ROOM / Time / Case
Number / Nature of
Hearing /

Monday, 15 June 1998

President of Industrial Court Justice G.N. Williams

10.15 a.m.
M90 / C68/97 / hearing / Appeal by Raymond Betts & Others against decision of Industrial Commission given 30/9/97 in Case B1126/96 (15/6)
2.15 p.m.
L02 / C10/98 / hearing / Appln by QCGA for leave to appeal to a Full Bench of the Commission against decision of Industrial Commission given 20/2/98 in case B110/98 (15/6)
2.15 p.m.
L02 / C9/98 / hearing / Appeal by QCGA against decision of Industrial Commission given 20/2/98 in case B110/98 (15/6)

Full Bench

(Chief Industrial Commissioner D.R. Hall, Commissioner D.A. Swan, Commissioner B.J. Nutter)

10.15 a.m.
LAD / B1249/97 / hearing / Appln by Property Council of Australia & Others to vary the said Order Re: Sunday Trading in the South-East Queensland Corridor (22/8, 28/8, 4/9, 8/9, 9/9*, 13/9, 14/9, 15/9, 16/9, 17/9, 18/9, 19/9*, 20/9, 30/9, 3/10*, 10/11, 11/11, 11/11, 12/11, 13/11, 14/11, 16/11, 22/11, 24/11, 25/11, 26/11, 27/11*, 28/11*, 30/11, 2/2, 3/2, 4/2, 5/2, 6/2, 23/2, 24/2, 25/2, 26/2, 27/2, 4/3, 9/3, 10/3, 11/3, 12/3, 13/3, 16/3, 17/3, 18/3, 19/3, 20/3, 30/3, 31/3, 1/4, 2/4*, 3/4, 6/4, 7/4, 8/4, 9/4*, 27/4, 28/4, 29/4, 30/4, 1/5, 5/5, 6/5, 7/5*, 8/5, 9/6, 10/6, 11/6*, 12/6, 15/6, 16/6*, 17/6*, 18/6, 19/6, 14/9, 15/9, 16/9, 17/9, 18/9, 21/9, 22/9, 23/9, 24/9, 25/9, 5/10, 6/10, 7/10, 8/10, 9/10, 12/10, 13/10, 14/10, 15/10, 16/10, 26/10, 27/10, 28/10, 29/10, 30/10, 2/11, 3/11, 4/11, 5/11, 6/11)

Full Bench

(Commissioner R.E. Bechly only)

10.00 a.m.
S30 / B734/96 / report back hearing / BAKERS AND PASTRYCOOKS CARTERS' AWARD - SOUTHERN DIVISION (15/6)
10.00 a.m.
S30 / B735/96 / report back hearing / MILK INDUSTRY TRANSPORT AWARD - SOUTHERN DIVISION (15/6)
10.00 a.m.
S30 / B736/96 / report back hearing / MOTOR DRIVERS, ETC., AWARD - SOUTHERN DIVISION (15/6)

Chief Industrial Commissioner D.R. Hall

9.30 a.m.
M60 / B820/95 / for mention / Lynne Orelle Murray v Meadowbrook Child Care Centre - Dismissal (17/12, 17/4, 6/5, 15/6)
3.00 p.m.
NTR M60 / B894/98 / telephone conference / Leeza Roberts v Vox Retail Group (Chandlers) Tweed City - Dismissal (5/6, 15/6)

Commissioner K.L. Edwards

9.15 a.m.
S15 / B183/97 / further prelim. tele hearing / Beris Anning v Aboriginal Outreach Programme - Dismissal (19/3, 27/5, 14/7, 24/7, 28/7*, 29/7*, 10/10, 20/11, 21/11, 26/5, 11/6*, 15/6)
9.45 a.m.
S15 / CA248/98 / hearing / QUEENSLAND BREWERIES - CERTIFIED AGREEMENT 1998 (15/6)
10.15 a.m.
NTR M60 / B873/98 / telephone conference / Tina Johnson v Mount Isa Irish Association - Dismissal (15/6)
11.15 a.m.
NTR M60 / B607/98 / conference / Walter Brown v Valentines Licensed Buffet Restaurants Aust - Dismissal (26/5*, 15/6)
12.15 p.m.
NTR M60 / B874/98 / conference / Matthew Medcalf v Headway Gold Coast Inc. - Dismissal (15/6)

Commissioner G.K. Fisher

10.00 a.m.
M90 / D141/98 / telephone conference / Dispute between AWU and Toowoomba City Council Re: correct level of wages for rangers (15/6)

Commissioner R.E. Bechly

11.00 a.m.
NTR M60 / B906/98 / conference / Philippa Uren v Lane Labs Manufacturing Pty Ltd - Dismissal (15/6)

