/ Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
04 October 2012

Present:Nick Gattuccio, Scott Collins, Andre Barashkoff, Michael Edwards, Steve Rader, Chad Weiser, Larry Holden, Steve Hoffmann (425.765.6986; ), Dave Lilley (206-817-9188; ), Jason Thain, Mike Owen (field scheduling), Cindy Goforth, Scott Newton.

  1. Meeting called to order at 8:10 pm at Newport HS by Larry Holden. Introductions around the room. June meeting minutes approved.
  2. Announcement of Board members leaving the Board:
  3. Jon Anderson
  4. Debbie Romero
  5. Nick Gattuccio
  6. Steve Rader
  7. Ron Hofelina
  8. Craig Rouse
  9. Bruce Engberg
  10. Nelson Vargas
  11. Ruth Raskind
  12. Open positions on the board that still need filling:
  13. Web master/web site :: ? (Sean Thompson)
  14. Treasurer – but probably Michael Edwards.
  15. Safety office
  16. UIC
  17. Coach development
  18. Uniforms (maybe Dave)
  19. Secretary (perhaps Tim or Megan Clark)
  20. New Board members – Moved and seconded to approve. Passed unanimously:
  21. Scott Newton (safety officer)
  22. Jason Cook
  23. Dave Holmes
  24. Tim Clark/Megan Clark (splitting??) Possibly Board secretary
  25. Steve Hoffmann
  26. Dave Lilly
  27. Tim/Megan Clark
  28. Sean Thompson
  29. Larry recommends the possibility of adding official Board positions for Equipment, Fields, Uniforms, and a Board position for fund raising.
  30. Budget report: Debbie is stepping down; New person to do "clean up" of the books and will produce a financial report for the next meeting. Budget not needed until December.
  31. President's report:
  32. Mark Gardner's fall ball program … run by Mark Lynden. Plus $800. Post-event approval. Move to approve fall ball program and expenditures for the event(3930 in; 2700 to Lynden; 425 field rental). (Great success; kids loved it; grooming for coaches and helpers.) Nick moves; Michael seconds. Pass unanimously.
  33. Fund raising. Not sure whether single person or small group. Contacted Jim Molenda, who provided contact at Walmart. Contact at Walmart in Factoria … Larry contacts … pending. This is good idea; challenge is finding person for the role.
  34. With new equipment person, opportunity to investigate uniform procurement changes --
  35. What about sponsor names on uniforms …. ??? Suggestion: $2000 for sponsorship of division (from Mike). Well, what about team-level sponsorship?
  36. Vote to endorse the concept of sponsor name or logo on uniforms (sleve). Cost of division sponsorship: Not less than $2000/division. Scott moves, Mike seconds. Pass unanimously.
  37. Candidate companies:
  38. Microsoft store
  39. Sports Authority
  40. Honda
  41. Michael's Toyota
  42. Storage company
  43. Local retail
  44. FEES: Do we raise fees? Haven't raised in several years - three years ago. Larry proposes raising fees $10 across the board. To discuss and vote at next meeting. Important to evaluate financial position before deciding. Also, clear sense of where to appropriate the new funds. Maybe stagger fee increases.
  45. WHERE to spend income:
  46. Web site. Going to Sean Thompson to take over. He's using Bonzi sports site service. Will take over Webmaster role (and registrar) if we use Bonzi. Cost = $500 plus $3/player annual charge. 3.5% charge for credit card transactions. (We must get Jon to harvest all the data on existing site) MOVE: Cindy moves to adopt Sean Thompson and his plan. Steve seconds. Pass unanimously.
  47. Training. Stodd won't give us half price this year. But, Larry wants to use Stodd. We can have BellWest's old time on Sundays. Thinking is 8 weekends. Skip two Sunday's (superbowl and president's day), run as two daily sessions. The two Sunday's in March could be used as practice facility for early march. Start first Sunday in Jan, then through two Sunday's in March. Cost = $2400.
  48. Mark Linden as resource. Mike Goins not available to run Stodd's program/Winter program … Mark may be useful here … OR, maybe winter sessions not best use. Coaches training would be better money well spent.
  49. Signage for recruitment. Better/more signs.
  50. Changing division names so they match the rest of the District. Andre moves to make the change to the District system, as follows (both BB and SB). Michael seconds. Scott votes nay; Cindy abstains; all other yea.Motion passes.
  51. Majors
  52. Coast
  53. AAA
  54. AA
  55. A
  56. TBall
  57. BOUNDARY: soon to have determination on boundary changes in Newcastle/Renton area.
  58. Encouragement to take better advantage of District 9 programs and opportunities.
  59. TBDs:
  60. Local Rules
  61. Review constitution
  62. Safety plan
  63. All star process discussion
  64. Opening day
  65. Nick moves to adjourn -- 9:55. Seconded and passed unanimously.

/ Submitted by Nick