Job Description: Teacher ~ Cayley Primary School

Post Title: Class Teacher


Name of Post Holder:

This job description outlines duties which are in addition to those detailed in the duties of a school teacher as set out in the School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions document.

Job Purpose and Accountability

Teachers make the education of their pupils their first concern, and are accountable for achieving the highest possible standards in work and conduct. Teachers act with honesty and integrity; have strong subject knowledge, keep their knowledge and skills as teachers up-to-date and are self-critical; forge positive professional relationships; and work with parents in the best interests of their pupils. (Teachers’ Standards 2012)

To provide leadership and management of:

a)a class/teaching team in order to secure high quality learning and teaching throughout that class/team enabling all pupils to achieve their potential

Responsible to: -All staff are responsible to the Headteacher

-Your immediate responsibility is to your Line Manager:


  1. To facilitate and encourage learning in a stimulating environment, which enables pupils to achieve high standards, and to share and support the corporate responsibility for well-being, education, discipline, safety and safeguarding of all pupil
  1. To raise all concerns regarding the behaviour progress or welfare of any learner with the appropriately identified person
  1. To uphold the school’s principles and policies which underpin good practice and the raising of standards, and also to uphold and promote the school’s aims, values and professional behaviours
  1. To participate fully with arrangements for Performance Management in order to review the effectiveness of your practice and its impact on pupils’ progress, attainment and well being
  1. To be responsible for your own continuous professional development and participate fully in training and development opportunities identified by the school or as an outcome of your performance management
  1. To support the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) in monitoring pupil attainment within the class/team so that pupil attainment targets are met
  1. To support the SLT in monitoring teaching and learning within the class/team so that the school’s target for at least 85% of teaching to be Good or better is achieved. Your teaching must be consistently at least “Good”.
  1. To support the SLT in overseeing curriculum delivery within the class/team to ensure coverage, progression & continuity
  1. To collaborate with colleagues to facilitate transition between classes/phases
  1. To build partnerships with parents and carers of pupils so that they fully understand and support the school in its work with pupils
  1. To be committed to inclusive school practices and equality of opportunity so that all members of the school community are able to fulfil their potential and participate fully in school life
  1. Ensure that colleagues working with you are appropriately involved in supporting learning and understand the roles and responsibilities they are expected to fulfil
  1. To work in collaboration with governors and other stakeholders and external agencies
  1. To work alongside the SLT in leading and managing the school in order to secure continued school improvement
  1. To share responsibility with other colleagues for the overall smooth-running and efficiency of the school
  1. To perform any reasonable duties as requested by the Headteacher

Specific Responsibility:

Signed (Employee)______Date______

Signed (Headteacher)______Date______

Class teacher Selection Criteria:


  1. Qualified teacher status or equivalent


  1. Teaching experience with the age range and/or subject(s) applying for

Knowledge and skills

The ability to effectively

  1. Create a stimulating and safe learning environment
  2. Establish and maintain a purposeful working atmosphere
  3. Plan, prepare and deliver the learning activities as relevant to the age and ability group/subject that you teach, other relevant initiatives and the school’s own policies
  4. Assess and record the progress of pupils’ learning to inform next steps and monitor progress
  5. Teach using a wide range of teaching strategies to meet differing learning styles
  6. Demonstrate a commitment to inclusion and equal opportunities and use a variety of strategies and practices to promote equality issues in the classroom
  7. Use a variety of strategies to maximise achievement for all children including those with special educational needs and high achievers
  8. Encourage children in developing self-esteem and respect for others
  9. Successfully deploy a wide range of effective behaviour management strategies
  10. Communicate both verbally and in writing, to a range of audiences
  11. Make professional use of ICT


Demonstrate a commitment to:

  1. Promoting parental and local community involvement
  2. Working as part of a team with both teaching and support staff
  3. The outcomes of the Every Child Matters agenda
  4. Furthering your own professional, skills, knowledge and abilities
  5. Promoting and safeguarding the welfare of children and young people within the school