Commissioner D.A. Swan

3.00 p.m.
NTR M60 / B638/98 / conference / Susan Grant v Ian Clunies Ross Memorial Foundation - Dismissal (15/6)

Commissioner B.J. Nutter

8.30 a.m.
NTR M60 / B671/98 / conference / Roger Kearney v Resene Paints (Australia) Limited - Dismissal (4/6*, 15/6)
9.00 a.m.
S30 / B746/98 / report back hearing / BOND UNIVERSITY (ENGLISH LANGUAGE INSTITUTE) AWARD 1998 (11/5*, 29/5, 15/6, 29/6, 30/6, 3/7)

Commissioner A.L. Bloomfield

Cairns - Court House

11.30 a.m.
LAD / B1911/97 / hearing / Linda Guthrie v Cairns TAFE Community Child Care Centre - Dismissal (27/1, 2/2*, 24/3, 14/5, 15/6, 16/6, 17/6, 18/6, 19/6)

Commissioner D.B. Baldwin

9.00 a.m.
LAD / B1903/97 / hearing / Graham Allen v Chubb Protective Services - Dismissal (15/1*, 25/2, 30/4, 15/6, 16/6)

Commissioner B.J. Blades

9.00 a.m.
NTR M60 / B867/98 / telephone conference / Michelle Lobwein v Gympie Village Pharmacy (Peter Klarie) - Dismissal (15/6)
10.00 a.m.
NTR M60 / B871/98 / conference / Darryn Wilds v Autobarn Slacks Creek - Dismissal (15/6)
11.30 a.m.
M60 / B337/98 / preliminary hearing / Adrian Murray Le Loux v Sungate Pty Ltd trading as Crazy Clark's Discount Variety Stores - Dismissal (19/3, 16/4, 13/5, 29/5, 15/6, 1/7, 2/7)
1.30 p.m.
NTR M60 / B870/98 / telephone conference / Barry Dwyer v Booringa Shire Council - Dismissal (15/6)
2.30 p.m.
NTR M60 / B872/98 / conference / Tracey O'Connor v Queensland ITeC Ltd, Logan Division - Dismissal (15/6)

Tuesday, 16 June 1998

President of Industrial Court Justice G.N. Williams

10.15 a.m.
M90 / C54/97 / hearing / Appeal by AWU against decision of Industrial Commission given 18/8/97 in case B269/97 (16/6)
2.15 p.m.
M90 / C21/98 / hearing / Appln. by CFMEU for Leave To Appeal to the Full Bench of the Commission against decision of Commission given on 30/3/98 in case B526/98 (16/6)
2.15 p.m.
M90 / C22/98 / hearing / Appln. by BLF for Leave To Appeal to the Full bench of the Commission against decision of Commission given on 30/3/98 in case B526/98 (16/6)

Commissioner K.L. Edwards

Victoria Mill, Ingham

2.30 p.m.
LAD / D378/97 / resumed conference / Dispute between CSR Ltd Sugar Mills Group Victoria Mill and ETU Re: permanent manning numbers of electricians (5/11, 28/11, 26/2, 12/3, 16/6)

Commissioner G.K. Fisher

10.00 a.m.
NTR M60 / B833/98 / conference / Heather Haynes v Drs. Sullivan & Nicolaides - Dismissal (16/6)

Commissioner R.E. Bechly

10.00 a.m.
NTR M60 / B757/98 / telephone conference / Richard Plant v Goondiwindi Rugby League Football Club Inc - Dismissal (16/6)
11.00 a.m.
NTR M60 / B886/98 / conference / Robert Foster v Leo Muller Motors - Dismissal (16/6)
12.00 p.m.
NTR M60 / B643/98 / conference / Kerstin Schulz v St Paul's College - Dismissal (2/6*, 3/6*, 16/6)
12.00 p.m.
NTR M60 / B656/98 / conference / Lynne Freudigmann v St Paul's College - Dismissal (3/6*, 16/6)
12.00 p.m.
NTR M60 / B657/98 / conference / Leah Cavaye v St Paul's College - Dismissal (3/6*, 16/6)
2.00 p.m.
NTR M60 / B887/98 / conference / Gary Taylor v Clontarf Beach State School - Dismissal (16/6)
3.00 p.m.
NTR M60 / B817/98 / telephone conference / James Daniel v Frost Enterprises Pty Ltd - Dismissal (28/5*, 16/6)

Commissioner D.A. Swan

8.30 a.m.
NTR M60 / B639/98 / conference / John Teichmann v Crystal Distributors - Dismissal (16/6)

Commissioner B.J. Nutter

8.30 a.m.
M60 / D478/96 / resumed conference / Dispute between SPSFQ and TAFE Queensland Re: Non-payment of wages. (20/12, 27/3, 16/6)

Commissioner A.L. Bloomfield

1.45 p.m.

