican Committee.

1.  Roll Call

2.  Minutes of the last meeting

3.  Report from the Treasurer

4.  Reading of the letters, communications and bills

5.  Reports from committees

6.  Unfinished business

7.  Appointments of new members

8.  New business

9.  Announcements

10. Adjournment

C.  Open Meetings Policy

All meetings of the Butler County Republican Party are open to the general public. Only the voting membership is entitled to vote. Discussion by the general public may be limited by a majority vote of the Butler County Republican Committee membership in accordance with Roberts Rules of Order.

D.  Roberts Rules of Order

Except whereas provided by these bylaws or by the Revised Statutes of Missouri, Roberts Rules of order shall govern all meetings.

E.  Elections and Nominations

Except whereas herein provided by these bylaws or by the Revised Statutes of Missouri, elections for party nominees and candidates are as follows. Nominations shall be made by any member of the Butler County Republican Committee or by the candidate declaring himself or herself a candidate. A majority is required to elect a candidate. If the race has more than two candidates, any candidate or committee member may request a ten minute delay between votes. The committee by majority vote has the right whether or not to use the delay to allow candidates to speak.

F. General Fund Account Structure

The bank account of the Butler County Republican Central Committee shall be set up under a Federal Employer ID number and will require two signatures on every check.


A.  Voting Members

The Executive Committee members shall be the officers of the Butler County Republican Committee as defined by the Article II of these Bylaws. The Chairman of the Butler County Republican Party shall chair the Executive Committee.

1.  Notice. Notice of any Executive Committee meeting shall be given to all the members of the Executive Committee at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting. Meeting may be called by the chairman or any two members of the Executive Committee.

B.  Duties

The Executive Committee shall carry on the business of the Butler County Republican Party between the regular committee meetings, shall meet prior to regular meeting to set agendas, promote, unity, recruit and encourage involvement in the Republican Party and make all executive decisions for the Butler County Republican Committee by a majority vote of the Executive Committee’s members.


A.  The Finance Committee

Besides the Executive Committee, there may be a Standing Committee known as the Finance Committee.

1.  Membership. Finance Committee: members of the Finance Committee shall be the Treasurer and seven (7) other interested Butler County Residents. The Committee shall be approved by the Executive Committee upon recommendation of the Treasurer. The Committee shall choose its own chairman. The primary duty of the Finance Committee shall be to raise funds. Said Committee shall have a wide discretion in selecting and implementing methods for raising such funds subject only to review, approval, or disapproval of the Butler County Republican Committee.

B.  Candidates Recruitment Committee