Commission on the Status of Women 61st Session

Reading list for Side Event “Strengthening the Role of Women in Law Enforcement”

Selected References

Backteman-Erlanson, S., Padyab, M. & Brulin, C. (2013). Prevalence of burnout and associations with psychosocial work environment, physical strain, and stress of conscience among Swedish female and male police personnel. Police Practice & Research, 14(6), 491-505.

Barberet, R. (2014). Women, crime and criminal justice: A global enquiry. London: Routledge.

Barratt, C. L., Bergman, M. E. & Thompson, R. J. (2014). Women in federal law enforcement: The role of gender role orientations and sexual orientation in mentoring. Sex Roles, 71(1-2), 21-32.

Brown, J. (2016). Revisiting the classics: Women in control? The role of women in law enforcement: Frances Heidensohn. Policing and Society, 26(2), 230-237.

Chan, J., Doran, S. & Marel, C. (2010). Doing and undoing gender in policing. Theoretical Criminology, 14, 425–446.

Chu, D. (2013). Gender integration in policing: A comparison of male and female police officers' perceptions in Taiwan. International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice, 37(2), 143-157.

Chu, D.C. & Abdulla, M.M. (2014). Self-efficacy beliefs and preferred gender role in policing. British Journal of Criminology, 54(3), 449-468.

Chu, D. & Sun, I. (2014). Reactive v. proactive attitudes toward domestic violence: A comparison of Taiwanese male and female police officers. Crime and Delinquency, 60( 2), 216-237.

Colvin, R. (2016). Female police officers and their experiences: The Metropolitan Police of Buenos Aires context. Women and Criminal Justice, 1-16.

D Arelli, M. (2014). Women in law enforcement: A case for change. Journal of California Law Enforcement, 48(2), 15-20.

De Guzman, M.C. & Frank, J. (2004). Policewomen and their problems: The Philippine context. Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies and Management, 27, 396–412.

DeJong, C. (2013). Policing styles, officer gender and decision making. In Renzetti, C. Miller, S.L. and Gover, A.R. (Eds.), Routledge International Handbook of Crime and Gender Studies. London: Routledge, pp. 249-263.

Dodge, M., Valdore, L. & Klinger, D. (2010). Maintaining separate spheres in policing: Women on SWAT teams. Women and Criminal Justice, 20(3), 218-238.

Donadio, M. Mazzotta, C.(Coord.). (2009), La mujer en las instituciones armadas y policiales. Resolución 1325 y operaciones de paz en América Latina. Disponible en

Duffin, A. T. (2012). History in blue: 160 years of women police, sheriffs, detectives, and state troopers. Studio City, CA: Duffin Creative.

Dzagurova, N.H.& Tendeeva, N.V. (2016). Повышениеролиирасширенияучастияженщинвполитическихпроцессах. ВестникСеверо-Осетинскогогосударственногоуниверситетаим. К. Л. Хетагурова. Общественныенауки, 4, 33-38.

Fleming, S., Prenzler, T. and Ransley, J. (2013). The status of indigenous women in policing: A Queensland case study. Current Issues in Criminal Justice, 24(3), 357-374.

Flores Angeles, R., Delgado Palomo, M. & Muñoz Ramírez, L. (2012). Impacto del trabajo en el empoderamiento de las mujeres que laboran en el espacio de la policía: El caso de la Secretaría de Seguridad Pública del Distrito Federal Resumen ejecutivo. Mexico City: Centro de Investigaciones Interdisciplinarias en Ciencias y Humanidades - Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.

Fritz, J.M. (2014). UN Security Council Resolution 1325, inclusive peacebuilding and countries in transition. In: Fritz, J.M. (Ed.) Moving toward a just peace: The mediation continuum. Dordrecht, Heidelberg, New York, London: Springer, pp. 245-272.

Galvin-White, C. & O’Neal, E.N. (2016). Lesbian police officers’ interpersonal working relationships and sexuality disclosure: A qualitative study. Feminist Criminology, 11(3), 253-284.

Gultekin, K., Leichtman, E.C. & Garrison, C.G. (2010). Gender issues and the women of the Turkish National Police. Police Practice & Research, 11(5), 423-436.

Harris, V. & A. Goldsmith (2010). Gendering transnational policing: Experiences of Australian women in international policing operations. International Peacekeeping 17(2), 292-306.

Harrison, J. (2012). Women in law enforcement: Subverting sexual harassment with social bonds. Women & Criminal Justice, 22(3), 226-238.

