PRESENT: Mickey Thompson, member, Warren V. Nash, president. Cheryl Cotner was absent

OTHERS PRESENT: David Hall, Linda Moeller, Chris Gardner, Jessica Campbell, Major Whitlow, Colonel Pennell, David Brewer, Alicia Meredith, Josh Rosenbarger, Krisjans Streips, Stan Robison, Fire Marshal Koehler and Mindy Milburn


Mr. Nash called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.



Item #1 - Jason Copperwaite re: Plat for Graybrook and Chase Commons

Mr. Copperwaite explained that he appeared last week for these two items and they took them under advisement and asked if the board had any questions.

Mr. Thompson asked about the curb cut on Graybrook and asked if it was forsite distance

Mr. Copperwaite stated that it was and explained that Kent Drive has bad site distance looking through the north so they offset it.

Mr. Thompson moved to approve, Mr. Nashsecond, motion carries

Item #2 - IN-AWC re: Street Cut Permits for 514 Camp Avenue and 1002 Brookwood Drive.

Mr. Thompson stated that the work has been done but they haven’t finished putting the caps on and he will check back to make sure they are.

Mr. Thompson moved to approve, Mr. Nash second, motion carries

Item #3 - Amber Gaither re: Requesting use of the Amphitheater June 14th

Not Present

Item #4 - Jason Swearingen with Specialty Earth Science re: Permission for sample request at 207 E. Main St.

Mr. Swearingen stated that they are performing some standard environmental work on Main Street and because the building is taking up the entire location they would like permission to sample in the right-of-way. He presented the board with copies of the locations that they would be taking the samples at.

Mr. Nash asked what business is at the location.

Mr. Swearingen explained that they are implementing a Brownfield Assessment Grant with New Albany Redevelopment and the current landowners want to refinance to do building improvements but the mortgage company requires an environmental sampling.

Mr. Brewer asked how deep they would have to go.

Mr. Swearingen stated that the max would be 40 feet.

Mr. Nash asked what they do if they find something

Mr. Swearingen explained that if they find something it would traditionally be associated with dry cleaning operations and there is certain state criteria that governs how much of that can be in the soil and if it is above that they would get involved with IDEM to get it cleaned up.

Mr. Thompson asked if they have a timeline

Mr. Swearingen stated that it should only take about two days and they would like to do it between December 15thand January 15thand they would talk with the landowners before they begin the work.

Mr. Thompson moved to approve, Mr. Nash second, motion carries

Item #5 - Vectren re: Completed Street Cuts at 2313 Charlestown Rd-Sidewalk Permit, 500 Bentbrook Dr- Street Cut

Mr. Thompson stated that these are already completed.

Mr. Thompson moved to approve, Mr. Nash second, motion carries

Item #6 - John Rosenbarger re: Charlestown Road and Beechwood Avenue Intersection Safety Improvements Plans

Mr. Rosenbarger explained that this project is federally funded grant program with 90% c coming from federal funding to improve the intersection at Charlestown road and Beechwood . He stated that the problem is that the northbound lane on Charlestown Road is a turn lane and this has created a lot of accident situations. He explained that this project would provide a full left turn and the plans are ready to be submitted to INDOT. He stated that the cost estimate is $225,000.00 and they have a budget of $340,000.00 so it is well below the estimated cost. He stated that they were able to do it without purchasing any right-of-ways at all so that saved them a lot of money.He explained that the letting schedule would be for March of next year and the tentative schedule for construction would be late spring or early summer.

Mr. Thompson asked if the 10% match would be LRS

Mr. Rosenbarger explained that it will be LRS or TIF and asked for the board’s approval of the plans.
Mr. Thompson asked if this was for signal monitoring as well.

Mr. Rosenbarger stated that it is a completely new system.