Commissioner D.B. Baldwin

9.00 a.m.
LAD / B1903/97 / hearing / Graham Allen v Chubb Protective Services - Dismissal (15/1*, 25/2, 30/4, 15/6, 16/6)

Commissioner B.J. Blades

9.00 a.m.
NTR M60 / B844/98 / conference / Raymond Duxbury v Wesfarmers Kleenheat Gas Pty Ltd - Dismissal (11/6*, 16/6)
10.00 a.m.
NTR M60 / B875/98 / telephone conference / Bradley Stubbs v Business Marketing Pty Ltd T/A Big Colour Pages - Dismissal (16/6)
11.30 a.m.
NTR M60 / B879/98 / conference / Stanley Sohasky v Coomera River Nursery Queensland - Dismissal (16/6)
2.30 p.m.
NTR M60 / B885/98 / conference / John Alexander Woods v Midpoint Security Pty Ltd - Dismissal (16/6)

Wednesday, 17 June 1998

President of Industrial Court Justice G.N. Williams

10.15 a.m.
LAD / C29/98 / hearing / Appln by Graham Lee for Interim orders that Melvin McDonald be reinstated by Formwell Qld Pty Ltd (5/5, 17/6, 18/6, 19/6)

Chief Industrial Commissioner D.R. Hall

9.30 a.m.
M45 / B2304/96 / hearing / Brendan Vine v Queensland Master Builders Association, Industrial Organisation of Employers - Dismissal (28/2, 17/6)
10.00 a.m.
NTR S30 / B1062/96 / call over hearing / Basil Kakasiouris v Stanbroke Pastoral Company Pty Ltd - Dismissal (5/8, 17/6)
10.00 a.m.
NTR S30 / B181/98 / call over hearing / Albert Norley v Nambour Hospital - Dismissal (16/4, 17/6)
10.00 a.m.
NTR S30 / B2135/97 / call over hearing / Peter John Andrews v Cheapa Auto Spares (Oxenford) Pty Ltd, Cheapa Auto Spares (Ashmore) Pty Ltd - Dismissal (24/2*, 5/3, 17/6)
10.00 a.m.
NTR S30 / B2140/97 / call over hearing / Christopher Brace v Imperial Vistas Pty Ltd T/A Southport Radiators - Dismissal (4/3, 9/3*, 17/6)
10.00 a.m.
NTR S30 / B219/98 / call over hearing / Richard Plumb v Queensland Health - Central West District - Dismissal (19/3*, 23/3*, 24/3, 21/4*, 11/5*, 19/5, 17/6)
10.00 a.m.
NTR S30 / B2306/97 / call over hearing / Philip Geoffrey Shapcott v GEC Alsthom Australia Limited t/a Network Solutions - Dismissal (30/3, 17/6)
10.00 a.m.
NTR S30 / B293/96 / call over hearing / Malcolm MacFarlane v Integrity Insurances Pty Ltd T/A Elm Financial Services - Dismissal (21/8, 17/6)
10.00 a.m.
NTR S30 / B296/98 / call over hearing / Robert Hagan v Special Collections - Dismissal (18/3, 17/6)
10.00 a.m.
NTR S30 / B315/98 / call over hearing / Stephan George Boyson v SIP Australia Pty Ltd - Dismissal (19/3, 13/5, 17/6)
10.00 a.m.
NTR S30 / B321/98 / call over hearing / Raymond George Donald v Ocean Spirit Cruises Pty Ltd - Dismissal (22/4, 17/6)
10.00 a.m.
NTR S30 / B341/98 / call over hearing / David Anderson v Deco Star - Dismissal (24/4*, 13/5, 17/6)
10.00 a.m.
NTR S30 / B425/98 / call over hearing / Carol Cardamone v Cofordo 220 Pty Ltd T/A Calvary Pharmacy - Dismissal (22/4, 17/6)
10.00 a.m.
NTR S30 / B640/98 / call over hearing / Cassandra Lynne v Diatech Coatings - Dismissal (13/5, 17/6)
10.00 a.m.
NTR S30 / B677/98 / call over hearing / Linda Kirk v Pauls Limited - Dismissal (5/5, 17/6)
10.00 a.m.
NTR S30 / B889/98 / call over hearing / Gayle Rush v Adecco - Dismissal (17/6)

Commissioner K.L. Edwards

9.30 a.m.
LAD / B2252/97 / hearing / Stacey Veselis v Bjorn Oudolf, Sherwood Pharmacy - Dismissal (23/3, 30/4, 17/6)
12.30 p.m.

