Chart 1:
The goal as written: By next annual ARD, given instruction and practice, student will increase orientation skills by mastering 3 out of 4 objectives.
Timeframe:By next annual ARD
What if there are concerns and the ARD is moved way up in the year? Does this give you time to complete the goal?
It is best to use: In ___ (36 is typical) instructional weeks…
Behavior:Increased O&M skills
How do I take data on increased skills? If every year you are “increasing skills” then your goals rarely change, and parents have a right to be concerned as to why the goal has been the same for years…
It is best to use: will use orientation skills related to numbering systems (what you are working on[E1])
Condition: under what conditions?
In this case it appears that you were using multiple environments.
It is best to use: in school, home and community (if you plan to use all 3 environments)
Criteria: by mastering 3 out of 4 objectives…
If you do not expect them to complete all 4 objectives, then why put 4?
It seems that you are asking them to “find locations”.
It is best to use: by finding specific locations
The Goal becomes:
In 36 instructional weeks, student will use orientation skills related to numbering systemsin school, home and communityby finding specific locations.
The Objectives as written:
By the next annual ARD[E2], given instruction and practice, student will utilize numbering systems to remain oriented within a variety of environments in 4/5 opportunities.
By the next annual ARD[E3], given instruction and practice, student will identify a missing address in an address sequence in 1 out of 2 opportunities.
Chart 2:
By May, 2017[E4], with verbal support from TVI, student will create[E5] a typed list of 10 tools needed for preferred job (career path) and possible accommodations needed for tools.
What is the goal, this sounds more like an objective…?
What is the criteria? A typed list??What is the context? Student will research jobs on the internet? Student will visit a job site and identify tools?
The goalcould look like this:
Timeframe: In 24 instructional weeks
Behavior: student will research 3 jobs of interest on the internet
Conditions: using speech and magnification tools on a tablet (we want them to use their tools)
Criteria: and will create a list of tools, education requirements, and occupational outlook all related to specific vision needs as evidenced by completing 3 out of 3 points on a teacher-made rubric (related to use of tablet, keyboarding, and writing conventions).
By end of 1st semester, with verbal support from TVI, student will create a typed list of 5 tools needed to be an airplane mechanic[E6].
By end of 2nd semester, with verbal support from TVI, student will create a list of 5 tools that need to be adapted for his use as an airplane mechanic.
An objective might be:
In 12 instructional weeks student will research 3 jobs of interest on the internet to create a list of specific tools that are used on the job and note accessibility requirements for use of those tools, as evidenced by completing 3 out of 3 points on teacher-made rubric components (related to use of tablet, keyboarding, and writing conventions).
Chart 3:
By the next annual ARD[E7], given his daily tactile calendar, Student will follow a daily routine or sequence of events in 3 out of 5 activities[E8].
By the end first 6 weeks, given his tactile calendar, Student will identify 3 tactual objects by matching symbol to activity location in 3 out of 5 opportunities with one verbal and one physical gesture/prompt.
Chart 4:
In 36 instructional weeks, when given a beginner’s abacus student will perform grade level math (SPECIFY) functions in 4 out of 5 opportunities. –HOW WELL?INDEPENDENTLY[E9]?
By the end of 18 instructional weeks, when given a beginner’s abacus student will set and read whole numbers to 50 (these are not “grade level math functions” as stated above…so you might change that to "identify and learn whole numbers”…in 4 out of 5 opportunities with one verbal prompt.
By the end of 27 instructional weeks, when given a beginner’s abacus, student will Set and read whole numbers to 100 in 4 out of 5 opportunities with one verbal prompt.
Chart 5:
By the next annual ARD[E10], given verbal reminders, student will interact appropriately(?) in social situations with peers (GIVE EXAMPLES OF APPROP.- initiate conversation, respond to peer?), by mastering 3 of the 4 following objectives.( IF IT’S NOT WORTH MEASURING 4, THEN DON’T WRITE 4)….
By the next annual ARD[E11], given 2 tactual prompts, the student will make 2 comments used for “gaining entry” into afamiliar social topic/game, in 4 out of 5 weekly opportunities.
[E1]Try to be specific about the area of O&M you are working on.
[E2]Pick a time frame of 12 weeks or 24 weeks or 36 weeks, etc. Otherwise, well written!
[E4]In ___ instructional weeks,
[E5]Student will research 3 jobs of interest on the internet using speech and magnification tools on a tablet,
[E6]See the rewrite for these below.
[E7]You know the drill…
[E8]There is nothing wrong with this goal and obj.; however, I would assume that you are writing this as a “collaborative IEP” goal along with the teacher…
[E9]By what criteria? Indep?
[E10]You know the drill…