Parish Pastoral Council
Meeting Minutes
March 17, 2014
Present: Parish Pastoral Council Members:
Mike Logan, Chair,
Fr. Ted Machnik
John Radcliff
Ann Short
Nancy Plescia, Deanery Rep
Excused:Mark Stonerock
Absent: Jim Williams
Vanessa Butterbaugh
Ann Short provided the opening prayer.
Minutes: Ann Short made a motion to approve the February 17, 2014 minutes as written. John Radcliff seconded the motion. Minutes approved as written
PSR/Youth Ministry: Vanessa Butterbaugh not present. Father Ted reported that the 30 hour famine went very well. The Knights of Columbus awards were presented at Masses. There will be a flower sale coming up to support the mission trips. First Communion will be on April 27 at 2 p.m. Divine Mercy will be at 5 p.m. Amazing Race will be held May 4. Confirmation preparation is starting. The last PSR will be May 11; graduation Mass at the8 a.m. Mass on May 8th, followed by a brunch.
Deanery: Nancy Plescia gave the following report: St. Colman, Washington Court House: the Middle School youth attended the 7th annual Bosco Bash. There is a Bible Study during Lent using the book “Walking with a Purpose”. The choir director is leading a self-examination study on Wednesdays. Sts. Peter and Paul, Wellston: The Catholicism CD is being used during Lent. Lenten dinners began March 7th. The adult choir held a Mardi Gras Party to raise funds for the special needs of the choir (maybe an organ?). St. Mary’s, Chillicothe: Renovations continue slowly because of the weather. The Chillicothe Design Review Board will rule if the building between the office and the church can be demolished. Fish fry’s will benefit the 7th and 8th graders’ trip to New York City later this spring. The annual Mother Daughter luncheon in February had more than 100 in attendance. DCCW: The annual retreat will be held April 4-6 at St. Theresa’s Retreat Center. Catholics for a Cure is a project to facilitate help for women in need of cancer screening, etc. This organization is an alternative to Planned Parenthood and is not connected with the Komen Foundation, but is partnering with the Spielman Foundation. DPC: Reports from the Synod were presented. There is a desire to show more compassion in the case of annulments.
Finance: Mike Logan reported the committee discussed a new policy on support of kids going to Catholic school. Parents need more time and talent. Need to attend PSR.
Old Business:
A. Restoration Steering Committee –Father Ted reported that they had received one bid from Kasc (Mansfield) for the sound system. Need more bids. Live Technologies to check out the church on March 19th. Looking at video system as well. EverGreene Painting is coming to Mass on Tuesday April 22 and then meeting with the committee. Conrad Schmidt is coming April 29th. Someone is supposed to come and look at the wall.
B. New Church Directory: Mike Logan indicated that a contract was signed. Pictures will be taken in June and directories distributed in August.
C. Coffee anddoughnuts: Had a good turnout for the wine and cheese and after the masses. Will increase the amount of donuts to 10 dozen next month.
D. Parish Council Guidelines. Discussed changes for the Guidelines. Nancy Plescia made a motion and Ann Short seconded it that the guidelines be changed to add two youth to Council membership.
E. Brochure for Parish Committees: No changes were suggested and Mike Logan will proceed with publishing it.
F. New Council members: The nominations will be cut off at the end of March. The names will be collected and those nominated will be contacted to ascertain their interest and be invited to a Parish Council meeting. We need 3 new members and 2 alternates.
New Business:
- It was decided that the meetings will be held at 7 pm. in the church hall.
Next meeting: The next meeting will be April 21, 2014 at 7 p.m. in the church hall.
The meeting was closed with prayer.
Respectfully submitted:
Judy Dossman