Commissioner G.K. Fisher

11.30 a.m.
NTR M60 / B636/98 / telephone conference / Katrina Norris v Tim's Surf N Turf - Dismissal (17/6)
2.00 p.m.
NTR M60 / B760/98 / telephone conference / Rowan Blizzard v Reelaw Pty Ltd T/A Bank Niteclub - Dismissal (17/6)

Commissioner R.E. Bechly

10.00 a.m.
NTR M60 / B903/98 / telephone conference / Fiona Roberts v Dr. H.C. Thelen - Dismissal (17/6)
11.00 a.m.
NTR M60 / B891/98 / conference / Colin Desforges v Winning Edge Australia Pty Ltd T/A Winning Edge Personnel - Dismissal (17/6)
12.00 p.m.
NTR M60 / B909/98 / telephone conference / J. Adam Ryan v Federal Express (Aust) Pty Ltd - Dismissal (17/6)
2.00 p.m.
NTR M60 / B893/98 / conference / Peter Shave v Hickman Pest Control - Dismissal (17/6)
3.00 p.m.
NTR M60 / B910/98 / conference / Lawrence Dwyer v Alsynite Pty Limited T/A Alsynite Building Products - Dismissal (17/6)

Commissioner D.A. Swan

9.00 a.m.
9.15 a.m.
S15 / CA93/98 / resumed hearing / THE QUEENSLAND COUNCIL OF CARERS INC. - CERTIFIED AGREEMENT 1998 (19/3, 17/6)

Commissioner B.J. Nutter

10.00 a.m.
NTR M60 / B969/98 / telephone conference / Raymond Benn v Ace Fabrications Pty Ltd - Dismissal (17/6)
11.00 a.m.
NTR M60 / B979/98 / conference / Garry Hunter v The Smith's Snackfood Company Ltd - Dismissal (17/6)
2.00 p.m.
NTR M60 / B972/98 / telephone conference / Darrell Lee v Caloundra City Council - Dismissal (17/6)

Commissioner A.L. Bloomfield

Cairns - Court House

10.00 a.m.
LAD / B1911/97 / hearing / Linda Guthrie v Cairns TAFE Community Child Care Centre - Dismissal (27/1, 2/2*, 24/3, 14/5, 15/6, 16/6, 17/6, 18/6, 19/6)

Commissioner D.B. Baldwin

Proserpine - Court House

12.00 p.m.
LAD / B2112/97 / hearing / Jill Nichols v Whitsunday Women's Services Inc. - Dismissal (10/3, 30/4, 17/6, 18/6, 19/6)

Commissioner B.J. Blades

Southport - Court Complex

10.30 a.m.
LAD / B465/98 / hearing / Reg Morris v Gold Coast City Council - Dismissal (25/3, 14/5, 17/6, 18/6)

Thursday, 18 June 1998

President of Industrial Court Justice G.N. Williams

10.15 a.m.
LAD / C29/98 / hearing / Appln by Graham Lee for Interim orders that Melvin McDonald be reinstated by Formwell Qld Pty Ltd (5/5, 17/6, 18/6, 19/6)

Full Bench

(Chief Industrial Commissioner D.R. Hall, Commissioner D.A. Swan, Commissioner B.J. Nutter)

10.15 a.m.
LAD / B1249/97 / hearing / Appln by Property Council of Australia & Others to vary the said Order Re: Sunday Trading in the South-East Queensland Corridor (22/8, 28/8, 4/9, 8/9, 9/9*, 13/9, 14/9, 15/9, 16/9, 17/9, 18/9, 19/9*, 20/9, 30/9, 3/10*, 10/11, 11/11, 11/11, 12/11, 13/11, 14/11, 16/11, 22/11, 24/11, 25/11, 26/11, 27/11*, 28/11*, 30/11, 2/2, 3/2, 4/2, 5/2, 6/2, 23/2, 24/2, 25/2, 26/2, 27/2, 4/3, 9/3, 10/3, 11/3, 12/3, 13/3, 16/3, 17/3, 18/3, 19/3, 20/3, 30/3, 31/3, 1/4, 2/4*, 3/4, 6/4, 7/4, 8/4, 9/4*, 27/4, 28/4, 29/4, 30/4, 1/5, 5/5, 6/5, 7/5*, 8/5, 9/6, 10/6, 11/6*, 12/6, 15/6, 16/6*, 17/6*, 18/6, 19/6, 14/9, 15/9, 16/9, 17/9, 18/9, 21/9, 22/9, 23/9, 24/9, 25/9, 5/10, 6/10, 7/10, 8/10, 9/10, 12/10, 13/10, 14/10, 15/10, 16/10, 26/10, 27/10, 28/10, 29/10, 30/10, 2/11, 3/11, 4/11, 5/11, 6/11)

Commissioner K.L. Edwards