PRESIDENT Alan R. Macdonald(617-901-0545) Jeff Brown

Robert Fitz, Jr.

VICE David Parr Frank Barry

PRESIDENT Benjamin Marra

SECRETARY Michael Kass Richard Cutts

Thomas Brophy

TREASURER William H. Wilderman – 617-212-8186

Mailing Box 52 Association

Website: Address: c/o William H. Wilderman PO Box 848

Medford, Ma. 02155-0009

General Order # 1,002 September, 2014

September 2014 Meeting

DATE: Friday,Sept. 19, 2014



TIME: 1830 Hours Apparatus & FEMA Display

1930 Hours Meeting

PROGRAM: Mr. James Regan, noted Chicago fire

photographer will present a program on

fires and apparatus of Chicago.


Take Route 128 north towards Gloucester. Get off on Exit 20 (Route 1A North). After you go under Route 128 take the first left at the light onto Conant Street. Go approximately 1/4 mile and take a right (Route 97 North) at the lights. Take Route 97 North for about 1 mile. On your left there will be a sign for BeverlyAirport (L.P. Henderson Road). Turn onto L.P. Henderson Road. The first driveway on your right will go through a gate and into a former Army NIKE base. Go straight through the gate to the rear of the NIKE base. The training site is next to the large new building with the American Flag flying.

Welcome Back

Seems that the summer, or lack of summer has come and gone so, here we are ready to start our 102nd year!

The Board has worked to put another great season together for the Membership to enjoy.

May Meeting

Chief David Traiforos presented another great show on Detroit fires and the problems encountered by the DFD in dealing with the problems encountered in such an economically depressed area. All attending were stunned by the conditions encountered in Detroit.

Annual Dues

Your Annual dues bill and return envelope are enclosed with this General Order. Please make every effort to pay in a prompt manner. If you are having a problem paying, please see Bill Wilderman, or any member of the Board.

Guest Speaker

James Regan is a Registered Fire Protection Engineer and has been photographing apparatus for over thirty-five years. His interests include apparatus and fireground photography, tactics, hydraulics, and water supply. He has an extensive library of fire related topics including a collection of WNYF that dates back to 1956. His slide collection encompasses over 20,000 slides of fires, apparatus, and other fire related topics. Jim is an Honorary New York City Battalion Chief, and Department Photographer of the Western Springs, IL, Fire Department. The CFD operates a fleet of approximately 500 vehicles. There are 99 engine companies, 60 ladder companies, 4 squads, and over 30 special units that include hose wagons, light wagons, airport crash apparatus, smoke ejectors, communications vehicles, and several unusual, one-of-a-kind special units. Also in service are 24 battalions, 7 division chiefs, and 59 ALS ambulances.

Good and Welfare

Condolences are extended to Members Frank San Severino on the passing of his mother-in-law Louise Tricarico, Paul Romano on the passing of his father Peter Romano, and Frank Twiss on the passing of his mother Eleanor.Condolences are extended to the family of Exempt member Edmund Girard who passed away in June. May they all rest in peace.

Member Steve Walsh is back to work after lengthy medical issues

Member Rick Conway is back to duty after a medical issue over the summer.

Member Frank Fitzgerald has been dealing with a few medical issues

The Boston Buffing community lost two good friends. On August 2nd when retired Weston Firefighter and long time buff Arthur ‘Dub’ Hallowell passed away. Noted fire apparatus photographer and retired Hopkinton Fire Lt. Richard ‘Dick’Bartlett also passed after a brief illness.

Congratulations to Kenneth Beliveau who retired as a Captain from the East Hartford, CT. Fire Department on August 13th after 35 years of service.

Line Box Schedule

The Line Box will be published in October and December 2014, and February and April 2015. The staff is always looking for photos of incidents, apparatus and either stories or ideas for stories. Please send all materials to the /

Bells & Boxes

On the 42nd anniversary of the tragic Vendome Fire on June 17thBoston ceased the transmission of box alarms over the radio. This order was reversed and the boxes are back being transmitted as of August 26th at 0800 hrs.

September 2014 Meeting-Friday September 19th-Note the time change to 1830 hours for apparatus and equipment display and the meeting will begin at 1930 hours!

By Order Of the President Newsletter Editor

Alan Macdonald Frank San Severino