A meeting of Wickenby Parish Council took place on Thursday 7TH July 2017 at 7pm, in St. Peter & St. Lawrence Church.
Present:M J Gill Stafford (Chairman), J Hairsine and Mrs S Wheeldon
Clerk:Mrs L Richardson
17/07/01To sign the declaration of acceptance of office for vice-chairman
On a proposal from Cllr , seconded by Cllr , agreed by all, Cllr Hairsine accepted and signed the acceptance of office for vice chairman.
17/07/02To receive apologies and reasons for absence from any Councillors
On a proposal from Cllr , seconded by Cllr, agreed by all, apologies and reasons for absence were accepted from Cllrs Chilton and Mrs Smith.
17/07/03To receive applications for co-option onto the Parish Council
None received
17/07/04To receive any declaration of interest applicable to agenda items in accordance with the 2000 Local Government Act
None declared
17/07/05To approve and sign the notes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on 4th May 2017 as minutes
On a proposal from Cllr Mrs Wheeldon, seconded by Cllr Hairsine, agreed by all, the notes of the meeting held on 4th May 2017 were signed as a true record of events.
17/07/06To approve and sign the notes of the meeting held on 4th May 2017 as minutes
The following amendments were made:-
17/05/07a - should read RESOLVED
17/05/07cii) should read Governance
On a proposal from Cllr Hairsine, seconded by Cllr Mrs Wheeldon, agreed by all, the notes of the meeting held on 4th May 2017 were signed as a true record of events
17/07/07To receive, discuss and action any reports from outside bodies
The Clerk has attended a training course via LALC on minutes and effective note taking. The following item was brought to the Councillors attention:-
-It is recommended that Councillors use a separate email address for Parish Council business due to possible FOI requests.
A HMRC penalty has been noted for non filing of the 2014/15 PAYE annual return.
17/07/08Financial issues
a)To receive bank reconciliation
On a proposal from Cllr Mrs Wheeldon, seconded by Cllr Hairsine, agreed by all, the bank reconciliation to 19th May 2017 was agreed. Total Bank account balance £9036.72.
b)To approve any accounts or invoices for payment
On a proposal from Cllr Hairsine, seconded by Cllr Mrs Wheeldon, agreed by all, the following invoices for payment were agreed:-
£74.12 – LALC – Annual Subscription
£298.83 – Mrs L Richardson – Clerks salary and expenses
£30.00 – Mrs B Solly – Internal auditor fee
£10.00 – LALC – Training fee
£34.00 – M.J. Gill-Stafford – Chairmans expenses (printer ink)
a)To discuss and take any necessary action regarding updating the website
On a proposal from Cllr Hairsine, seconded by Cllr Mrs Wheeldon, agreed by all, the following amendments will be made to the Parish Council website:-
Homepage – Line 1, para 2 – 2 vacancies
Line 2 – These vacancies
Line 3 – Any applications will be considered for co-option at the next full council meeting.
Para 3, line 2 – Delete Annual Parish meeting blurb
Parish Councillors – Clerk, line 2 – 2 vacancies
J. Hairsine (Vice-Chairman)
Wickenby Parish Council – 2 vacancies
Line 2 – 2 applications, vacancies
b)To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the Autumn 2017 newsletter
On a proposal from Cllr Hairsine, seconded by Cllr Mrs Wheeldon, agreed by all, the following suggestions were made for the Autumn 2017 newsletter:-
-Update of the post box relocation
-Councillor vacancies
-Need for an emergency plan
a)To discuss and submit any comments regarding planning applications received
None received
b)To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the Local Plan
Possibility of future planning based on a percentage growth until 2036 (9 plots)
c)To discuss and take any necessary action regarding an Emergency Plan
This was deferred to a future meeting when more Councillors are present for a more in depth discussion.
17/07/11Village maintenance
a)To discuss and agree any action regarding specific areas within the village
Pothole on Snarford Road – a job number has been allocated – to date no maintenance has been undertaken.
b)To discuss and agree any action regarding the maintenance contractor
No further update.
c)To receive an update regarding the request for re-siting of pillar mounted post box
Edward Leigh, MP, has written to Royal Mail to support the Parish Council and they have now agreed to relocate the pillar mounted post box.
17/07/12Next meeting
To agree date of September 2017 meeting
Thursday 7th September 2017
17/07/13Staff Matters
a)To resolve to exclude the public and press, in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960, to allow consideration to be given to the following staff matter:
On a proposal from Cllr Mrs Wheeldon, seconded by Cllr Hairsine, agreed by all to exclude the public and press, in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960.
b)To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the Clerks annual appraisal
The Clerks annual appraisal was discussed.
Meeting Closed 20:35
Signed (Chairman) ……………………...…………… Thursday 7th September 2017