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Minutes of the meeting of Barlestone Parish Council held on the 12th April 2017 at the Pavilion, Bosworth Road.
Present : Mr. D. Burchell, Mr. D. Crane, Mrs. C. Rahaman, Mrs. C. Watkins, Mr. P. Enston,
Mr. J. Kendall
B.Cllr Bill Crooks
Apologies: C.Cllr Ould, Parish Councillors, Mr. P. Burchell, Mrs. A. Smith
Cllr Ould had sent in his monthly report which had been circulated to the councilors.
1Minutes of the Previous Meeting
ProposedMrs. Watkins,seconded D.Cranethat the minutes are confirmed as a true record.
2Matters Arising/Clerk’s update
- Cemetery, clerk contacted the builder of the new houses next to the cemetery with regard to the grass verge.
- School Meeting – J.Kendall has a quotation re CCTV and will make contact with the Headmistress.
- Quotations for the repair of the bus shelter have been forwarded to the insurance company and instructions from them are awaited.
Ref.17/00203/HOU – Two storey side ext & front porch to 79 Newbold Road
No objections
Ref.17/00238/HOU – Dual pitched roof to single storey garage, 32 Bosworth Rd.
No objections
4Finance –
a) Payment of the invoices totaling £2531.15
proposed byP.Enston, seconded by Mrs. Rahaman and all in agreement.
b) Agree the Annual Governance Statement for 2016-17
Confirmed by D.Crane, seconded Mrs. Rahaman and all members in agreement.
c)It was agreed by all councilors present that it was resolved to apply for borrowing approval to fund the new village hall. Confirmed by J. Kendall, seconded D. Crane and all members in agreement following on from the BCDT meeting which was attended by Parish Councillors where it had been decided to accept the quotation from Benchmark.
d) Request for Grants had been received from
- 1st Steps Playgroup (Mrs. Watkins declared an interest)
- Air Ambulance
It was agreed more information was needed from the applicants and these will be discussed at a future meeting.
5Neighbourhood Plan update
Mrs. Watkins reported that The Designation Application has been made and is now in its consultation period (20th March to 2nd May) – as stated previously, this is the Barlestone Parish area only
It had been a disappointing turnout at the last meeting but plans were in hand to produce flyers for every household to make them aware of the importance of the plan.
Other ways of reaching the residents are being considered, and it is hoped some will join in to make this plan successful for the village.
Future meetings will be held on the first Thursday of each month but this is not set in stone.
Mrs. Rahaman is working alongside Mrs. Watkins to get this plan off the ground.
Two new tenants have taken on plots and all are working well. It is unfortunate that some of the plots are not being worked and contact will be made with those tenants.
The Police have been notified about the break ins of the sheds and have promised to keep an eye out when in the village.
7Playing Fields
Bosworth Rd. Playing Field - The Youth Shelter has been repaired and painted with anti vandal paint, to date the sign has been removed and there is evidence of the shelter being climbed on. It is hoped those involved can be identified from the CCTV
The first mow of the year has been done and the hedge cutter has been put on notice for future work.
May Meadow – The tree work has been completed following damage by the high winds
9Cemetery/Church yard
Broken Kerb set in the church yard needs to be repaired – Clerk to contact the Maintenance officer.
Clerk along with Mrs. Roberts & Mrs. Rahaman will visit the cemetery to check on headstones and also meet with Mrs. Downs re the proposed memorial garden.
It was noted that a white van had taken to parking in front of the Cemetery Gates on Barton Road, Highways will be contacted if this continues.
Osbaston PC to be invoiced for the donation towards the upkeep of the cemetery.
10Any Other Business
a)Fun Day – this will be the first Sunday in August. At the moment the Insurance cover is being investigated. Mrs. Watkins is working with other members regarding this event.
b)Mrs. Rahaman was concerned about the appearance of the boxes outside the Bangla Kitchen as they were falling apart.
c)Litter Picking for the Queen – this was due to go ahead in March but due to the late timing of the information this did not go ahead. D.Burchell to send details of volunteers to Mrs. Rahaman
There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.40 pm