
Domestic Policy/Issue Key Terms:

  1. New Frontier Agenda
  2. Role of Television in 1960s Election
  3. Warren Court Liberalism (Judicial Activism Turned Social Activism)
  4. Gideon v. Wainwright 1963
  5. Miranda v. Arizona 1965
  6. Roe v. Wade 1973
  7. Kennedy Assassination
  8. LBJ Continued Kennedy’s New Frontier Legislation
  9. Revenue Act 1964: tax cut to stimulate consumer spending
  10. 1964 Civil Rights Act
  11. Racial segregation in public facilities illegal
  12. Federal Government empowered to investigate constitutional rights vilolations
  13. Equal Employment Opportunities Commission
  14. Great Society Program
  15. Michael Harrington, The Other America 1962:
  16. Generational Poverty
  17. Isolated rural areas
  18. Inner-city slums
  19. “War on Poverty”
  20. Funded via tax revenues from corporate profits via 1964 Tax Revenue Act
  21. Economic Opportunity Act 1964
  22. Hand up not hand out
  23. Job Corps
  24. Head Start
  25. VISTA (domestic peace corps)
  26. Goal: End poverty and injustice
  27. Contrarian Conservative View
  28. Barry Goldwater
  29. Conscience of a Conservative 1960
  30. Bomb Vietnam
  31. Eliminate graduated income tax
  32. End New Deal/Great Society Social programs
  33. LBJ 1964 Landslide Victory Spurs Liberal Great Society Legislation
  34. Elementary and Secondary Education Act
  35. Medicare and Medicaid
  36. Housing and Urban Development Act
  37. Highway Safety Act 1966
  38. National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act 1966
  39. Higher Education Act 1965
  40. Clean Air Act 1963
  41. 1965 Immigration and Nationality Services Act
  42. Abolished national origin quotas
  43. Created hemispheric visa limits
  44. Allowed entry of immediate family members for American residents
  45. Legacy
  46. Triumphs
  47. Federal gov’t guarantee
  48. Civil rights
  49. Voting rights
  50. Personal Health
  51. Consumer Rights
  52. Educational Rights
  53. Environmental Protection
  54. Failures
  55. Costly
  56. Skyrocketing health care costs
  57. Increased individual dependence on gov’t
  58. Federal welfare payments not jobs reduce poverty
  59. Underfunding programs common
  60. Welfare fraud
  61. Middle class resentment fueled Conservative Resurgence
  62. Cost and waste
  63. Gov’t largesse
  64. Civil Rights
  65. Sit-ins
  66. Freedom Rides
  67. Integration of University of MS
  68. Letter from a Birmingham Jail
  69. Direct Action
  70. March on WA DC
  71. “I have a dream” Speech
  72. 1964 Civil Rights Act
  73. Freedom Summer
  74. SNCC
  75. 1965 Voting Rights Act
  76. Fed examiners empowered to register eligible voters
  77. Literacy tests illegal
  78. Black Power
  79. Shift civil rights movement from Rural South to Urban North
  80. National Race Riots 1965-1968
  81. Kerner Commission (National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders
  82. Stokely Carmichael
  83. Black Panther Party
  84. Malcolm X
  85. Nation of Islam
  86. MLK appealed to American citizen’s moral conscience
  87. Non-violent Christian integration
  88. X appealed to its fear of social revolution
  89. Urban black militancy
  90. Black separatism (similar to Garvey)
  91. Motivated Black Pride movement
  92. Forced civil rights focus shift to plight of black urban residents
  93. Anti-war Movement
  94. YOUTH REVOLT via Peace Corps and VISTA empowerment
  95. Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) 1960
  96. New Left Ideology
  97. Old Left of the 1930s
  98. Free Speech Movement
  99. Draft Opposition: dodging, deferments, conscience observer
  100. Radical Weathermen and Yippies (Youth International Party)
  101. Turn to radical ideals and violent actions killed New Left political movement
  102. Counter Culture Movement and Equal Rights Movement
  103. Descend from Beats Movement of 1950s
  104. Woodstock 1969
  105. Feminism
  106. The Feminine Mystique 1963
  107. National Organization of Women
  108. Title 9 of Educational Amendment
  109. Equal Rights Amendment
  110. Roe v. Wade 1973
  111. The Birth-Control Pill
  112. Hispanic Rights
  113. United Farm Workers
  114. Cesar Chavez
  115. La Raza Unida
  116. Native American Rights
  117. AIM
  118. Occupation of Alcatraz and Wounded Knee
  119. Gay Rights
  120. Stonewall Rebellion
  121. Gay Liberation Front
  122. Nixon’s Middle America
  123. Silent Majority: fed up with liberal politics and radical counterculture of 1960s
  124. Predominantly white, working class and middle-class
  125. Return law and order from permissiveness and anarchy
  126. Bristled at civil rights activism, rising taxes, social welfare programs
  127. Southern Strategy
  128. Sunbelt regions transformed by
  129. Air conditioning
  130. Population expansion (1970-1990 40% population growth)
  131. Business lured to region
  132. Climate
  133. Low cost of living
  134. Low taxes
  135. Conservative ideology
  136. Promotion of economic development
  137. Immigrants lured by
  138. Climate
  139. Low taxes
  140. Low labor unionization
  141. High economic growth rates
  142. Redneck Culture emerged as popular 1970s
  143. NASCAR
  144. Pick-up trucks
  145. BBQ
  146. Cowboy boots
  147. New conservative coalition
  148. Traditional democratic voting blocs:
  149. Blue-collar ethnic voters in North
  150. White southerners
  151. Nixon pledged
  152. appoints pro-southern justices to SC
  153. undermine integrated busing and affirmative-action
  154. lower taxes
  155. less government regulation
  156. Transformed the Solid Democratic South into a predominantly Republican South
  157. Nixon failed to effect more conservative brand of civil rights
  158. 1969 Alexander v. Holmes County Board of Education: must bring quick end to segregation
  159. 1971 Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education: must bus students outside neighborhoods to achieve racial integration balance
  160. Limited victory in
  161. 1974 Milliken v Bradley no transfer inner city kids to suburbs
  162. 1978 Regents of UC v. Bakke: restricted use of college-admissions quotas to achieve racial balance
  163. Mainly reactionary and progressive initiatives emerged
  164. 26th amendment
  165. Social Security benefits extension
  166. OSHA 1970
  167. Federal Election Campaign Act 1971: reduced corporate political contributions
  168. Environmental Protection policies
  169. Rachel Carson, Silent Spring, 1962
  170. Clean Air Act 1970
  171. EPA formed
  172. Endangered Species Preservation Act
  173. Economic Malaise
  174. Stagflation: stagnant economic growth and price inflation
  175. Causes
  176. Vietnam War expense
  177. Great Society social welfare program expense without tax increase spurred
  178. Deficit, expansion of money supply and price inflation
  179. Stiff competition: West Germany and japan
  180. Cheap energy source dependent
  181. Oil Crisis 1973
  182. OPEC Embargo
  183. New worker increase
  184. Women and baby boomers
  185. 40% increase (30 million)
  186. Rising unemployment
  187. Decreased production
  188. Nixon Recession
  189. Raise taxes and cut budget
  190. Reduced money supply by Fed Reserve raising interest rate
  191. Voluntary wage and price controls encouraged
  192. Demise of the President
  193. 1972 Election Landslide
  194. Watergate
  195. CREEP
  196. US v. Nixon 1974: tested executive privilege
  197. Presidential Resignation
  198. Ford is the Unelected President
  199. Ford pardon’s Nixon
  200. WIN: Whip Inflation
  201. Washington Outsider Elected in 1976
  202. Carter revived New Deal voter coalition
  203. Southern whites, blacks
  204. Urban labor unionists
  205. Ethnic groups