Mr. Thompson moved to approve, Mr. Nash second, motion carries

Item #7 - David Snow with Central Christian Church re: Permission to do horse and carriage caroling through downtown New Albany on December 20th

Mr. Snow stated that they would like to go caroling this year in the downtown area on December 20th from 6-9 p.m. He explained that they have contracted with Old Time Carriage to take them through the area asked for the board’s permission.

Mr. Thompson stated that he needs to check with the carriage company and make sure the horses have rubber shoes

Mr. Snow stated that he has and they do. He explained that they are waiting on the information to come through from the insurance company and as soon as they have it they will send it over to the clerk’s office.

Mr. Thompson moved to approve, Mr. Nash second, motion carries


Greg Roberts spoke on behalf of the neighborhood association in favor of the two-way streets in downtown New Albany. He explained that on Sunday a neighbor was cleaning out the home and they had about 16-17 cars and they were parked on the sidewalk. He stated that it took them about two years to get new sidewalk in at that location so they called the police to asked to have the cars moved because they were also blocking the street. He explained that the officer gave them an hour and a half to move and they had to call two more times to get them to move and the officer told the individuals who called in to report. He stated that he doesn’t really mind that but they need to know that if they make that a practice the number of calls they get about legitimate issues will go down. He explained that it took them 6-7 calls to get this taken care of and asked if they could look into this.

Jonathan Habermel asked for another dumpster permit at 604 East 8th Street for one week starting immediately.

Mr. Thompson moved to approve, Mr. Nash second, motion carries


Item #1 - Alleyway cleared at 514 E. Elm St.

Mr. Thompson asked for this to stay on the agenda.

Item #2 - Street Light on utility pole at 3110 Murr Lane

Mr. Thompson stated that there is a street light about two houses away on either side of his house so he doesn’t see a reason to install another one.

Mr. Thompson moved to deny the request, Mr. Nash second, motion carries.

Item #3 - Rumble strips in school zone on Vincennes Street

Mr. Thompson stated that they did put a school sign up in place of the 30 mph sign but he isn’t in favor of the rumble strips because of the neighbors and the noise issue. .

Mr. Nash stated that they don’t want to set that precedent either to use these to address traffic issues.

Mr. Thompson stated that he thinks there are some other things they can do as well to address the issue.

Mr. Thompson moved to deny the rumble strips, Mr. Nash second, motion carries



Mr. Rosenbarger explained that they are in the finalizing the plans for the East Main Street Project. He stated that they had two public meetingsthat were well participated in and they sent responses to all the questions and points. He explained that they are looking to bid in December and award bids in January to begin construction in February. He stated that part of the construction is a median down the street with plantings and updated curbs and sidewalks.

Mr. Streips presented the board with a memo from the New Albany Tree Board explaining that they were presented with a plan for East Main Street which included the removal of inappropriate, diseases, or declining trees within the project. He explained that the board supports this approach to remove said trees because it is better to achieve uniformity with less mature trees now then to fill in gaps where problem trees would need to be removed later.



Mrs. Moeller presented the following claims for approval:

General Claims (Bank 1):$93,508.95

Fire Department:$7,233.64

Police Department:$53,913.20

Street Department:$257,046.62

Parks Department:$18,128.27


Redevelopment(Banks- 1,6,T,111B):$40,764.22

Medical/Drug Fund (Bank L):$1,740.42

Payroll Claims (Bank 2):$764,424.25

Sanitation Fund:$0.00

Thursday Utility Claims:$506,165.95

Grand Total:$1,769,963,00

Mr. Thompson moved to approve, Mr. Nash second, motion carries.

Mr. Moeller submitted the monthly bank reconciliations for the record and stated that this will be a monthly report that they will be getting from now on. Said report is on file with the City Clerk’s Office.


Mr. Thompson moved to approve the November 19, 2013 Regular Meeting Minutes, Mr. Nash second, motion carries.


There being no further business before the board, the meeting adjourned at 10:50 a.m.


Warren Nash, President Mindy Milburn, Deputy City Clerk

1 Board of Works

November 26, 2013

All meetings are recorded and on file with the City Clerk’s Office