1.(a)The licence holder will at all times have with him the relevant badge issued by the licensing authority and shall wear the said badge conspicuously on his outer garment with the coloured side outermost so that the photograph and the whole writing thereon shall be distinctly legible. In addition, the licence holder shall exhibit said badge on demand to any constable or authorised officer of the Licensing Authority and shall not lend or permit any person to use his licence or badge nor shall wilfully damage said licence or badge.

(b)In the event of the suspension by the licensing authority, surrender or revocation of his licence, the Street Trader shall forthwith return his badge to the licensing authority.

2.The Street Trader shall not lend or allow any other person to use his licence or badge.

3.The Street Trader shall not in any way alter, erase, or deface his licence or badge.

4.The Street Trader, when undertaking street trading including food business shall -

(a)provide and maintain in proper working order equipment necessary for the proper cleaning and sterilising of all utensils and vessels used in connection therewith and comply at all times with the requirements of Sections 13 and 56 of the Foods and Drugs (Scotland) Act 1956 as amended from time to time, and

(b)store goods to be used in connection with the food business only in premises approved by the licensing authority or their Environmental Health Officers from time to time.

5.The Street Trader, when using a vehicle, or moveable stall, shall -

(a)not cause or allow the said vehicle, or moveable stall to stand on or within a distance of 16 metres from any pelican or pedestrian crossing;

(b)ensure that at all times the said vehicle or moveable stall can be speedily and easily removed;

(c)ensure that the said vehicle, or moveable stall is in a safe, serviceable and clean condition.

6.The Street Trader shall collect and remove any paper, garbage or other refuse which may accumulate in the course of trading and shall not place or deposit the same or allow the same to be placed or deposited or to fall on any public place or adjoining property, without prejudice to the foregoing generality.

7.The Street Trader shall comply with any order or instruction given by any constable for the prevention of obstruction or annoyance to the public in connection with any emergency or disturbance or on any occasion when such constable in his discretion may consider it necessary, in the public interest to give such order or instruction.

8.A Street Trader shall not carry on business as such within 100 yards of a shop or 25 yards of another Street Trader whose main commodity is that dealt in by the Street Trader.

9.A Street Trader shall not conduct his business for a period exceeding fifteen minutes in any one location.

10.At the conclusion of the fifteen minute period or sooner if the Street Trader decides, then the Street Trader must move to another location not less than fifty yards away and must not return to the original location until sixty minutes have elapsed.

11.Subject to any other limitations within an Order made in terms of the Shops Act 1950 street trading shall cease at 12 midnight.

12.A Street Trader in Groceries is permitted to sell, expose or offer for sale all comestibles including proprietary brands of analgesics (headache powders etc) and toilet cleaning requisites but excluding butchermeat and fish and unwrapped bakery goods. Cigarettes, tobacco, cigarette papers and matches may also be sold.

13.A Street Trader in Ice Cream and Sugar Confectionery is permitted to sell, expose or offer for sale ice cream, chocolate, pre-packed sweets, mineral waters, potato crisps, all types of pre-packed biscuits, proprietary brands of analgesics (headache powders etc), cigarettes, tobacco, cigarette papers and matches.

14.The Street Trader shall not -

(a)at any time use for the purpose of advertising his presence, trade or business any loudspeaker, horn, whistle or other device, so as to give reasonable cause for annoyance to persons in the vicinity.

(b)between the hours of seven in the evening and nine in the morning of the next day use for the purpose of advertising, trade or business any horn, whistle or other device, and

(c)in terms of the Control of Pollution Act 1974 operate a loudspeaker between the hours of seven in the evening and noon the next day and outwith these hours only where it is-

(i)fixed to a vehicle which is being used for the conveyance of a perishable commodity for human consumption;

(ii)operated solely for informing members of the public (otherwise than by means of words) that the commodity is on sale from the vehicle; and

(iii)so operated as not to give reasonable cause for annoyance to persons in the vicinity.

15.Street Traders dealing in fish shall not

(a)deposit ice or any other refuse or allow the same to be placed or deposited or fall on any public place;

(b)keep the engine of the vehicle running when the vehicle is stationary for the purpose of selling or offering for sale fish or other goods; and

(c)drive the vehicle with the rear doors of the vehicle open.

16.The Street Trader shall not employ or appoint for the purpose of street trading within the District any person who does not hold a Street Trader's Licence.

17.The Street Trader making use of a vehicle or stall shall, on receiving the requisite notice in writing from the licensing authority, present his vehicle or moveable stall for inspection as to its continued suitability at such time and place as may be reasonably required by the licensing authority.

18.No person under the age of 18 shall engage or be employed in street trading.

19.The Street Trader shall not sell or expose for sale any article which:-

(a)promotes, or is related to, any organisation which has been proscribed in terms of PartII of, and Schedule 2 to, the Terrorism Act 2000;

(b)contains any material of an offensive, sectarian nature.

20.A trader dealing in street photography, face painting, balloon modellersand wheeled bin cleaners may trade throughout DundeeCity.

21.Street Traders apart from street photographers, face painters, balloon modellersand wheeled bin cleaners are not permitted to trade within that area of the city bounded by Allan Street, Dock Street, Marketgait, Lochee Road, Bell Street, Meadowside, Victoria Road, Victoria Street, Princes Street, King Street, Cowgate, East Port and Seagate.

22.Street Traders apart from street photographers, face painters, balloon modellers and wheeled bin cleaners are not permitted to trade within that area of Broughty Ferry along Esplanade extending from Castle Green in the west to BarnhillBridgein the east.

23.Street Traders dealing in hot foods are not permitted to trade within that area of the city within a one mile radius of the General Post Office, Ward Road.

24.A Street Trader dealing in foodstuffs will require to produce a valid Food Hygiene Certificate issued by Dundee City Council’s Environmental Health Officers for the vehicle/trailer/kiosk to be licensed.

25.For traders selling food, all packaging or utensils for use by customers shall be made of biodegradable or recyclable materials.