Framework Management Group Meeting No. 2

9th July 2004


SALC Room 8

South Kensington



John WalshImperial College

John KeatingImperial College

Jo IddonImperial College

Derek VictorImperial College

Steve Hateley for Rob ClarkeFaithful & Gould

John CaineCurtins

Phil HoldenPascall & Watson

Jim McCarthyHurley Palmer Flatt

Steve LyonModus

Phil ShortmanWates

Mike HazletonHenry Riley

Apologies Company/Dept.

Anton MiedziolkaEC Harris

Simon LewisBovis Lendlease

Distribution: those present + website

John Walsh introduced the meeting and gave a brief resume of the last month then handed the meeting to Jo Iddon – Framework Manager
Approval of previous minutes
The previous minutes were approved and it was agreed that minutes should made available on the framework area of the website / JI
Imperial College Report
JI gave a brief report on the activities of the last month.
  • Open forum held with M&E framework contractors
  • Newsletter issued to all framework partners at end of June
  • Framework area of website being developed
  • Framework contracts are being progressed
JK gave a brief report on forward workload
  • Over 130 jobs are currently underway – which includes a huge volume of minor works
  • 3 larger jobs coming up between September and October
  • A £4M allocation of SIF funding is also coming through
It was emphasised that tendering opportunities would be given to partners who currently have no College work – judging criteria would be project specific
Framework Mission Statement
JW had produced a first draft mission statement for the framework which was discussed and modified. The final version is to be uploaded onto the website / JW
Initiatives review
a) Standardisation
Rob Clarke presented a summary of the initiatives raised at the away day workshop. The way forward with these initiatives will be discussed at subsequent FMG meetings. Rob will circulate a copy of his report to all FMG memebers / RC
AM had offered his apologies for the meeting hence JI gave a brief update on the standardisation initiative. The concluding ECHarris report is due to be with the College on 12th July 2004 for their review / Note
b) Other initiatives
Anton Miedziolka presented an update on the supply chain and standardisation initiative EC Harris have been undertaking.
An analysis of the confirmed construction workload has been carried out to broadly quantify Imperial College buying power
The forward workload has been divided into work packages (mainly fit out activities eg internal partitions, lighting etc) and review teams incorporating framework partners put in place for each category
A historical review and benchmarking exercise has been undertaken to look at sample areas around the Campus to gain an insight into Imperial Colleges needs
Development of a standard specification is underway for each category together with a strategy for approaching the market
Anton will give an update on progress at the next meeting / AM
MH gave an overview of the way Sainsburys managed the initiatives coming from their framework process.
Initiatives were fed in from the framework partners for review by the management group. Champions were assigned to each initiative to review, evaluate the benefits and make recommendations (using a standard template) as to whether further action or implementation was appropriate.
All of the initiatives from the April framework day have been logged and assigned to champions. Each champion to review and evaluate the initiatives allocated by the next FMG meeting – ie 23rd September to produce recommendations for those we aim to take forward – the appropriate forms (and tracking schedule) were tabled (and are available on the framework website / JM
Much debate ensued on this item however, the key remit of the FMG was agreed as a strategic level steering group to:
Optimise the benefits of the framework structure to all stakeholders
Promote best practice
Ensure transparency of the framework process
It was agreed that should framework partners wish to communicate with the FMG, they should do so in the first instance through their discipline representative.
In addition, it was acknowledged that there were certain common themes within the initiatives. Champions for these areas were agreed
Health and safety – Simon Lewis and Phil Shortman
Policies and procedures – Jim McCarthy and Rob Clarke
Performance management – John Keating
Standardisation – Anton Miedziolka
Communication – Jo Iddon and Mike Hazelton
a) Framework Partners
1. / Imperial College have been made aware that very little information has been passed through to the framework partners since they were informed they had been successful. Imperial should look to address this. JI undertook to issue update communication to all framework partners / JI
Jim McCarthy has had a preliminary meeting with Rob Clarke regarding procedures
Phil Shortman and Simon Lewis had held an initial review of health and safety issues
Jim McCarthy offered assistance with the College energy policy and will contact Phil Evans
Phil Holden suggested that to progress the next stage of the standardisation, the standard details could be developed within the existing projects. Phil also offered to act as champion for Standards with Anton Miedziolka
Steve Hateley suggested a “star performer” award is introduced to recognise efforts over and above the call of duty be partner organisations
Steve Lyon suggested that the next FMG meeting is held elsewhere on the campus then different areas of the campus can be viewed / Note
b) Imperial College
For information, John Keating tabled programmes detailing some of the Imperial College forward workload as part of the SRIF2 funding round
It was noted that some framework partners were not represented on the FMG. Consequently it was agreed that Phil Holden would represent both the approved inspectors, the planning supervisors via the health and safety champions (Phil Shortman and Simon Lewis) and the M&E contractors via Jim McCarthy
Round up and close
The date of the next meeting was agreed as 8th July 2004 at 3pm with subsequent meetings to be held approximately quarterly. POSTMEETING NOTE: Date will need to be changed to 9th July to avoid JW diary clash.
The date of the next meeting was agreed as 23rd September 2004. Steve Lyon offered his apologies as he was to be on leave.