Storytown Theme 1: School Days
Lesson 1: Story: Ruby the Copycat by Peggy Rathmann (Realistic Fiction)
Phonics/Spelling-Short Vowels: a, e, i, o, u
Focus Skill-Characters and Setting
Focus Strategy-Use Graphic Organizers
Additional Skills-ABC Order
Robust Vocabulary-trudged, gushed, coincidence, pleasant, modeled, murmured, loyal, recited, frustrated, imitated
Grammar-Statements and Questions
Lesson 2: The Day Eddie Met the Author by Louise Borden (Realistic Fiction)
Phonics/Spelling-Root word + Ending –ed, -ing
Focus Skill-Characters and Setting
Focus Strategy-Use Graphic Organizers
Additional Skills-ABC Order
Robust Vocabulary-conquer, resistance, assembly, plenty, dismiss, squirmed, patchwork, autographed, ponder, anticipation
Grammar-Commands and Exclamations
Lesson 3: Schools Around the World by Margaret C. Hall (Expository Nonfiction)
Phonics/Spelling-Vowel Digraphs: long e–ee,ea; long a–ai,ay; long o–oa,ow
Focus Skill-Locate Information
Focus Strategy-Use Prior Knowledge
Additional Skills-Use a Dictionary
Robust Vocabulary-proper, boarding, chores, certain, resources, culture, tutor, uniforms, literacy, diverse
Grammar-Complete and Simple Subjects and Predicates
Lesson 4: Ellen Ochoa, Astronaut by Janet Michaels (Biography)
Phonics/Spelling-Plurals, -s,-es
Focus Skill-Locate Information
Focus Strategy-Use Prior Knowledge
Additional Skills-Use a Dictionary
Robust Vocabulary-persevere, confidence, talented, apply, research, invention, hinder, disappointed, ambitious, attain
Grammar-Compound Subjects and Predicates
Lesson 5: (Review Week) The School News (Reader’s Theater News Script)
Phonics/Spelling-Theme review
Focus Skill-Characters and Setting, Locate Information
Focus Strategy-Use Graphic Organizers, Use Prior Knowledge
Additional Skills-ABC Order, Use a Dictionary
Robust Vocabulary- viewers, survive, camouflage, concealed, independent, donated, media, feature, image, popular
Review Theme 1’s Robust Vocabulary
Grammar-Statements and Questions, Commands and Exclamation, Complete and Simple Subjects and Predicates, Compound Subjects and Predicates