President- Nicki Taylor: I attended the Executive Committee meeting for the University Senate. Please talk to me if you have any questions.

EVP- Nolan Miles: On December 3rd, we will have our annual Dining with Decision Makers. I have been working on planning that event, and we will attend a basketball game with our guests afterward.

AVP- Liz Koehler: Please look over the budget and the papers that you picked up before the meeting. I will address these later on in the meeting.

Speaker of the Senate-Jay Todd Richey: Make sure that you attend your committee meetings. It is possible for you to join more than one committee if you would like to.

Chief of Staff- Seth Church: I am working on getting a recycling bin in the SGA Office currently. I am also working on having a representative help us with Safe Space training at the end of our retreat.

Director of Public Relations- KJ Hall: We now have Senate Seconds, a very informal newsletter about events that we will be hosting and campus events.

Director of Academic and Student Affairs- Barrett Greenwell: All the scholarship applications are due on October 17th. Over the coming weeks, we will start grading those.

Director of Information Technology- Sarah Hazelip: All the bills and resolutions are up-to-date and the minutes are up-to-date.

Academic Affairs- Josh Knight: My committee, please meet with me after senate.

Campus Improvements- Tyler Scaff: Dr. Ransdell has donated his salary increase in response to our resolution last year urging him to do so. PTS is currently looking into getting more bikes for student access at cheap rates. Bike lanes, lockers, and additional security for bike locks are currently being explored by PTS. We need more members for the Public Relations committee as well.

Legislative Research- Paige Settles: Beth and Liz please see me after the meeting to discuss your bills for next week.

Public Relations- James Line: Everyone on my committee please meet with us after senate.

Student Affairs- Kasey Glasgow: Applications for scholarships are due on October 17th.

University Committee Reports:

Chief of Staff- Seth Church:

Chief Justice- Kara Raley: No report.


Student Speakers:

Zachary Jones discussed last week’s meeting to bring sand volleyball courts to campus.

Liz Koehler addressed the state of the current budget.

Nicki Taylor explained the Executive Action, “Establishment of a Special Cultural and Diversity Affairs Committee,” which will establish the new ad-hoc Cultural and Diversity Affairs Committee.

The Senate passed the Executive Action.

Bill 7-14-F passed.

Friendly amendment to Resolution 4-14-F:

· The second and third lines of the third Whereas Clause amended from “University officials from praying sectarian prayers in their role as a University official” to “the use of sectarian prayers at University-sponsored events.”

Motion passed to table discussion on Resolution 4-14-F to next week.

Meeting adjourned at 6:07pm.