REGULAR MEETINGOctober 17, 2016

PRESENT: Philip Chatterton, Mayor

TRUSTEES: Brian Thomas,Chris Singleton,Maria Alicea,Todd Race, Keith Perry

ABSENT: Nancy Murphy

OTHERS: Rick Bisig, DPW Superintendent; Barton & Loguidice Engineers, Dustin Clark, John Condino; Taylor Jennings

Mayor Chatterton opened meeting at 7pm.

Pledge of Allegiance.

Introduction of Guest – Betty Shelmidine- Requesting a water service hookup to the Village water main on E. Church St. but her property is located outside of the village. The board could approve an outside user agreement or have the Town develop another water district. Rick Bisig spoke of all the steps that would need to be taken before any work could begin, so it’s not a realistic timeframe to get her water immediately as are her needs. Also, the expense of extending the water main for 1 user to connect is not feasible for any project.

Trustee Alicea moved to decline her request for the water connection, seconded by Trustee Race. Vote: 5 ayes, 1 absent.

Ms. Shelmidine thanked the board for their time on this matter and left.

7:15pm – Public Hearing – Additional Bonding Resolution subject to permissive referendum. Trustee Perry moved to open the public hearing, seconded by Trustee Singleton. Vote: 5 ayes, 1 absent.

With no other public present for comments or concerns, Trustee Thomas moved to close the public hearing, seconded by Trustee Alicea. Vote: 5 ayes, 1 absent.

Trustee Perry moved to approve the minutes of9/19/16as presented, seconded by TrusteeAlicea. Vote: 5ayes, 1 absent.

Trustee Alicea moved to approve the financial reportsas presented, seconded by Trustee Thomas. Vote: 5ayes, 1 absent.

TrusteePerry moved to approve the payment of bills for the period ofon abstract#5as presented, seconded by Trustee Race. Vote: 5 ayes, 1 absent.

Commission reports:

NoZoningmonthly report

The Fire Deptmonthly report was reviewed by the board as presented. Trustee Perry moved to approve Anthony Cronk as a new member of the department as presented, seconded by Trustee Singleton. Vote: 5 ayes, 1 absent.

Trustee Perry moved to remove Mike Burdick as a department member as requested, seconded by Trustee Alicea. Vote: 5 ayes, 1 absent.

The DPW monthly report was reviewed by the Board as presented. Rick reported that the water levels are the lowest that he has ever seen. We are at critical levels.

The Police department monthly report was reviewed by the Board as presented. Consensus of the Board is to set the trick or treating hours on October 31, 2016 from 5pm-8pm.


Youth & Recreation:

Revitalization & Beautification


Planning Liaison

The monthly report for Dog Controlwas reviewed by the board as presented.

Old Business:

The board reviewed the CSX permit agreement for the encroachment of their property for the capital water project. Dustin Clark discussed the permit fee and the additional protective liability insurance they are requiring from the village. The permit fee is $12,000 and the liability insurance through them that the Village can purchase is $750.

Trustee Perry moved to approve the Mayor to sign the permit fee agreement with CSX as presented, and to include the fee for the protective liability insurance for a total payment to them of $12,750.00, seconded by Trustee Race. Vote: 5 ayes, 1 absent.

Additional paperwork for the sidewalk grant with DASNY needs to be completed and sent in, but also they are requiring the quotes or bid for the project. All permits must be in office before proceeding with the agreement with DASNY. Discussion was continued, and consensus of the board is to send a mass mailing to all property owners who do not have a sidewalk across their property requesting if they would like one installed under this grant and see who answers yes for getting one and continue to work on where the sidewalks will be installed from that time frame.

The Mayor has requested permission the sign the high speed fiber agreement with DANC once it is received and approved by David Renzi. It has not been received as of this time, but they say will be forthcoming very soon. Trustee Perry moved to authorize the Mayor to sign this agreement once reviewed and approved by Attorney Renzi, seconded by Trustee Alicea. Vote: 5 ayes, 1 absent.

Trustee Singleton has contacted an individual to work on creating a new website for the Village. She has reviewed other municipal websites and has recommendations for changes to be made. Her rate is at $25 per hour and she will train the Village Clerk’s to be able to maintain and make changes to the site when completed. Trustee Perry moved to approve this quote from Stacie Luchini as presented with creating a new village website with training, seconded by Trustee Singleton. Vote: 5 ayes, 1 absent.

New Business:

Trustee Alicea moved to approve the adoption of Resolution No. 3for the bonding of an additional $2,000,000 for the water source project because of a grant received from NYS EFC with the NYS Water Infrastructure Grant as submitted by the Engineers and approved by EFC, seconded by Trustee Singleton.



