February 1, 2010

German Village Society Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

Present: Roy Bieber, Chad Brataschi, Darci Congrove, Mary Cusick, Jerry Glick, Norm Hall, Sarah Irvin-Clark, Sarah Kellenberger, Jeanne Likins, Carolyn McCall, Sarah McNealey, Crystal Seamon. Absent: Jim Hopple, Jim Nichols. Also present: Brian Santin, P. Susan Schrrarock.

President Darci Congrove called the meeting to order at 6:05 PM. Darci explained the pile of bricks on the table, reminding all that German Village and the German Village Society have been here a long time before us and will here a long time after us. In short, we are caretakers of a legacy.

1.) Public ParticipationNone

2.) Secretary’s ReportJeanne Likins

Jeanne presented the January 4, 2010 German Village Society Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes for approval, Carolyn McCall seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.

3.) Staff Reports (written reports)Russ Arledge

Jody Graichen

Russ submitted a written report and highlighted all the thank yousfor making the special 50th anniversary historical exhibit such a success last month. He also noted that the German Village Society made almost $200 from the sale of maps and general donations in the box offered for that purpose. The German Village Society has been invited to take this 50thhistorical exhibit to City Hall later this year for perhaps three months. Russ will put out a call for volunteers as this will likely determine whether or not the German Village Society can re-mount this wonderful exhibit given limited resources.

4.) Treasurer’s Report (written report)Roy Bieber

Roy reported that there is about $30,000 in the German Village Society checking account. He thanked the Membership Committee for its hard work and early membership launch since this is the source of most of this cash which is paying the bills right now.

5.) Committee Reports

Standing Committees:

Executive Committee

There was much discussion at the Executive Committee meeting about the German Village Society’s limited resources, compared to other times in our history, especially in terms of staff. Darci distributed a memo, noting that it started with a discussion with Russ and P. Susan and includes their feedback. Darci would like everyone to review this draft and give her any feedback by the end of the week so it can be finalized and put into place with P. Susan and Russ.

The German Village Society Board Retreat’s 2010 Action Plan was distributed by Darci with her request that each Committee Chair add timelines and “owners” to each initiative. Darci needs this and any other feedbackabout the 2010 Action Planby this Friday, February 5th. Then Darci will finalize this plan so it can be shared with our members and put on the website with a brief introductory summary. We have agreed to be accountable to this plan and transparent in our endeavors as we move forward.

On behalf of Jim Hopple, Darci noted that the German Village Society has filed a motion for dismissal of the School Board’s action and we will be using the same attorney, hoping to reverse the most recent decision not in our favor.

On behalf of Jim Hopple, Darci updated the Board about the SWACO agreement which the Executive Committee reviewed last week. Brian was asked to look into the cost to purchase the recycling containers as an alternative (about $200 each) to this contract. Jim has noted that the German Village Society’s liability is limited and the likelihood of being sued is not great. Carolyn moved and Norm Hall seconded that the German Village Society should sign the SWACO contract and this passed unanimously.

Website CommitteeBrian Santin

Brian asked the Board to please sendhim their bios and pictures for posting on the re-formatted German Village Societywebsite. This committee is preparing a final punch list to review with Orbitz Designs and isalso still trying to troubleshoot some issues. Brian is the web master at this time and is enjoying it.

Civic Relations Committee(written report)Crystal Seamon

Crystal and the 50th Anniversary Committee have agreed to send 50th Gala complimentary tickets to members of City Council. We discussed whether or not to present a resolution or other action thanking City Council for our partnership over the last 50 years. We agreed that Crystal and SarahIrvin-Clark will work out what is appropriate based on the Board’s discussion.

Jerry noted that more people are now attending the monthly police lunch the third Thursday each month.

Finance Committee (written report)Roy Bieber

The Auditor for the German Village Society met with the Finance Committee last month and they reviewed everything in depth. Roy motioned and Jeanne seconded that we accept the 2008 German Village Society Audit. This motion passed unanimously. Darci is drafting the response to the audit, which will be straightforward. If there are questions, please direct them to Darci and Roy. Darci pointed out that the auditor made a mistake, there is no cash missing, but there was an error in reporting and added that the auditor didn’t do a good job. Roy reminded the Board that the 2009 audit starts in February and will be with the new Quick Books, which will be much easier and faster.

Historic Preservation Committee

- GermanVillage Commission/Historic PreservationCheryl Hacker


Cheryl gave some background about the City Council’s recent passage of the 2010 budget, which includes funding one full-time professionalstaff person in the City’s Historic Preservation Office. This is something that the German Village

Society and other historic neighborhoods have been advocating for for some time.

Cheryl noted that even though thisfunding is in the 2010 budget, this action does not assure that this person will attend German Village Commission meetings, which is very significant for the German Village Commission.

The long term relationship that the German Village Society has nurtured with Council members and their staff was influential in this professional staff positionbeing funded. Darci added that she sent an informal thank you to Councilwoman Tyson right after the budget was passed and there’s a formal letter to be sent to her this week as well.