Hassell, K. D., Archbold, C., & Schulz, D. M. (2011). Women and policing in America: Classic and contemporary readings (Aspen college series). Frederick, MD: Wolters Kluwer Law & Buss.

Henry, M. (2012). Peacexploitation? Interrogating labor hierarchies and global sisterhood among Indian and Uruguayan female peacekeepers. Globalizations, 9(1), 15-33.

Koeppel, M.D.H. (2014). Women as leaders in policing. Journal of Police Studies, 2(2), 158-174.

Kringen, A.L. (2014). Scholarship on women and policing: Trends and policy implications. Feminist Criminology, 9(4), 367–381.

Kurtz, D., Linneman, T. and Williams, L.S. (2012). Reinventing the matron: The continued importance of gendered images and division of labor in modern policing. Women and Criminal Justice, 22(3). 239-263.

Langan, D., Sanders, C.B. and Agocs, T. (2016, online). Canadian police mothers and the boys’ club: Pregnancy, maternity leave, and returning to work. Women and Criminal Justice, 1-15. DOI: 10.1080/08974454.2016.1256254.

Lonsway K.A., Paynich R. & Hall J.N. (2013). Sexual Harassment in law enforcement: Incidence, impact, and perception. Police Quarterly, 16(2), 177-210.

Lucero, M.R. (2008), La mujer en las Fuerzas Armadas. Perspectiva comparada en América del Sur. Ponencia presentada en el Foro Interamericano de Mujeres contra la Corrupción, 29, 30 de setiembre y 1º de octubre. Facultad de Derecho. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Argentina.

Maran, D.A., Varetto, A., Zedda, M. & Franscini, M. (2014). Stress among Italian male and female patrol police officers: a quali-quantitative survey. Policing: An International Journal, 37(4), 875-890.

Martin, S. E. & Jurik, N. C. (2007). Doing justice, doing gender: Women in legal and criminal justice occupations (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications.

Mazurana, D. (2003). Do women matter in peacekeeping? Women in police, military, and civilian peacekeeping component. Canadian Woman Studies Journal 22(2), 64-71.

Miller, S. (1999). Gender and community policing: Walking the talk. Boston, MA: Northeastern University.

Montgomery, R. (2011). Female staff associations in the security sector: Agents of change? Geneva: DCAF.

Muftić, L.R.& Collins, S.C. (2014). Gender attitudes and the police in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Male officers’ attitudes regarding their female counterparts. Police Practice & Research, 15(5), 389-403.

Mullenbach, C. (2016). Women in blue: 16 brave officers, forensics experts, police chiefs, and more. Chicago, Illinois: Chicago Review Press.

Natarajan, M. (2008). Women Police in a Changing Society. Abingdon, Oxon: Ashgate.

Natarajan, M. (2014). Police culture and the integration of women officers in India. International Journal of Police Science & Management, 16(2), 124-139.

Perova, E. & Reynolds, S.A. (2017). Women's police stations and intimate partner violence: Evidence from Brazil. Social Science & Medicine, 174, 188–196.

Poteyeva, M. & Sun, I. (2009). Gender differences in police officers’ attitudes: Assessing current empirical evidence. Journal of Criminal Justice, 37, 512-522.

Prenzler, T. and Sinclair, G. (2013). The status of women police officers: An international review. International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice, 41, 115-131.

Prenzler, T., Fleming J. and King, A.L. (2010). Gender equity in Australian and New Zealand policing: A five-year review. International Journal of Police Science and Management, 12(4), 584–595.

Pruitt, L.J. (2013). All-female police contingents: Feminism and the discourse of armed protection. International Peacekeeping, 20(1), 67-79.

Pruvost, G. (2007). Profession : policier. Sexe : féminin. Paris: Éditions de la Maison des sciences de l’homme, Ministère de la Culture.

Rabe-Hemp, C. (2009). POLICE women or policeWOMEN? Doing gender and police work. Feminist Criminology, 4, 114–129.

Rabe-Hemp, E. (2008). Female officers and the ethic of care: Does officer gender impact police behaviors? Journal of Criminal Justice, 36, 426-434.

Rabe-Hemp, C. & Beichner, D. (2011). An analysis of advertisements: A lens for viewing the social exclusion of women in police imagery. Women and Criminal Justice, 21(1), 63-81.

Rudow, T. (2015). Yes she did! Law enforcement. La Jolla, CA: Scobre Educational.

Santos, C. M. (2004). En-gendering the police: Women’s police stations and feminism in Sao Paulo. Latin American Research Review, 39(3), 29-55.

