Registration Form
Poindexter Descendants Association Family Reunion -- June 22 – 26, 2005
Print and complete this form, mail with payment to address below by May 19, 2005
Your Name: Special Needs:
City: State: Zip:
Phone: ( ) Email Address:
Names of others in your party, and relationship (spouse, daughter, son, guest, etc.):
Indicate how many reservations you need for each item:
Event Description
/Cost per person
/ Qty / Size / Total CostRegistration / 18 and over: $25
Under 18 – Free
Poindexter Reunion Golf Shirts.
Please order the quantity you need of each size. Shirt color is Royal Blue. Men’s are golf type shirts with pocket. Women’s are golf type without pocket. Child is regular T Shirt. A limited number may be available at the Reunion, but there is no guarantee, so order now! / Men’s $15 each S, M,
Women’s $15 each
S, M, L, XL, 1X, 2X,
Child $10 S, M, L, XL
FRIDAY BUS TOUR – Atlanta History Center Museum. Then lunch at Colonnade Restaurant. On to the famous Atlanta Cyclorama, the moving depiction of the 1864 battle of Atlanta. Many historical sites will be pointed out along the way. / 18 and over: $42
17 &Under: $30
Cost includes all entry fees and lunch.
Friday evening dinner at Atlanta’s famous Mary Mac’s Restaurant / Adult: $16
12 and Under : $8
Saturday evening Reunion Banquet - All items listed are complete dinners. Chicken is Chicken Mushroom Supreme and Beef is Roast Beef / Adult: $34 – Chicken
Adult: $36 - Beef
Child 7 – 12: $17 - Chicken
Child 7 – 12: $18 - Beef
Child: 6 and Under - Free
Make check payable to PDA & mail to Don Poindexter, HCR74 Box 40A, Ft Davis, TX 79734. (432) 426-2145. Email . Make your hotel reservations directly with the Hilton Atlanta at 1-877-667-7210, and mention Poindexter Reunion for our group rate of $99 per night. A real bargain for one of the finest hotels in downtown Atlanta!!