Cheryl presented a resolution, prepared by the Historic Preservation Committee with assistance from Jody, to recognize the long term relationship between the German Village Society and City Council, the City’s support for German Village and the German Village Commission over the last 50 years, and to express appreciation for the funding of this position in support of Columbus’ historic neighborhoods and commissions. Jeanne motioned for the approval of this resolution, Jerry seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

- Streetscape/Third Street Master PlanBrian Santin

(written report)

Brian reported that last week’s open forum was well received, although only 26 or so individuals attended, and he had hoped for a crowd like last summer’s community forum about the Third Street Master Plan. Brian has received the draft Power Point presentation from KKG and it will be posted on the German Village Society website very soon. If there’s feedback, please do so online and Brian will monitor these comments and get these to KKG. KKG will present this plan to the Board and will also present the plan to the German Village Commission for a conceptual reviewin March.

Long Range Planning Committee (written report)Carolyn McCall

Carolyn has at least three new members thanks to the Membership Committee’s work to urge folks to get connected with the German Village Society and who have expressed interest in this committee.

Go GruenCrystal Seamon &

Brian Santin

Earth Day (April 17 and 18) organizers are looking for hands on, city-widevolunteer projects, so please forward any ideas to Crystal and Brian.

Organizational Development (written)Jim Hopple

Feb. 15th is the deadline for names to be submitted to the Organizational Development Committee for German Village Society Board of Trustees ballot consideration for this spring’s election of three new Trustees.

Parks, Public Spaces and Community EventsSara McNealey

Sarah reported that the last few meetings have been reviewing the Memorandums of Understanding between the German Village Society and the City’s Department of Recreation and Parks.

The Huntington Gardens is not getting the $5,000 from Huntington Bank as it has for a number of years to date. Bert has funds in the Gardens’ Maintenance Fund for 2010, but the longer term is a concern and she is working on possible solutions.

The Schiller Park perimeter gardens are a greaterissue because there is no longer a source for the donated water, which is essential for these gardens. As a result, it’s unclear how these gardens will be funded (and therefore how they could be planted) going forward. If something can’t be figured out, these areas will be returned to grass or mulch, per our agreement with the Recreation and Parks Department.

Special Committees

Membership Committee (written)Jeanne Likins

Roy commended the work of the Membership Committee for bringing in 39% of its 2010 budget by the end of January. This has eased cash flow significantly.

Jeanne announced the first member appreciation event, a brunch Feb. 13th for those who gave $500 or more anytime from 2007 forward, hosted and funded by Darci and her spouse, John Pribble and Jeanne and her spouse, Joseph Flood. The next event, in partnership with the 50th Anniversary Committee, is Sun., March 21, the Village Visions art show, with a 2-3 PM preview reception for 2010 German Village Society members at the $125 level and above. The event is open to the public for the reception from 3-5 PM and for the public to see for the week following this opening.

50th Anniversary (written)Sarah Irvin-Clark

Sarah reviewed her report and also mentioned the video being done by the Clarks, who have interviewed a dozen folks about their stories of German Village and about their experiences here. It will be a brief, 8 mins. video for the gala. There was a discussion about comp tickets and it was agreed to include members of City Council and for Jason and his partner who did the invitation design. The gala program script and video will be complete and able to be known by the Board to avoid any surprises the night of the event.

GVBC Sarah Kellenberger

Sarah highlighted her written report, noting that David Cunningham, the first non-retail and non-restaurant chair of GVBC, was elected president for 2010.

Marketing CommitteeCarolyn McCall

Carolyn is putting together this committee and an early task will be evaluating the extensive materials developed in the preceding years. She has 7 new members from the N4N call and all are folks not presently involved in the German Village Society.

Old Business

Darci noted that she and Chad are meeting with the 2010 Haus Garten Co-chairs soon and will be asking them to come to report updates at future Board meetings.

New Business

Darci reported on behalf of Board member Jim Hopple about the request we have received from Jody asking the German Village Societyto transfer the copyright license to her for what she has written while our employee for the book publication proposal with the History Press. Roy motioned and Sarah McNealey seconded that “the German Village Society grant the license to Jody Graichenfor the written material she designated for this purpose, while an employee of the German Village Society”. This motion passed unanimously.

Russ shared that the German Village Society has been approached by Doney publishers who publish and market a coffee table style book that might be something to chronicle German Village Society history. The Historic Preservation Committee suggested the creation of an ad hoc committee to explore if there’s anything we might want to do in partnership with them. The Board agreed to explore this and Carolyn and Roy offered to join Chad and Cheryl on this exploration committee.

Brian asked if Jeanne can compile all Board reports into one document for easier uploading of documents onto the website. Chad noted that he is drafting a Board report template that will be used starting next month to try to standardize the type of information desired in monthly reports to the Board from all Society committees.


A motion to adjourn was made by Jeanne and seconded by Norm and the Board adjourned at 7:44 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,

J. M. Likins, Secretary