Minutes of the meeting of the Somerton Parish Council held on
Monday 30th January 2017

Present: - Neil Good (NG) , Neil Clare (NC), Alison Smith (AS), Andy Corner (AC)

Members of the public: Cllr ArashFatemain, J Hughes, Kate Patch, Catriona Renk, Emma Wilson, David Wilson, Rebecca Falloon, David & Jill Burton, Claire Tomlinson, Rosemary Arnold, Gill Crawford, Ruth Power, Peter & Sue Hoggan, Nicholas & Diane Barnard, Mary Hall-Craggs, Harry Smee, Alice Bowmaker, Chris Rose, Shirley & John Simpson

In attendance: Cathy Fleet (Clerk)

01.17.01Apologies were received from John Gattley [out of the country], David Clark, Malcolm Arnold

01.17.02Declarations of Interest : There were no declarations of interest.

01.17.03Minutes of the last meeting:

The clerk was not in attendance at the last meeting and therefore no minutes were taken. However, notes were made by Alison Smith and Neil Good and these have been made available on the website.

01.17.04Public Participation :

Members of the public present (see above) were all concerned with the issues of Traffic Calming and Boundary Change [agenda items 6 & 7]

01.17.05Co-option of Councillor and confirmation of Chair

John Gattley (JG) was willing to be co-opted as Councillor at the previous meeting and has been provided with the necessary paperwork which he will complete and return as soon as possible to the Clerk.

ACTION : JG to complete paperwork and return to Clerk

Following the resignation of Alan Mitchell as Chair it was proposed by Andy Corner and seconded by Neil Clare that Alison Smith be elected Chair which she accepted. Thanks to Neil Good for standing in as Chair.

The PC expressed thanks to Alan Mitchel for his role as Chair

01.17.06Traffic calming

A survey had taken place over recent weeks seeking the opinion of residents on traffic calming measures through the village. The wording of the survey appeared to indicate that the PC were considering the installation of speed bumps. AS made it clear that NO decision had been made by the PC and that speed bumps were not ‘top of the list’. All respondents to the survey will be replied to and all responses will be taken into consideration as well as the opinions of those present at the meeting. A meeting had taken place with Anthony Kirkwood (OCC Highways) when it was agreed that some measures should be taken and that speed bumps would be in the region of £15K which would need to be self-funded or grant assisted. A traffic survey is to be taken within the next week which will record the speed, type and number of vehicles travelling through the village, the results of which will be compared to the surveys carried out in2000 and 2013. It is hoped that the data collected andcompared will provide evidence enough to request S106 monies from the developers of Heyford Park for traffic calming and road repairs. Viridor and Soho Farmhouse were also suggestions Traffic calming measures to be considered include:

  • Reduction in speed limit to 20 in Somerton, 40 on Ardley Road
  • White lines on edges Ardley Road
  • Painted Road signs
  • Extending the limits out of the village beyond Aston View
  • Highlighting the dangers where the school bus stops
  • LED Radar Speed signs
  • Speed bump repair Ardley Road and repaint white lines
  • Change of priority of chicane, Ardley Road
  • Aston View to be included

It was agreed that ‘20’s Plenty’ signs should be purchased for installation at strategic points

ACTION: Clerk to purchase signs to be delivered to AS’s work address

Ruth Power had spoken to Shaun Sullivan (TVP) who stated that following the conclusion of the traffic survey he will be happy to attend with a speed recording device and asked that residents report any traffic/speeding incidents either direct to him at or through the TVP website or by phoning the non-emergency phone number 101.

Steeple Aston Parish Council is currently setting up a Speedwatch Scheme and Cllr Helen Wright has indicated her willingness to assist any volunteers in Somerton. Claire Tomlinson, Shirley and John Simpsonagreed to volunteer and it was agreed that the previous sub-committee consisting of AS, AC and RP would also be involved.

AS has a meeting on 3rd February with Peter Egewhary (OCC Highways) to discuss some of the proposed measures and will report back.

