College of Business Internship Syllabus- Fall 2015


Name: Lynn Grinnell

Office- EpiCenter – 2-413

Phone- (727) 791-5934

E-mail: primary: MyCourses email; secondary:

Office hours: as indicated on Instructor Course Page –


Program Coordinator: Mike Ewell

Office location: Epi -Room 2-305E

Office Number: (727) 791-2610


Course Dates: 1/11 - 5/5/2016

Course Description

Prerequisite: Academic Department Coordinator/Chair Approval. This course is to be taken after the student has completed at least 9 credit hours in their major field of study. The purpose of this course is to allow students a “real world” experience with major-related, supervised, evaluated practical work experiences which may be paid or voluntary.Students are graded on the basis of documented learning acquired through hands-on experiences in an actual work setting. Variable credits are available, one to four per course. The student must fulfill the requirement of 60 on-the-job hours for each credit earned in addition to written assignments.

Course Objectives

1.The student will become familiar with appropriate business practices as they relate to their major field of study.

(Each individual student will work with the employer or organization and the assigned faculty member to identify and agree upon 2-3 learning objectives)

2.The student will apply classroom course content, including theory and skills, to a job situation.

(Each individual student will work with the employer or organization and the assigned faculty member to identify and agree upon 2-3 learning objectives)

3.The student will develop a detailed plan to summarize the value of the work experience in relation to their career choice by

  1. evaluating all identified learning objectives through journal (discussion post) entries.
  2. evaluating future education and career plan choices.
  3. providing a written summary of the learning experience.


Although no textbook is required for the Internship course, the instructor may include supplemental reading materials.


The College of Business Internship Coordinator, Employer or Organization, the assigned Faculty Member and the Student will coordinate the students on-the-job hours based on a reasonable and flexible work schedule to assist students in maintaining their coursework.

The submission schedule for all assignments will be agreed upon by the student and the assigned faculty member at the beginning of the Internship and will be based on the variable credits for the course.


The Internship course is designed as a temporary paid or unpaid learning experience where students earn 1-4 academic credits working 60-240 on-the-job hours, which apply to their degree and/or certificate program. Since the College of Business Internship is designed also to recognize the value of learning, which is a result of practical experience, credit will be granted provided the following conditions are met:

  • The experience gained in this Internship during the semester is directly related to the student’s major field of study.
  • The student registers for the appropriate Internship course and completes all assignments which include:
  • Developing and implementing 2-3 learning objectives for the Internship course.
  • Posting discussion entries that review the learning objectives (Journal).
  • Completing the Final Business Technologies Internship Program Report at the completion of the course.

The steps in the Internship process are as follows:

  1. Employer or organization fills out application and submits Internship opportunity with designated contact person to COB Internship Coordinator.
  2. Student contacts Internship Coordinator for Internship opportunity and submits application form and resume.
  3. Student sets-up interview with employer or organization contact person.
  4. Internship Coordinator contacts Academic Department Coordinator/Chair for course number and assigned faculty member.
  5. Student registers in designated course and is assigned coursework based on Internship academic credit and on-the-job hours to be earned.
  6. Faculty work with students to develop and implement learning objectives based on Internship academic credit and on-the-job hours to be earned.
  7. Employer or organization reads and accepts or makes change requests to the learning objectives prior to implementation.
  8. Student completes Internship, coursework and provides Internship evaluation feedback as well as course Student Survey of Instruction (SSI).
  9. Employer or organization provides Internship process and student evaluation.
  10. Student provides Internship evaluation feedback to the Internship Coordinator.


Attendance in this course is based on the student’s attendance, punctuality and dependability to the assigned workplace Internship and the logging on to the Internship course in MyCourses to post discussion responses and learning objectives review. Weekly hours worked and cumulative hours worked to date will be attached to the weekly discussion board posts using a weekly timesheet found in the Introduction to the Course. The college-wide policy is included in the Syllabus Addendum.


The following grading system will apply and is based on the Internship’s academic credits and on-the-job hours to be earned:

Learning Objectives+-30%

Journal (Discussion Postings)/Learning Objects Review40%

Final Internship Report30%


Learning Objectives:

Students are required to work with their employer to develop 2-3 specific learning objectives for the Internship, and submit them to the employer or organization for approval. On approval the student will submit them to the assignment drop-box using the learning objectives guidelines. (See Module 1 – Internship Start)

Journal (Discussion Postings)/Learning Objects Review:

Students will be asked to list their activities in their on-the-job Internship,including a description of management functions they are performing or observing,and compare them to the identified learning objectives and specific learning experience. The number of modules (weekly activities) will depend on the length of the Internship (1-4 academic credits/60-240 on-the-job hours).

Final College of Business Internship Report:

Students will be asked to answer a specific set of questions provided in a template and then provide a two page double-spaced summary of the learning experience they had during their Internship assignment using the journal entries made throughout the Internship.


The student survey of instruction is administered in courses each semester and is designed to improve the quality of instruction at St. PetersburgCollege. All student responses are confidential and anonymous and will be used solely for the purpose of performance improvement.


The following link will provide the student with the most up-to-date college-wide policies