Schuck, A.M. & Rabe-Hemp, C. (2016). Citizen complaints and gender diversity in police organisations. Policing and Society, 26(8), 859-874.

Schulze, C. (2012). The masculine yardstick of physical competence: U.S. police academy fitness tests. Women and Criminal Justice, 22(2), 89-107.

Sepúlveda, I. Gomez, M. (2009): Las mujeres militares en España (1988-2008). Madrid: IUGM.

Shelley, T.O., Morabito, M.S. and Tobin-Gurley, J. (2011). Gendered institutions and gender roles: Understanding the experiences of women in policing. Criminal Justice Studies: A Critical Journal of Crime, Law and Society, 24(4), 351–367.

Shusta, R. M. (2008). Multicultural law enforcement: Strategies for peacekeeping in a diverse society (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pear Prentice Hall.

Shvez, L.G. & Shepeleva, Y.L. (2015) Гендерный аспект властных отношений: проблемы и направления развития: монография. Москва

Silvestri, M., Tong, S. & Brown, J. (2013). Gender and police leadership: time for a paradigm shift? International Journal of Police Science & Management, 15(1), 61-73.

Sion, L. (2008). Peacekeeping and the gender regime: Dutch female peacekeepers in Bosnia and Kosovo. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, 37(5), 561-585.

Snow, R. L. (2010). Policewomen who made history: Breaking through the ranks. Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.

Strobl, S. (2008). The women’s police directorate in Bahrain: An ethnographic exploration of gender segregation and the likelihood of future integration. International Criminal Justice Review, 18, 39–58.

Strobl, S. (2010). Neo-traditional or progressive? Policewomen in Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries. Feminist Formations, 22, 51–74.

Strobl, S. & Sung, H.E. (2009). Attitudes about gender integration among Bahraini policewomen. Policing & Society, 19, 425–441.

Sun, I. & Chu, D. (2010). Who is better suited for handling domestic violence: A comparison between Taiwanese female and male officers. Journal of Criminal Justice, 38, 453-459

Sun, I. & Wasileski, G. (2010). Gender differences in occupational attitudes among Slovak police. International Criminal Justice Review, 20, 248-264.

Sun, I. & Chu, D. (2008). A cross-national analysis of female police officers’ attitudes in the United States and Taiwan. International Criminal Justice Review, 18, 5-23.

Swan, A. (2016). Masculine, feminine, or androgynous: The influence of gender identity on job satisfaction among female police officers. Women and Criminal Justice, 26(1), 1-19.

Tellería Escobar, L. (2008), Mujer, fuerzas armadas y misiones de paz. Región andina. Disponible en

Tuomey, L. M. & Jolly, R. (2009). Step up to law enforcement: A successful strategy for recruiting women into the law enforcement profession. The Police Chief, 76(6), 68.

UNODC (2010). Gender in the Criminal Justice System. Criminal Justice Assessment Toolkit. Vienna: UNODC.

UN Women (2012). In Pursuit of Justice: Progress for the World’s Women. New York: UN Women.

Vallmüür, B. (2016). Exploring gender-neutrality of police integrity in Estonia. Policing: An International Journal. 39(2), 401-415.

Van der Lippe, T., Graumans, A. & Sevenhuijsen, S. (2004). Gender policies and the position of women in the police force in European countries. Journal of European Social Policy, 14, 391–405.

Van Wormer, K. S. & Bartollas, C. (2014). Women and the criminal justice system (Fourth ed.). Boston: Pear.

Villalobos, P. (2007). Participación de las mujeres en las Fuerzas Armadas y de Orden. Disponible en

Ward, A. & Prenzler, T. (2016). Good practice case studies in the advancement of women in policing. International Journal of Police Science & Management, 18(4), 242-250.

Wills, J. M., Kirschman, E. & Brinkley, A. (2013). Women warriors: Stories from the thin blue line (1st ed.). Friendswood, TX: Total Recall Publications.

Yu, H.H. (2015). An examination of women in federal law enforcement: An exploratory analysis of the challenges they face in the work environment. Feminist Criminology, 10(3), 259-278.

Yu, H.H. (2014). Overcoming tokenism and gender barriers: The critical role of nongovernmental organizations for women in federal law enforcement. The Police Chief, 81(1), 48.

Compiled by Rosemary Barberet, ISA Representative to the United Nations and Emilia Mancini and Kiarrie Woodson, ISA Youth Representatives to the United Nations

International Sociological Association Thanks to John Jay for its support.