The process of decision making was questioned and it was confirmed that whilst the ultimate decision is that of the elected PC, the process would be that following the collection of data there would be further consultation with residents and, if necessary, any planning permission sought prior to action.


Rosemary Arnold advised that Shirley Grant is coordinating the Annual Litter Pick on 11th February and she has already agreed to include cleaning signs

AC offered to clean the street signs which are not being cleaned by OCC.

ACTION : Clerk to ensure no permissions or insurance is required for this. (from Maurice Sheehan)

It was confirmed that the grass cutting grant should be applied for to OCC.

A water main is still leaking in Water Street.

ACTION :AC to follow up water leak

AC will clean the chicane and trim hedges in various parts of the village while he still has the equipment.

AC reported that the bridleway on Portway has been cleared and is concerned that it may be used by motor cyclists Action: AC to investigate special barriers that allow horses but not motor-bikes

AC reported that the street light on Ardley Road near the junction with Fritwell Road does not work.

ACTION :Clerk to report to OCC

01.17.07Community Governance Review – change of boundary

Information had been received regarding a consultation on the proposed parish boundary changes to allow for the separation of Heyford Park from Upper Heyford. There are three proposed options, and residents are encouraged to vote on-line expressing their views. It was agreed that a leaflet drop would be done to coincide with the distribution of Valley News to inform all residents.

ACTION : AS to create flyer

NG to print flyer and insert in Valley News

Rebecca, Catriona, Justin and Emma also offered to help distribute

The parish council agree to approve Map 2 which keeps the Somerton Boundary as it is. Cllr ArashFatanium advised that the PC vote is only counted as one so if people feel strongly about the boundaries they should all make sure they responded, which can be done on line: The consultation will close on Friday 17 March.


to agree draft resolution the Draft was approved and signed by Chair

to update on Community Engagement meeting , The meeting held on 26 Jan was well attended 30 people came along and Martin Lipson gave a very useful Q&A session after the attendees had had an opportunity to view the display. The feed back was very positive.

A list of views and points of interest were supplied to the MCNP by JG in preparation for a cultural and Heritage survey being carried out. AS will accompany a tour of the NP area on 22 February

(not discussed at the meeting but feedback that should have been given on the evening)

01.17.09 Planning

16/02376/F Somerfields, Heyford Road APPROVED

16/024446/F Camp Road - 297 dwellings – NG to find out details of provision for increased traffic if approved. We need to respond with request for traffic calming measures under s 106. Need to draft response this week.

16/02382/F West wing Old Rectory - change of use - no objections

16/02348/F Camp Road - change of use – no objections

01.17.10 Finance

There were no accounts for payment, however NG and NC required reimbursement for items purchased on behalf of the PC which were approved and will be paid by BACS by the Clerk.

It was confirmed that the precept request as discussed at the last meeting was approved and the figure of £10,786 will be submitted.

Other matters

Clerk had provided an USB stick containing all Somerton PC's documents stored on her computer to the Chair for safekeeping. This will be updated on a separate stick and exchanged at every meeting so that the documents will always be available in the event of technical breakdown or absence of the Clerk.

Thanks to NC who has re-varnished al the village notice boards

Date of next meeting : 27th March 2017

Future meeting dates : Tues 30th May, 31st July, 25th September, 27th November

The meeting closed at 10.45pm

Signed …………………………….. Mrs A Smith (Chair) Date ………………………………


NO / ACTION / To be Actioned by :
01.17.05 / JG to complete paperwork and return to clerk / JG
01.17.06 / Clerk to purchase 6 x 20’s Plenty signs to be delivered to AS’s work address / CF
Clerk to ensure no permissions or insurance is required for cleaning street signs. / CF
Clerk to report defective street light to OCC / CF
AC to follow up on Water leak / AC
Re-form sub committee to progress Traffic issues AS will seek volunteers, speed-watch, / AS
Contact Andrew Lewis re funding, part of s106 on new planning application / AS
Pursue Change in Priority Ardley Road chicane / AS
01.17.07 / AS to create flyer regarding Boundary changes
NG to print flyer and insert in Valley News / AS