Lesson Plan the Academy for Technology & the Classics Cultivating Fearless Learners

Lesson Plan the Academy for Technology & the Classics Cultivating Fearless Learners

Lesson Plan~The Academy for Technology & the Classics~Cultivating Fearless Learners

Instructor’s name:
McCormick / Course/Grade:
Spanish I
Week of: August 28th – September 1 / Unit Name: Leccion 1 Hola, que tal?
(1A) *Essential Question(s):
1. How do people greet one another?
2. How do people make introductions?
3. What influence do Spanish speakers have in the U.S. and Canada? / (1A/1B)Connections (prior/future learning): introduction to formality in language and agreement. They will use agreement later with adjectives and verbs.
(1A) Common Core/State Standards:
(1A) Common Core/State Standards:
Standard 1.1 Learners interact and negotiate meaning in spoken, signed, or written conversations to share information, reactions, feelings, and opinions.
Standard 1.2: Interpretive Communication. Students understand, interpret and analyze what is heard, read, or viewed on a variety of topics.
Standard 1.3: Presentational Communication. Students present information, concepts, and ideas to inform, persuade, and narrate on a variety of topics using appropriate media and adapting to various audiences of listeners, readers, or viewers.
Standard 2.1: Relating Cultural Practices to Perspectives: Learners use the language to investigate, explain, and reflect on the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the cultures studied.
Standard 2.2: Relating Cultural Products to Perspectives: Learners use the language to investigate, explain, and reflect on the relationship between the products and perspectives of the cultures studied.
Standard 3.1: Making Connections: Learners build, reinforce, and expand their knowledge of other disciplines while using the language to develop critical thinking and to solve problems creatively
Standard 3.2: Acquiring Information and Diverse Perspectives: Learners access and evaluate information and diverse perspectives that are available through the language and its cultures.
Standard 4.1: Language Comparisons: Learners use the language to investigate, explain, and reflect on the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and their own.
Standard 4.2: Cultural Comparisons: Learners use the language to investigate, explain, and reflect on the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own.
Standard 5.1: School and Global Communities: Learners use the language both within and beyond the classroom to interact and collaborate in their community and the globalized world
Standard 5.2: Lifelong Learning: Learners set goals and reflect on their progress in using languages for enjoyment, enrichment, and advancement.
(1E)Other considerations
All accommodations and modifications indicated in student IEPs will be followed. Any needs of ELL students (modification of assignment length, modification of assignment complexity, modification of source reading, etc.) will be implemented. / (1D) Resources/Materials:
Homework Practice on VHL Central
(1F)Assessment (How will you monitor progress and know students have successfully met outcomes? What happens when students understand and when they don’t understand?
Daily:Haz Ahora checks
This Week:Estructura 1.1 quiz
(1B)Lesson activities for instructor and students, (1F) Embedded Formative Assessment,
(1C) Learning Target:
1. I can greet friends and new acquaintances.
2. I can introduce myself and others.
3. I can participate in basic conversations with people I just met.
(1C) Do Now:Which countries are you interested in knowing more about?
1.Soft Intro of Countries Project w/ selections
2.Estructura 1.1 Pretest
3.Review Quiz Scores
4.Review Essential questions, “I can statements” and Vocabulary
5.Introduction of Hello/goodbye.
6.Students will complete communicative activity with hellos and goodbyes at different times. / (1F)Embedded Formative Assessment:Estructura 1.1 Pretest
(1B)Closing Activity:Students self-assess progress to learning targets
(1C) Learning Target:I can name objects and people and pair them with the right articles.
(1C) Do Now:Hello/Goodbye Vocabulary
Students will take notes on nouns and articles in Spanish
Cada oveja con su pareja
Set-up: Cut out the six sets of cards below and divide students into six groups. Give one card containing two singular nouns and their definite articles to each group. While students are working, write the six pairs of words on the board.
Rules and procedure: Ask students to work with their groups to transform their words from singular to plural and from definite to indefinite. Have the groups write the new nouns and their articles on the board with a dry-erase marker or piece of chalk. When
they are done, the students should sit back down.
Teaching Tip: Say the words on the board aloud and have students repeat the items after you to practice their pronunciation. / (1F) Embedded Formative Assessment: Once all students are back in their seats, go over all six pairs of words on the board and call on students to identify and make any necessary corrections.
(1B) Closing Activity:Exit Ticket- match word with article. Students self-assess progress to learning targets.
Homework: VHL Practice and Study Vocabulary
(1C) Learning Target:
1. I can explain to others how Spanish speakers greet each other.
2. I can discuss how Spanish speakers use different greetings for friends and for respected adults.
3. I can identify and talk about some famous couples and friends in Spanish-speaking areas.
4. I can describe the plaza principal and discuss its role.
(1C) Do Now: nouns and articles practice
Students will read an article and answer questions in small groups. Students will make connections between use of formality in English and Spanish.
Short ppt about tu vs usted with practice
Picture captions: students will work in groups to create a caption for the picture that they are assigned using their vocabulary. / (1F) Embedded Formative Assessment: cold call- how to address them.
(1B)Closing Activity: Students self-assess progress to learning targets
(1C) Learning Target:I can name objects and people and pair them with the right articles.
(1C) Do Now:nouns/articles practice
Juego con dado
• Printouts of the game board provided below
Rules and procedure: Students place their tokens on the ¡Empezamos aquí! square of the game board and take turns rolling the die and advancing. In order to stay on a square, a student must correctly perform the corresponding task. These are the different types of squares:
1. Drawing: The student says the word represented in the drawing and its corresponding article.
2. Ve a la otra luna: The student jumps to the other moon.
3. Ve a la tarea número 1, 2 o 3: The student performs the corresponding task under TAREAS.
4. Un turno sin jugar: The student skips his or her turn.
5. Tira dos veces: The student rolls the die twice in a row.
6. Empieza otra vez: The student returns to ¡Empezamos aquí!
7. ¡Ganaste!: The student who gets here first wins the game.
Tell students that they cannot double-check the book while playing. Students waiting for their turns act as judges for the student who is performing a task. If necessary, the judges can double-check the book or ask you to confirm that an answer is correct. If a student does not get an answer right, he or she cannot advance. To win, a student must roll the exact number needed to land directly on ¡Ganaste!; if a student does not roll the exact number to land on the last space, he or she moves back one space. / (1F)Embedded Formative Assessment:
(1B)Closing Activity:Students self-assess progress to learning targets
VHL Practice and Study Vocabulary
(1C) Learning Target:I can name objects and people and pair them with the right articles.
1. I can recognize ways people introduce each other.
2. I can recognize ways to identify people and objects.
3. I can recognize phrases related to telling time.
4. I can recognize polite expressions.
(1C) Do Now:nouns and articles
  1. Students will take the 1.1 quiz
  2. When finished, they will watch the fotonovela and answer comprehension questions.
/ (1F) Embedded Formative Assessment:Quiz 1.1
(1B)Closing Activity:Students self-assess progress to learning targets
*Refers to NMTEACH Rubric:
1A-Demonstrating knowledge of content
1B-Designing coherent instruction
1C-Setting Instructional outcomes
1D-Demonstrating knowledge of resources
1E-Demonstrating knowledge of students
1F-Designing student assessment / Formative Assessment includes, but is not limited to:
Exit tickets, white board response, consensagrams, red/green cards, formal or informal student conferences, sticky note assessment.