Parish Pastoral Council
Meeting Minutes
September 15, 2014
Present: Parish Pastoral Council Members:Guest:
Fr. Ted Machnik Kathy Williams
Mike Logan
Joanne Bullock
Angela Corbett
Jim Williams
Nancy Plescia, Deanery Rep
Excused:Lisa Packer
John Dossman
Vanessa Butterbaugh
The meeting opened with prayer.
Minutes: Angela Corbett made a motion to approve the June 23, 2014 minutes as written. Joanne Bullockseconded the motion. Minutes approved as written
PSR/Youth Ministry: Vanessa Butterbaugh provided a written report. PSR has 156 students enrolled in grades pre-school through 12th grade. Sacrament preparations for Confirmation and First Communion begin this next weekend. Presently there are20 for first communion and 29 for confirmation. Youth ministry will hold a kick off for youth in grades 6-12 on Sunday September 26. The Knights of Columbus is hosting a YM & Family Hay Ride on October 12 at 6 p.m. at Stir’s Farm. This is open to the parish. Again selling parking spaces for the Pumpkin Show at $80 per space. Contact Vanessa if you wish to rent a spot. Pumpkin Show Slushy booth is being coordinated again by Mark and Skip Moats. They are looking for someone to help them. The Cub Scouts that our parish sponsors is meeting again on Monday nights at the Parish Center. They are recruiting new members and hope to become a little more active in parish activities. The Ice Bucket Challenge generated $260 for Ronald McDonald House. It was fun. The 3rd grade soaked Vanessa and the High School soaked Father. Pictures will be in the bulletin this weekend.
Deanery: Nancy Plescia reported that the Deanery has not met since the last PPC meeting and will meet September 28th. She reviewed a letter she received from St. Francis Center in Vinton County. It took three hours to take food to families involving six stops. They did this every other week. They also delivered schools supplies. This is a very poor area in our Diocese.
Finance: Mike Logan reported thatwe reached the Diocese’s goal for Bishop’s Annual Appeal but did not meet our parish goal. Finances are good. Collections are up for the year.
Old Business:
A. Restoration Steering Committee –Father Ted stated they have been here inspecting the windows. There are two protective glasses over the windows and it is uncertain why that is. While the windows are in good shape for their age, there are eight that have to be sent to the factory in Wisconsin. This will take six to 8 months for the work to be completed. During this time the church won’t be available. The cost for this repair will be determined in the next couple of weeks. There is a recommendation to put a light on the St. Cecelia window in the choir loft so that it will shine outside.
B. Media Committee – Tabled until next meeting.
C. Directory Update – Names and addresses of only those individuals who have had pictures taken will be put in the directory. There were approximately 150-160 families out of 300 who had their pictures taken. The finished product should be here in November. .
D. Brochure for Parish Committees. Mike Logan indicated that he has a couple of updates to make and it should be out this weekend.
New Business:
A. Select Chair - The Parish Pastoral Council members are: 1 Year – Mike Logan, John Dossman; 2 Years – Jim Williams, Lisa Packer; 3 years - JoanneBullock and Angela Corbett. Alternates: Dee Mogan and David Corbett. Mike Logan nominated Joanne Bullock to be chair for the upcoming year as she had been on Parish Council in previous years and Angela Corbett seconded. Unanimously selected.
B. Minutes on Bulletin Board – It was determined that a summary of the meeting will be put in the bulletin and a copy of the minutes posted on the Bulletin Board prior to final approval.
C. Parish Council Assembly meeting will be November 17th at 7 p.m. in the Church Hall with the Parish Pastoral Council immediately following. Mike Logan volunteered to call everyone on the Assembly to remind them of the meeting.
Next meeting: Due to Pumpkin Show week beginning on the 3rd Monday, the next meeting will be October 20, 2014 at 7 p.m. in the church hall.
Prayers will be provided by Kathy Williams.
The meeting was closed with prayer.
Respectfully submitted:
Judy Dossman