WHEREAS,thecapitalproject hereinafterdescribedhasbeendeterminedtobeanUnlistedActionpursuanttotheregulationsoftheNewYorkStateDepartmentofEnvironmentalConservationpromulgatedpursuanttotheStateEnvironmentalQualityReviewAct,anEnvironmentalAssessmentFormhasbeenprepared,andtheimplementationofwhichasproposed,theBoardofTrusteeshasdeterminedwillnotresultinanysignificantenvironmentaleffects;and



BEITRESOLVED,bythe affirmativevote ofnotlessthan two-thirdsofthetotalvotingstrengthoftheBoardofTrusteesoftheVillageofAdams,JeffersonCounty,NewYork,asfollows:

BEITRESOLVED,bytheBoardofTrustees oftheVillageofAdams,JeffersonCounty,NewYork,asfollows:

Section1.Additionalcostsofthereconstructionofelementsofthewatersupply,storageanddistributionsystemanddevelopmentandconstructionofnew watersupplysources,includingoriginalfurnishings,equipment,machinery,apparatus,appurtenancesandincidental


Section2.Theaggregatemaximumestimatedcostofsuchclass of objects or purposesisnowdeterminedtobe$4,000,000, andtheplanforthefinancingthereofisasfollows:

a)by theissuanceof$2,000,000serialbondsofsaidVillageherebyauthorizedtobeissuedthereforpursuanttotheprovisionsoftheLocal FinanceLaw;and


Section3.Itisherebydeterminedthattheperiodofprobableusefulnessoftheaforesaidclassofobjectsorpurposesisfortyyears, pursuanttosubdivisionl ofparagraphaofSection11.00oftheLocalFinanceLaw,computedfromMay27,2016,thedateofthefirstobligationissuedpursuanttotheaforesaidbondresolutiondatedMarch21,2016.Itisherebyfurtherdeterminedthatthemaximummaturityof theserialbondshereinauthorizedwillexceedfiveyears.

Section4.The faith and credit of said Village of Adams, Jefferson County,NewYork,areherebyirrevocablypledgedforthepaymentoftheprincipalofandintereston suchbondsasthesamerespectivelybecomedueand payable.Anannualappropriationshallbemadeineachyearsufficienttopay theprincipalofandintereston suchbondsbecomingdueandpayableinsuchyear.ThereshallannuallybeleviedonallthetaxablerealpropertyofsaidVillage,ataxsufficienttopaytheprincipalofandinterestonsuchbondsasthesamebecomedueandpayable.

Section5. SubjecttotheprovisionsoftheLocalFinanceLaw,thepowertoauthorizetheissuanceofandtosellbondanticipationnotesinanticipationoftheissuanceandsaleoftheserialbondshereinauthorized,includingrenewalsofsuchnotes,isherebydelegated to theVillageTreasurer,thechieffiscalofficer.Suchnotesshallbeofsuchterms,formandcontents,andshallbesoldinsuchmanner,asmaybeprescribedbysaidVillageTreasurer,consistentwiththeprovisionsoftheLocalFinanceLaw.

Section6.Allothermatters except asprovided herein relatingtothe serial bondshereinauthorizedincludingthedate,denominations,maturitiesand interest payment dates,withinthelimitationsprescribedhereinandthemannerofexecutionofthesame,includingtheconsolidationwithotherissues,andalsotheabilitytoissueserialbondswithsubstantiallylevelordecliningannualdebtservice,shallbedeterminedbytheVillageTreasurer,thechieffiscalofficerofsuch Village.SuchbondsshallcontainsubstantiallytherecitalofvalidityclauseprovidedforinSection52.00oftheLocalFinanceLaw,andshallotherwisebeinsuchformandcontainsuchrecitals,inadditiontothoserequiredbySection51.00oftheLocalFinanceLaw,astheVillageTreasurershalldetermineconsistentwiththeprovisionsoftheLocalFinanceLaw.

Section7. Thepowersanddutiesofadvertisingsuchbondsforsale,conductingthesaleand awardingthebonds,areherebydelegatedtotheVillageTreasurer,whoshalladvertise suchbondsforsale,conductthesale,andawardthebondsinsuchmannerastheVillageTreasurershalldeembestfortheinterestsofsaidVillage,including,butnotlimitedto,thepowertosellsaidbondstotheNewYorkStateEnvironmentalFacilitiesCorporation;provided,however,thatintheexerciseofthesedelegatedpowers,theVillageTreasurershallcomplyfullywiththeprovisionsoftheLocalFinanceLawandanyorderorruleoftheStateComptrollerapplicabletothesaleof

Municipalbonds. ThereceiptoftheVillageTreasurershallbeafullacquittancetothepurchaserofsuch bonds,whoshallnotbeobligedtoseetotheapplicationofthepurchasemoney.

Section8.TheVillageTreasurerisherebyfurtherauthorized,athersolediscretion,toexecuteaprojectfinanceand/orloanagreement,andanyotheragreementswiththeNewYorkState DepartmentofHealthand/ortheNewYorkStateEnvironmentalFacilitiesCorporation,includingamendmentsthereto,andincludinganyinstruments(oramendmentsthereto)intheeffectuationthereof,inordertoeffectthefinancingorrefinancingoftheclassofobjectsorpurposesdescribed inSection1hereof,oraportionthereof,byabond,and/ornoteissueofsaidVillageintheeventofthesale ofsametotheNewYorkStateEnvironmentalFacilitiesCorporation.

