Fall 2013 Meeting Information
September 27–29, 2013
Marriott Courtyard Paducah West
Registration fee: $10.00 ($3.00 for students)
Friday, 27 September (all times CDT)
6:00 p.m.Registration opens at the Lodge
7:00 p.m.The Friday evening program begins with a Bird Quiz with Steve Kistler. Burt Monroe Grant recipient and EKU student John Ryan Polascik will give a presentation on his research with the title "Using riparian bird communities to predict disturbance in Kentucky's forested floodplain wetlands.", and KOS member Hap Chambers will present a program with the title “Avian productivity, eleven years of banding.”
A social hour with refreshments will follow; a time for catching up.
Saturday,28 September (all times CDT)
8:00 a.m.Field trips will depart from the motel parking lot. Three field trips are planned. Details of these trips will be posted to BIRDKY the week prior to the meeting.
2:00 p.m.Board of Directors meeting at the motel.
7:00 p.m.Saturday evening program willbe preceded by some business includingannual election, vote on a minor change to the Society bylaws, and compilation of the species tally for the day.
Evening program:Nate Swick will present Birding in the Age of the Internet. In his presentation, Nate will explore the ways in which the pervasiveness of online resources and social media have changed the way we bird, and whether that's a good thing.
Nate Swick has been the editor of the ABA Blog since 2011, and a long-time member of the bird blogosphere. He has long beenfascinated by the intersection of birding and online communities. Nate is the eBird reviewer for North Carolina and works as an interpretive naturalist and environmental educator for several non-profit groups. He lives in Greensboro, North Carolina, with his wife and young son.
Sunday, 29 September (all times CDT)
8:00 a.m.Field trips will again depart from the motel parking lot, and details will be posted on BIRDKY the week prior to the meeting.
Fall Meeting Accommodations
The block of rooms held for KOS members at the Marriott Courtyard Paducah West, 3835 Technology Drive(US 60, Exit #4off I-24) (270-442-3600) willbe released onSeptember 5th;however members can still book rooms based on availability. The KOSgroup rate is $89.00 +tax per night.Other lodging options are numerous and include:
Thrifty Inn1-800-992-2694
America’s Best Value Inn1-888-315-2378
FernLake Campground1-270-444-7939
Future Meetings
Spring 2014 / CumberlandFallsStateResortPark / April 25-27Fall 2014 / LakeBarkleyStateResortPark / September 19-21
Slate of Officers
The fall meeting serves as the Society’s Annual Meeting. The Nominating Committee, chaired by Steve Kistler, will present the following slate of officers for 2013-2014for approval by the membership at the Saturday night meeting:
President: Steve Kistler (Munfordville)
Vice-President: Pat Bell (Louisville)
Treasurer: Lee McNeeley (Burlington)
Corresp. Secretary: Brainard Palmer Ball, Jr. (Louisville)
Recording Secretary: Blaine Ferrell (Bowling Green)
Councillor (1 yr.): Wendell Kingsolver (Carlisle)
Councillor (2 yrs.): Jeff Sole (Frankfort/Hart County)
Councillor (3 yrs.): David Lang (Lexington)
Councillor (3 yrs.): Bonnie Avery (Louisville)
Proposed Amendment to the Bylaws
The board proposes to amend Article III, Section A of the Kentucky Ornithological Society Bylaws to clarify the status of past presidents by adding the word “non-voting” to the second sentence. The proposed amendment will be voted on at the Fall meeting.
Current:Article III, Section A. The governing body of the Society shall be the Board, composed of eleven (11) elected officers, three (3) appointed officers, the immediate Past President of the Society, and one (1) Representative chosen by each qualified affiliated organization (see Art. VI, Sec. A). All living Past Presidents shall serve as ex-officio members of the Board.
Proposed: Article III, Section A. The governing body of the Society shall be the Board, composed of eleven (11) elected officers, three (3) appointed officers, the immediate Past President of the Society, and one (1) Representative chosen by each qualified affiliated organization (see Art. VI, Sec. A).All living Past Presidents shall serve as non-voting ex-officio members of the Board.