Teaching about the cons with Resources from The Center for Legislative Archives and the National Archives
Agenda for Wednesday, December 7, 2016
Presenter: Dr. Charles M. Flanagan, Outreach Supervisor, The Center for Legislative Archives
Part I Efforts to Avoid War after World War I
SS.912.A.5.5 Describe efforts by the United States and other world Powers to avoid future wars.
- Setting the Context: The Treaty of Versailles Debate
- Article X
- Henry Cabot Lodge’s Objections
- President Warren G. Harding Message on Peace with Germany 9/21/1921
- Using Political Cartoons by Clifford K. Berryman to Explore the Era of the Treaty Debate
1/1/1919 / 1/10/1919 / 2/8/1919
10/19/1920 / 10/28/1920 / 3/2/1921
- Diplomatic Efforts to Achieve Disarmament
- Letter of Submittal from Secretary of State Charles E. Hughes presenting the Senate with a Treaty on Naval Arms Limitation, 2/9/1922
- Political Cartoons by Clifford K. Berryman Related to the Treaty of Washington and the time of its creation
7/9/1921 / 8/20/1921 / 8/30/1921
11/23/1921 / 12/28/1921 / 2/5/1922
- Diplomatic Efforts to Outlaw War as an Instrument of Foreign Policy
- Senate Report on the Kellogg-Briand Treaty 1/15/1929
- Excerpt from the Congressional Record Related to a Proposed Arms Embargo against any Signatory Nations which Engage in War 2/27/1929
- Political Cartoons by Clifford K. Berryman Related to the Effort to Outlaw War
8/27/1928 / 9/16/1929
- Two 1941 Documents: NA 17343469 & 2600930
Part II Reparations, Foreign Debt and U.S. Foreign Policy 1920 – 1932
SS.912.A.5.3 Examine the impact of United States Foreign Economic Policy during the 1920s
- Setting the Context of the Early 20s Era of German Reparations and the U.S. Tariff
- President Calvin Coolidge on Foreign Debt 12/3/1924
- Washington Post Editorial – “The Dawes Plan and the Tariff” 8/6/1924
- Letter to the Editor - New York Times – on Debt Cancellation 11/4/1926
- Using Political Cartoons by Clifford K. Berryman to Explore the 1920s Tariff Debate
1/29/1922 / 6/5/1922 / 8/5/1922
10/7/1922 / 12/17/1922 / 1/1/1923
- Setting the Context of the Late 20s Era of the Hawley Smoot Tariff
- President Herbert Hoover’s Remarks on Signing the Hawley Smoot Tariff
- “The New American Tariff: Europe’s Answer.” Foreign Affairs 10/1930
- Tables Excerpted from the New York Times 11/22/1931
- Excerpt from Senate Speech by Joseph Robinson (D, AR) 7/15/1932
- House Report on Legislation to Amend the Tariff of 1930 – 3/17/1932
- Using Political Cartoons by Clifford K. Berryman to Explore the Late 20s Tariff Issue
1/13/1930 / 10/25/1930 / 11/2/1929
Part III Civil Rights 1917 – 1965
SS.912.A.5.10 Analyze support for and resistance to civil rights for women, African Americans, Native Americans, and other minorities
- The Woman Suffrage and ERA Issues Illustrated in Documents
- Civil Rights for African Americans – 1950s
- Congress Protects the Right to Vote
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