President President-Elect Vice President Treasurer Immediate Past President


5000 Kirkey Ct.

St. Louis, MO 63128



All Luncheon Meetings are at Sam’s Steakhouse – Gravois & Laclede Station Roads

Summary of the April 4, 2018 Board Meeting

Board members present were: Ginger Crooks, Paul Eckrich, Jim Fritz, Ken Haller, Harry Kuhnert, Don Leupold, Sr., Lisa Oxenhandler, Don Sabbert and Richard Veatch. Jim Crooks, Ann Fritsch and Bob Praprotnik were also present.

The Minutes from the March 7, 2018 Board Meeting were approved as printed in the March Newsletter. The Treasurer's Report for March 31, 2018 showing a balance of $21,375.82 in two accounts was approved as presented.

Flying Squadron Committee – A Flying Squadron was held with the Kiwanis Club of Meramec Valley on April 3. Three Club Members were in attendance.

Fund Raising Committee – This year's Golf Tournament will be held on Monday, September 17, 2018 at Sugar Creek Golf Course. A discussion was held on this fund raiser and the committee is making plans to make this a successful event. Details will be available at a later date.

Nominating Committee – It is time now to select the Club's Officers and Board Members for next year. In addition to a Vice President, four new Board Members need to be selected. If any member is interested in serving our Club in any of these positions, contact the Nominating Committee.

President's Party – The President's Party, honoring Club President Jim Fritz, will be held on October 28, 2018 at Sam's Steakhouse Restaurant. Details will be announced later.

Service Leadership Program – The High School Key Clubs are winding down their activities for this year and are looking toward next year's projects.

Scholarship Committee – Applications for our Club's Scholarships have been received from the area's high schools. The Committee will consider these applications and will choose the scholarship winners. The Club's Scholarship Luncheon is May 9, 2018. The high schools participating are Affton, Bayless, Hancock Place and Lutheran South. The Counselors and Key Club Advisors will be notified of the winners later this month.

Steak Raffle – Our Club's Annual Steak Raffle will be held on April 25, 2018. Tickets are now available. Contact Paul Eckrich for information and Steak Raffle tickets. The word from Paul is “SELL TICKETS”

Sick Committee – Jim Schriefer and Ellen Sandweiss' husband, John are in poor health and our thoughts and prayers go out to them and their families.

Trivia Night – Our Club's Annual Trivia Night was March 24, 2018. The fund raiser was a big success netting over $9,000. Thanks to all the sponsors, workers, team players and those who donated to our silent auction. A special thanks goes to Lisa Oxenhandler, Ann Fritsch, Linda Fritz and the committee for all their work to make this event a huge success. Thanks goes to Roxie Schaefer who was asked at the last minute to read the trivia questions. Next year's Trivia Night is March 30, 2019 at Seven Holy Founders. MARK YOUR CALENDERS!!!

Old Business – The Bylaw Committee updated the Club's Bylaws. The changes made pertained to the Club's dues and meeting times. The Board approved the changes and they will be submitted to Kiwanis International. The Club will participate in the Affton Community and Business Expo on April 11, 2018 at Affton High School Commons/Cafeteria. The Club obtained a Zeller Award from Kiwanis International for $1000. The award normally costs $1,250. The award will be presented at the President's Party. Two Club members attended the Governor's Visit on March 24.

New Business – There is talk about having a Kiwanis Day at the Ball Park for the Kiwanis Clubs in the area. Jim Fritz mention a possible Club trip to Mexico that he could arrange if there is an interest.


Wednesday, April 4 – Board/Business Meeting

Twelve members were in attendance.

Member of the Week – Rick Veatch – joined October 1, 2016. Current Board Member, Membership, Golf Tournament, 5K Run and Trivia Night Committees

No 50/50 Winner / No Kiwanis Education Question

Wednesday, April 11 – Alice Klein – Mindfulness

Mindfulness is the psychological process of bringing one's attention to experiences occurring in the present moment, which can be developed through the practice of meditation and other training. The team “Mindfulness” is a translation of the Pali term sati, which is a significant element of Buddhist traditions. In Buddhist teachings, Mindfulness is utilized to develop self-knowledge and wisdom that gradually leads to what is described as enlightenment or the complete freedom from suffering. Mindfulness seems to be the current “big thing”. It is touted by not just therapists and Mindfulness practitioners but also by life coaches, motivational speakers, the popular press and more.

Wednesday, April 18 – Teresa Gau – Pony Bird

Pony Bird is an exceptional place for special individuals. They provide 24-hour care for the developmentally disabled, non-ambulatory children and adults. These individuals are unable to meet their daily living needs without assistance. Pony Bird has six residential homes located in Mapaville and DeSoto, Missouri. Residents enjoy learning, activities, community outings and therapy services to create their highest possible quality of life. Pony Bird's mission is to provide quality care to non-ambulatory persons of all ages with significant intellectual and physical disabilities and to provide for maximizing the quality of their lives.

