/ 제39차 대한심부전학회 춘계 학술대회
The 39th Scientific Meeting of the Korean Society of Heart Failure
March 30 (Fri) –31 (Sat), 2018 l Conrad Seoul, Seoul, Korea
Importants Dates
Abstract Submission DeadlineMarch 4, 2018
Abstract Acceptance NoticeMarch 9, 2018
Submission & Contact
TEL +82-2-3275-5335 FAX +82-2-3275-5336 EMAIL
*All abstracts should be submitted by e-mail only.

Presenting AuthorInformation

Title * / □Prof. □Dr. □Mr. □Ms. □M.D. □Ph.D. □Others( )
First Name *
Last Name *
국문 이름 (Korean Only)
Organization * / ( Hospital, Institute, University )
Dept. * / e.g.) Dept. of Radiology

Corresponsing Author Information

(If the presenting author is corresponsding author, it is unnecessary to fill up the below.)

Country/City *
Title * / □Prof. □Dr. □Mr. □Ms. □M.D. □Ph.D. □Others( )
First Name *
Last Name *
국문 이름 (Korean Only)
Organization * / ( Hospital, Institute, University )
Dept. * / e.g.) Dept. of Radiology


Abstract Type* / Abstract Case study
* The case study may contain any format that the authors prefer. There are no suggested formats for the case study.
- Abstract must be text only and written in English.
- Every body of the abstract should be written in this form; Background, Objectives, Methods, Results and Conclusions.
- The case study may contain any format that the authors prefer. There are no suggested formats for the case study.
- An optional Figure to support abstracts may be included in your submission. The figure must be captured in a single jpg file.
-Abstracts will be published as submitted; i.e. any error appearing in the submitted abstract will appear in the published abstract book.
- Abstract Title should appear in bold.
- The presenting author’s name should be underlined.
Title of abstract
First author’s name1,second author’s name2, third author’s name1
(The presenting author’s name should be underlined.)
1Author’s Affiation, 2 Author’s Affiation
(Affliations should include the institution, city and country)