Foreign Policy/Issue Key Terms:

  1. Bay of Pigs Invasion 1961
  2. Berlin Wall 1961
  3. Cuban Missile Crisis 1962
  4. Soviets Remove missiles from Cuba
  5. US public pledge to not invade Cuba
  6. US Remove missiles from Turkey
  7. Vietnam
  8. Roots of US Involvement
  9. French colonial re-establishment
  10. Battle of Dien Bien Phu
  11. 1954 Geneva Accords
  12. Declared Laos and Cambodia Neutral in Cold war
  13. Communist Pathet Lao
  14. Royal Laotian Army
  15. Required Vietnamese Elections by 1959
  16. Communist North Vietnam aid Pathet Lao and Viet Cong
  17. Ho Chi Minh Trail
  18. 1961 US Military Advisers Increase (Kennedy: 2K to 16K)
  19. US supports Ngo Dinh Diem (Republic of Vietnam Leader)
  20. Autocratic leader
  21. Monks Self-immolation
  22. Overthrow and murder of Diem by South Vietnam military
  23. Escalation: Americanize the War
  24. Tonkin Gulf Resolution 1964
  25. Operation Rolling Thunder (sustained bombing)
  26. Search and Destroy Operations
  27. Domino Theory Justification
  28. Growing Anti-war Movement
  29. Tet Offensive and My Lai massacre
  30. Turning point toward anti-war movement
  31. LBJ “I will not run” speech
  32. Focus turned to how best to withdraw US troops
  33. Student Anti-War demonstration at DNC Chicago
  34. Nixon: “peace with honor” pledge
  35. Nixon’s Withdrawal
  36. Peace with honor
  37. Vietnamization of the war
  38. Cambodian Incursion
  39. My Lai Massacre 1968
  40. Kent State Shooting 1970
  41. Pentagon Papers 1971
  42. Repeal of Gulf of Tonkin Resolution 1970
  43. 1972 “Peas is at Hand” announcement to win votes
  44. Christmas Bombings
  45. 1973 Paris Peace Accords
  46. 1973 War Powers Act
  47. Freedom of Information Act strengthened requiring faster gov’t information flow
  48. Fall of Saigon 1975 and Communist Reunification
  49. No Domino theory Here
  50. Vietnam at war with Communists in Cambodia and China by 1978
  51. Nixon Doctrine
  52. Detente
  53. Selective partnerships with Communist countries in areas of mutual interest
  54. Visit to China 1971
  55. SALT
  56. Shuttle Diplomacy
  57. Middle East-Moscow-Israel-Egypt
  58. Yom Kippur War 1973 cease-fire

Ch 31 and 32:


  1. Warren Court Liberalism (case examples)
  2. 1964 Civil Rights Act
  3. The Other America, Michael Harrington
  4. The Great Society: economic, individual welfare, rural and urban aid
  5. Letter from a Birmingham Jail
  6. Selma March
  7. Freedom Summer
  8. Black Power
  9. Students for a Democratic Society (SDS)

10.  The Feminine Mystique, Betty Friedan

11.  “The Silent Majority”’

12.  The Burger Court’s Conservatism (case examples)

13.  Nixon’s Environmental Policy

14.  Stagflation

15.  1954 Geneva Accords

16.  Cuban Missile Crisis

17.  Tonkin Gulf Resolution

18.  Tet Offensive

19.  Kent State Shooting

20.  Vietnamization (Nixon Doctrine)

21.  War Powers Act

22.  Détente

23.  Shuttle Diplomacy


NY Times, May 11, 1973