Settore Servizi agli Studenti
Ufficio Laureati
GIVEN the D.P.R. of 11 July 1980 No 382 on the reform of the university and, in particular, chapter II on research doctorates;
GIVEN the Law of 13 August 1984 No 476 "Regulations on scholarships and research doctorates in the university”;
GIVEN the Law of 30 November 1989 No 398 "Regulations on university scholarships”;
GIVEN the D.M. of 11 September 1998 establishing the allowances for the doctorate scholarships;
GIVEN the Statute of the Università degli Studi di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale issued by D.R. No 825 of 19 December 2011;
GIVEN the Law of July 3, 1998 No 210 "Rules for the recruitment of university researchers and professors” and, in particular, art. 4 on research doctorates;
GIVEN the D.M. of 8 February 2013 No 45 “Regulations on the evaluation of universities and doctoral programs and regulations on the institution of research doctorates in the university” published in the Gazzetta Ufficiale No 104 of 6 May 2013;
GIVEN the D.R. of 18 July 2013 No 389 by which the Regulation on research doctorates at the University degli Studi di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale was issued;
GIVEN the Ministerial note of 5 August 2013 No 17339 “Guidelines for the publication of the admission announcement for research doctorates”
GIVEN the proposals for the institution and renewal of research doctorates for the 30° cycle approved by the Departments:
GIVEN the measures adopted by the Academic Senate and the Governing Board of the Università degli Studi di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale on 16 April 2014 in favour of the institution of research doctorates for the 30° cycle
GIVEN the approval by the Università degli Studi di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale Evaluation Committee expressed in the meeting of 17 april 2014;
GIVEN the Ministerial note of 22 July 2014 No 20285 “Accreditation of research doctorates Academic Year 2014/2015”
Art. 1
The Università degli Studi di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale (hereinafter University) announces a public selection based on qualifications and examinations for admission to research doctorates (hereinafter PhD Programmes) for the Academic Year 2014-2015 – 30° cycle. Modalities and criteria are explained in Attachment A, which comprises 5 application forms, from Form n. 1 to Form n. 5, one for each of the five PhD Programmes. Attachment A is an integral part of this announcement.
Art. 2
Admission Requirements
Without any restriction of age and citizenship, applicants must hold one of the following qualifications by the deadline set in the present announcement:
- an Italian degree awarded prior to approval of D.M.509 of 3 November 1999;
- an Italian Laurea specialistica or Laurea Magistrale;
- an equivalent academic qualification awarded abroad previously acknowledged by Italian academic institutions, also within specific cooperation and mobility agreements.
Limitedly to admission to the public selection, academic qualifications awarded abroad can be acknowledged by the Collegio dei Docenti (hereinafter PhD Board) as equivalent to the Italian degree. In the latter case, applicants must provide the documentation that certifies such equivalence, together with their application form. Documents must be translated into Italian and authorised by Italian diplomatic or consular representatives in the applicant’s country of origin, in accordance with the regulations for the admission of foreign students to Italian universities.
Non-EU citizens can apply for admission by either taking part in the selection for doctoral scholarships or apply for admission without taking part in the selection for doctoral scholarships. In the latter case, candidates might be accepted in a number not exceeding half of the total available positions (if necessary with rounding upwards) for each PhD programme. Admission is nevertheless based on the CV of the candidate and eventually granted only if the candidate obliges to comply with the regulations of the PhD programme regarding attendance and the assignments required by the PhD Board.
Art. 3
Under penalty of exclusion from admission, candidates must apply online and submit the documentation required in Attachment A concerning the PhD Programme to which they are requiring admission and available at by 15 September 2014, 5:00 p.m. (Italian time)
Under penalty of exclusion from admission, candidates must pay a 40-euro admission fee. Payment can be made either via credit card or by bank transfer using MAV (Modulo Avviso Pagamento) printable from the University Website at the end of the online application procedure.
Under penalty of exclusion from admission, candidates must also submit copy of a valid identification document and (if any) all qualifications that can be considered for admission, as indicated in Attachment A.
The University cannot be held responsible for any missing required document sent online due to reasons that cannot be ascribed directly to the University administration itself. Further, the University administration will not regard as valid application forms submitted after the deadline set in the present announcement.
In compliance with the law n. 104 of 5 February 1992, candidates with a disability may request special equipment in relation to their disability and additional time to complete their admission examinations. Confidential data of the candidates with disabilities will be saved and treated in compliance with the Decree n.196/2003.
Admission of candidates is conditioned to the verification of all the requirements listed in the present announcement.
Art. 4
Admission Examinations
Unless otherwise specified in Attachment A, admission is based on the evaluation of the qualifications of the candidate, the documentation submitted as indicated in Attachment A and, if any, on a written and oral exam that will evaluate the candidate’s expertise, penchant for research, and knowledge of one or more foreign languages.
Art. 5
Examinations Dates
Examinations will take place in the day, time, and location indicated in Attachment A. In order to be admitted to the examinations, candidates must show a valid identification document. No personal notification about the examinations shall be sent directly to candidates.
Art. 6
Examination Committees
The examination committees granting admission to the PhD Programmes are appointed by the Rector at the suggestion of the PhD Boards of the different doctoral programmes. The committees are composed of three members chosen among university professors and researchers (as well as foreign universities) who belong to the disciplinary fields relevant to the PhD Programme. The committees can also include a maximum of two experts, also not Italian, who work in either public or private universities and research institutions.
The assessment of the candidate’s qualifications precedes other admission examinations, as indicated in Attachment A.