Section9. ThepowertoissueandsellnotesforsaidclassofobjectsorpurposestotheNewYorkStateEnvironmentalFacilitiesCorporationpursuanttoSection169.00ofthe LocalFinanceLawisherebydelegatedtotheVillageTreasurer.Suchnotesshallbeofsuchterms,form andcontentsasmaybeprescribedbysaidVillageTreasurerconsistentwiththeprovisionsoftheLocalFinanceLaw.

Section 10.Thevalidityofsuchbondsandbond anticipationnotesmaybecontested


1)Suchobligationsareauthorizedforan objectorpurposeforwhichsaidVillageis notauthorizedtoexpendmoney,or

2)Theprovisionsoflawwhichshouldbecompliedwithatthedateofpublicationofthisresolutionarenotsubstantiallycompliedwith,andanaction,suitorproceedingcontestingsuchvalidityiscommencedwithintwenty daysafterthedateofsuchpublication,or


Section 11.This resolution shall constitute a statement of official intent for purposes of Treasury Regulations Section 1.150-2. Other than as specified in this resolution, no monies are, or are reasonably expected to be, reserved, allocated on a long-term basis, or otherwise set aside with respect to the permanent funding of the object or purpose described herein.

Section 12.Upon this resolution taking effect, the same shall be published in summary form in the official newspaper of said Village for such purpose, together with a notice of the Village Clerk in substantially the form provided in Section 81.00 of the Local Finance Law.

Section 13.Pursuant to the provisions of Section 36.00 of the Local Finance Law, this resolution is adopted subject to permissive referendum.

The resolution was thereupon declared duly adopted with the super majority of the Village Board of Trustees. Vote: 6 ayes, 1 absent (Murphy).

The Board reviewed the amended contract for Barton & Loguidice for the water source project as presented. Trustee Alicea moved to approve Amendment #1 to the contract as presented for the professional services for the water system improvements project to total the amount of $324,000, seconded by Trustee Thomas. Vote: 5 ayes, 1 absent.

New Business:

The board reviewed the SEQR part 1 for the sewer project grant application process for improvements to the WWTP through an eligible grant with NYS Water Infrastructure grant with up to 25% funding of the project for sewer rehabilitation. The Village would act as Lead Agency of this project and the Attorney will mail to the appropriate government entities and will bring back their responses to next month’s regular meeting.

Barton & Loguidice submitted their services proposal for submitting the grant application for the sewer rehabilitation project. Their fee for this will be $6,500.

Trustee Perry moved to approve the water infrastructure grant application preparation paperwork to be done by the engineers at the fee of $6,500 as presented, seconded by Trustee Singleton. Vote: 5 ayes, 1 absent.

Trustee Thomas moved to approve Resolution No. 4for the proposed action for improvements to the WWTP as follows, seconded by Trustee Race.




WHEREAS,aFullEnvironmentalAssessmentForm(FEAF)mustbecompletedandcirculatedtoallInvolvedAgenciesforestablishingtheVillageofAdamsVillageBoard(VillageBoard)as"LeadAgency"inaccordancewith6NYCRRPart617.6 forthepurposeofconductingaSEQRA/SERPreviewoftheProject;and


WHEREAS,atthedirectionoftheVillageBoard,BartonLoguidice,D.P.C.(B&L)hascompletedPartI oftheFullEnvironmentalAssessmentFormandprovidedtheFormandsupportingdocumentstotheVillageBoardforreview.


RESOLVEDANDDETERMINED,thattheMayoroftheVillageofAdamsbeandherebyisauthorizedtosigntheFullEnvironmentalAssessmentForm;anditisfurther ·

RESOLVEDANDDETERMINED,thattheMayoroftheVillageofAdamsand VillageBoardwillcirculatesaidFullEnvironmentalAssessmentFormtotheattachedlistof"InterestedandInvolvedAgencies"undercoveroftheattached"NoticeofIntenttoEstablishLeadAgency"letterforpurposesofestablishingLeadAgencystatusunderSEQRA/SERP;anditisfurther

RESOLVED,thattheMayoroftheVillageofAdamsandVillageBoard,togetherwith theVillageofAdamsAttorneyandB&L,areherebyauthorizedtotakeallactions,serveallnotices,andcompletealldocumentsinordertogivefullforceandeffecttothisdetermination.

Thequestionoftheadoptionoftheforegoingresolutionwasdulyputtoavote,anduponrollcall,thevotewasasfollows: Vote: 6 ayes, 1 absent.


The Mayor and Rick Bisig have spoken to someone about LED lights at the village barn and will be getting quotes to bring back to the board in the future.

TrusteeAlicea moved to adjourn, seconded by Trustee Singleton. Vote: 5 ayes, 1 absent. Time: 8:20pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Darlene Rexford, Clerk/Treasurer