“Preserving, Sustaining and Growing the Urban Forest”
March 10-12, 2014
Capitol Plaza Hotel and Convention Center, Jefferson City, MO
An Invitation to Exhibitors/Sponsors
You are invited to participate as a commercial exhibitor or sponsor at the MCFC State Conference “Preserving, Sustaining, and Growing the Urban Forest”. This year’s conference will take place March 10-12, 2014 at the Capitol Plaza Hotel and Convention Center, 415 W. McCarty Street, Jefferson City, MO.
The Missouri Community Forestry Council is a non-profit organization that helps to promote sound urban forestry practices throughout the state. A strong group of municipal foresters, arborists, horticulturist, nurseryman, non-profit organizations, and other professionals from Missouri and surrounding states will be in attendance. This conference is an excellent opportunity to increase visibility for your company, while being associated with supporting the professional network of community forestry in Missouri and surrounding states.
Introduce Your Company’s Name and Services
Exhibitor booths will be located in the break/silent auction room. A table, two chairs, and table skirt are provided, and electrical outlets are available if ordered, along with one conference registration with all breaks, meals, and the Awards Luncheon. In addition, the names of all participating exhibitors registered by February 1, 2014 will be printed in the conference program. There will be several designated times to showcase your products and services while you mingle with conference attendees:
Monday, March 10
10am – 1:00pm Registration- withexhibitors and silent auction bidding
2:30 – 3:00BREAK – withexhibitors and silent auction bidding
4:30 – 11:00 Prison tour/Social –Dinner at Prison Brews
Tuesday, March 11
7:00 – 8:00amBreakfast - with exhibitorsand silent auction bidding
10:00 – 10:30BREAK –with exhibitors and silent auction bidding
11:30 – 1:30pmMCFC Awards Luncheon
2:30 – 3:00BREAK – with exhibitors and silent auction bidding
4:45 – 6:00Social with exhibitors
Wednesday, March 12
7:00 – 8:00Breakfast – with exhibitors and silent auction bidding
8:00 – 10:00Exhibitor breakdown
Opportunities for Sponsorship
Sponsor a conference break, lunch, or event – An exhibitor supporting these activities will be announced as an outstanding donor at the beginning of each event with signage of the company name in a prominent view. See the registration form to designate you sponsorship.
Donate items for prize drawings of the silent auction to increase interest in your products and services. Please list these items on the registration form.
Please make checks payable to MCFC and mail to:
Sarah Crocker
PO Box180 Jefferson City, MO 65102
To pay for sponsorship/exhibitor space electronically with a credit card, please go to
and click on conference information
- All cancellations must be submitted in writing and postmarked by February 15th to be eligible for refund. A ten percent administrative fee will be deducted on all refunds.
- Hotel reservations must be made directly with Capitol Plaza Hotel and Convention Center, 415 W. McCarty St. Jefferson City, MO 65101. MCFC conference group rates are $99(King bed) and $109 Suite (King bed and pull-out sofa), and must be made by February 1st to receive the group rate (make sure you mention “MCFC”). Reservations may be made by calling 573-635-1234or online at: and selecting the dates entering block code 140309MOC in the promo code box.
Directions to Hotel are available at:
(Please Print)
Address______City, State, Zip______
Exhibit SpaceIncludes one regular conference registration with all breaks, meals, tour, and Awards Luncheon / □ $350
Add extra booth space for larger items greater than 8 ft. by 8ft booth / □ $150
Add an electrical outlet / □ $10
Extra Awards luncheon ticket / □ $40
Extra tour and dinner at State Penitentiary and Prison Brews $20 each / □ ____total
Sponsorship: *see other side for a list of specific events and to donate items to or silent auction
- Co-Sponsor for Break, Meal, or Tour
- Exhibitor space and 2 conference registration with meals, Awards Luncheon, and breaks □ $750
- Recognition at your sponsored event(s)
- Signs displaying your company name
- Recognition in the conference program as a Co-Sponsor
- Exclusive Sponsor for a Break, Meal, Field Tour or Co-Sponsor for Evening Social
- Exhibitor Space and 2 conference registration with meals, Awards Luncheon and breaks
- Recognition at your Sponsored event(s) □ $1,500
- Signs displaying your company name
- Recognition in the conference program as an Exclusive Sponsor
- Exclusive Sponsor for Awards Luncheon or Evening Social
- Exhibitor space and 2 conference registrations with meals, Awards Luncheon, and breaks
- Recognition at sponsored event and all other events that are not exclusively sponsored □ $3,000+
- Signs displaying your company name
- Recognition in the conference program as a Platinum Sponsor
- Your Logo on all conference media
Total Amount Due (payment must be received by Feb. 1st)
Special dietary needs (please be specific):
Sponsor an Event!
- Breakfast – March 11th, 12th
- Break – March 10th (1), 11th (2), 12th (1)
- Prison Tour/Social at Prison Brews – March 10th (Gold or Platinum Sponsor only)
- Awards Luncheon – March 11th (Platinum Sponsor only)
- Social with Exhibitors March 11th (Gold or Platinum sponsor only)
- Events are Sponsored on a first come basis; Please contact Austin Lampe for Event availability.
This year the facility allows for items that fit under a 14 foot ceiling to be displayed inside. Items that require more than a 8x8 space may need to purchase additional exhibit space. No equipment with fuel or motor oil in them are allowed in doors, but there will be space available outdoors for equipment. If the facility is damaged by the movement of your equipment, you will be billed for the repair.
Contact Austin Lampe
Shipping and Receiving of boxes and packages is available from the hotel. All arrangements should be made with the hotel for your deliveries.
Would you like to donate to our silent auction?
Item Description and Estimated Value: ______