The Examination Committee can award a score of up to 60 points for each exam. To be admitted to the oral exam, candidates must have passed the written exam or the preliminary selection (if any) with a score no lower than 40/60. At the end of the oral exam the Committee shall draw up a list of the candidates with the awarded scores. The list, undersigned by the President and the Secretary of the Committee, will be posted on the day of the oral exam in the hosting Department. A score of at least 40/60 is required to pass the oral exam.
After the completion of the exams, the Committee shall draw up a general merit list based on the sum of the scores awarded to the candidates for each of their exams.
Art. 7
Admission to PhD Programmes
Upon verification of the regularity of the admission procedures, candidates will be admitted to the PhD Programme by a Decree of the Rector and according to their ranking in the general merit list and until the number of the available positions for each PhD Programme shall be covered. The general merit list with the candidates ranking is one for each of the PhD Programmes. In case one of the admitted candidate renounces admission within ten days after the beginning of the doctoral activities or because she/he did not enrol in due time, another candidate will be admitted according to his/her ranking in the general merit list.
In case of admission to more than one PhD Programme, the candidate must opt for one doctorate only.
Beneficiaries of university research contracts who have taken part in the admission process can be also admitted as supernumerary, provided that the PhD Programme is in the same scientific-disciplinary field as their university research contract.
Non-EU candidates, who have not been granted a scholarship, passed as fit by the Examination Committee, will be admitted to the PhD programme in a number not exceeding half of the total available positions (if necessary with rounding upwards).
The final ranking of the candidates will be published in the University Website at:
Art. 8
Within ten days from when the final ranking of the candidates has been published in the University Web Page, the candidates who have been admitted to a PhD Programme on the basis of their ranking must submit to the University administration the hardcopy of their application documentation, their enrolment form (Attachment B), and their proof of payment of the tuition fees, according to the following Art. 9.
Art. 9
Tuition fees
PhD students who have been granted a scholarship are exempted from paying tuition fees.
PhD students who have not been granted a scholarship must pay a fee of € 520 per year. This amount must be paid with precompiled forms available on the Research Doctorates webpage of the University in two instalments of equal amount (or, if preferred, in one single payment): the first instalment is due at the moment of enrolment and the second instalment is due by 28 February 2015. Any delay in payment will be fined in appliance with the University Tax and Fees Regulation
Art. 10
Research Scholarships
The number of available scholarships can be increased by funding provided by public or private institutions after the publication of the present announcement, but before the conclusion of the admission process. An additional oral exam, on research topics coherent with the activities of the funder, might be required for the award of these latter scholarships.
The scholarships provided by institutions external to the University will be supplied only after the conclusion of all the procedures to establish the relative agreement between such institutions and the University and after the transfer of funds to the University.
The external scholarships not related to specific research will be assigned to the candidates who ranked first .
The assignment of scholarships is subjected to the condition that the income of the student does not exceed € 7.746,86 during the year she/he is granted the scholarship.
Under penalty of exclusion from admission, students applying for a scholarship must declare that the aforementioned income limit is not exceeded by marking the appropriate box in the online application form.
Scholarships are assigned on the basis of the candidate’s position in the final ranking. In case of equal ranking, the admission is based on the economic condition of the student, in compliance with the D.P.C.M. of 9 April 2001.
The total gross amount provided for each scholarship is € 16,249.79, including the charge for the Administration, and it will be paid in monthly instalments of equal amount.
The scholarship will cover the whole time-length of the PhD Programme.
The scholarship shall be increased by 50% for any periods of research abroad.
Scholarships cannot be cumulated with other scholarships or research grants, except for those conferred by national or foreign institutions aimed to provide the candidates with the opportunity to carry out doctoral research activities abroad.
Art. 11
Rights and Duties of PhD Students
PhD students are expected to attend seminars, training activities, lectures, and to continuously carry out their studies and research activities. At the end of each year, students must present a report on their research and educational activities to the PhD Board.
A motivated decision of the PhD Board may state the expulsion of the student from the PhD Programme and consequent loss of the scholarship in case of:
a) negative evaluation of the PhD Board about access on the following year of the Programme;
b) open-ended or fixed-term contract working activities, or working activities performed without prior authorization of the PhD Board;
c) prolonged and unjustified absences.
It is in the rights of PhD students to obtain a leave of absence for serious and documented health reasons.
Maternity leave is granted in appliance with the Decree of the Ministry of Employment of 12 July 2007 and published in the Gazzetta Ufficiale No 247 of 23 October 2007.
Absences caused by reasons other than those listed in the previous paragraphs must be expressly authorized by the PhD Board.
Once the leave of absence is terminated, the PhD Board decides whether to readmit the PhD student to the year of the program in course or to readmit the PhD student to the following year of the Programme. The students readmitted to the year of the Programme in course will receive a scholarship reduced by the allowance that should have been corresponded during the leave of absence.
In case of suspension longer than thirty days, or in case of expulsion from the PhD Programme, the scholarship will not be paid.
Registration to PhD Programme is not compatible with registration to any other university programme, specialization school, other doctoral programmes, and master’s of first and second level.
Students who enrol at the 30° cycle of the PhD Programme in "Digital Humanities for Medieval Studies" will be required to play a stage of at least six months at academic or research institutions abroad for study and research aimed at the preparation of the doctoral thesis.
Art. 12
The title of Dottore di Ricerca (Doctor of Research) is conferred by the Rector upon passing a final examination, which may be repeated only once.
Art. 13
Final Examination Committees
The Committees that grant the title of Doctor of Research are appointed by the Rector on the suggestion of the PhD Board of each Programme.
Art. 14
In appliance with the Legislative Decree No 196/2003, together with its subsequent modifications and integrations, the University undertakes to use personal information provided by the candidates for institutional purposes and for the accomplishment of the admission procedures only.