Wednesday, April 25 – Steak Raffle

Winners of the Annual Club's Steak Raffle will be drawn during the meeting. Make sure you get your tickets in before the drawing. First Place Prize is 50 strip sirloin steaks from Kenrick's Meats. Other prize winners will be drawn for second through tenth place prizes.

Contact Paul Eckrich for Steak Raffle tickets.

Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to changing the world on child and one community at a time



Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to changing the world on child and one community at a time


Wednesday, March 14 –Andrea Purnell from the St. Louis Art Museum was our guest speaker.

Sixteen members were in attendance

Member of the Week – James Schriefer – joined Kiwanis March 31, 1984. Senior Member, President of South Side 1998. Secretary/Treasurer of South Side 1985-1998, Legion of Honor 2009 and 2014, Steak Raffle Committee

50/50 Winner – Harry Kuhnert

Kiwanis Education Winner – Allan Cordes

Question: In the early days, a Kiwanis member wasn't always referred to as a Kiwanian. Sometimes they might be called a ------?

Answer: Kawaniser

Wednesday, March 21 – Roy Wunsch from Feed My People was our guest speaker.

Thirteen members were in attendance

Member of the Week – Rudi Schwenger – joined November 1, 1967. Senior Member, President 1973, Past Board Member, Legion of Honor 1997, 2002, 2007, 2012 and 2017

Guest – Lt. Governor Rick Kircher & Jeanne McKenna

50/50 Winner – Allan Cordes

Kiwanis Education Winner – Bob Praprotnik

Question: What Kiwanis connection do Elvis Presley, NFL Quarterback Joe Namath, actors Tom Cruse and Brad Pitt and radio deejay Howard Stern all share?

Answer: Members of Kiwanis Key Club

Wednesday, March 28 – Judge Henry from the Judicial Speakers Bureau was our guest speaker.

Fourteen members were in attendance.

Member of the Week – Harold Suda – joined December 1, 1977. Senior Member, President 1992, Past Board Member, Kiwanian of the Year 1989, Hixson Award 2000, Legion of Honor 2002 2007, 2012 and 2017, House Committee

No 50/50 Winner/No Kiwanis Education Winner

Did you know?

Key Club International is Kiwanis' oldest and largest continuing youth-service program. The first Key Club (“for key boys”) was organized by the Kiwanis Club of Sacramento, California, in 1925. The concept of a service club for high school (or secondary students ages 14-18) spread to other Kiwanis clubs, and Key Club became an official program of Kiwanis International in 1942. Today, more than 250,000 young men and women belong to Key Clubs in more than 5,000 high schools throughout the U.S., Canada and a growing number of other nations. Key Club International is run largely by its members, who conduct conventions and elect officers each year at the district and international levels.


April 11 – Affton Community & Business Expo

April 14 – Crestwood/Sunset Hills Kiwanis Mouse Races at Sunset Hills Community Center

April 18 – Chesterfield Kiwanis Club's Prayer Breakfast at DoubleTree Hotel

April 25 – Steak Raffle

April 28 – South County Kiwanis Club's Peanut Day at Dierbergs on Telegraph

May 3 – Bridgeton Kiwanis Club's Prayer Breakfast at Sybergs in Maryland Heights

May 5 – Camp Wyman Gala Night at St. Louis Hyatt Regency

May 7 – Crestwood/Sunset Hills Kiwanis' Golf Tournament at Crescent Farm Golf Club

May 9 – Scholarship Luncheon

May 12 – Affton Chamber of Commerce's Annual BBQ

Kiwanis Objects

Kiwanis club delegates at the 1924 Convention in Denver, Colorado approved the six permanent Objects of Kiwanis International. Some things go out of style over time but through the decades the Kiwanis Objects have remained unchanged. It’s nice to review them occasionally to see if we individually and collectively, as a club, are adhering to them.

  • To give primacy to the human and spiritual rather than to the material values of life.
  • To encourage the daily living of the Golden Rule in all human relationships.
  • To promote the adoption and the application of higher social, business and professional


  • To develop, by precept and example, a more intelligent, aggressive and serviceable


  • To provide through Kiwanis clubs, a practical means to form enduring friendships, to render

altruistic service and to build better communities

  • To cooperate in creating and maintaining that sound public opinion and high idealism which

make possible the increase of righteousness, justice, patriotism and goodwill

Kiwanis International and UNICEF have joined forces to save the lives of babies and their mothers by eliminating maternal/neonatal tetanus (MNT), a disease that kills an estimated 60,000 newborns and 30,000 mothers each year. It is called The ELIMINATE Project. More information is available at and

Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to changing the world on child and one community at a time