June 21, 2012
Chairman Green called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Reverend Jim Brown, Wards Chapel United Methodist Church, gave the invocation.
The minutes of the May 17, 2012 regular Board were presented. Vice Chairman Vaughn moved to adopt the May 17, 2012 minutes as presented. The motion carried as follows:
G.L. Simmons Yes
S.W. Bowen Yes
C.A. Simpson Yes
S.C. Vaughn Yes
J.J. Green Yes
Chairman Green asks if there were any delegations from the public;
Darrell Garber, Cottage Road, Blackstone – Mr. Garber is present to express concern about an attempt by Chairman Green to regulate the height of lawns outside of the Corporate limits in the County. Mr. Garber also wishes to comment on past publicity relating to the Board having established a policy of not answering questions during the public forum at the Board meetings; if it is a policy then it needs to be reviewable.
John Schutt, Assistant Chief, Burkeville Volunteer Fire Department: Assistant Chief Schutt is present to provide a status update on the Fire Departments plan to establish revenue recovery for medical calls and/or transports and further implies that the Fire Department will follow suit in the future.
Supervisor Bowen wishes to clarify that he as a Board member will choose not to answer a question in public forum if he feels that he cannot speak for the consensus of the Board.
Presentation – Mr. Dean Lynch, Virginia Association of Counties: Mr. Lynch introduces a new staff member for VACo Mr. Bo Blevins. Mr. Lynch is present to provide a brief description of available services they provide as a State Association to include the numerous Committees they have established. Mr. Lynch further reminds the Board that they are the Counties voices with State Legislation. Mr. Lynch provides details on new technology that VAC0 is using.
Mr. Lynch provides dates for upcoming policy meetings; unfunded mandates, comprehensive tax reform, and transportation will be a few of the subjects focused on in the future meetings.
Supervisor Bowen asks if VACo has any programs to assist with health insurance premiums. Mr. Lynch informs that a past program was not successful and was terminated and offers one alternative to the rising rates. Chairman Green urges VACo to aid with the enforcement of the Dillon Rule.
June 21, 2012
Presentation – Mrs. Robin Sapp – Nottoway County Literacy Program: Mrs. Sapp is in attendance to present the annual report of the Nottoway County Literacy Program to the Board. Mrs. Sapp explains the purpose of the program and provides current student/program data to include the modern practices being used thanks to the constant advancements in technology.
Public Hearing – Transtech Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement: Hearing to consider the adoption of an ordinance to become a member of the TransTech Alliance, a regional entity being formed to increase business and other economic development opportunities within the region pursuant to Section 15.2-1300 et. seq. of the Code of Virginia, which authorizes the joint exercise of powers by political subdivision; the purpose of the proposed ordinance is to approve a regional development agreement, which establishes the provisions for financing and operating the TransTech Alliance, creates a board of directors to govern the entity, and provides for the appointment of two board members from each jurisdiction.
Chairman Green asks if there is anyone present to speak in favor of or against the TransTech Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement; there is no one wishing to speak.
Following a Board discussion Vice Chairman Vaughn moves to adopt the ordinance to become a member of the TransTech Alliance and in turn approve the Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement. The motion carried as follows:
G.L. Simmons Yes
S.W. Bowen Yes
C.A. Simpson Yes
S.C. Vaughn Yes
J.J. Green Yes
Supervisor Simpson moves to maintain the representation of Supervisor Simmons and Administrator Roark on the Alliance and make appointments to that affect. The motion carried as follows:
G.L. Simmons Yes
S.W. Bowen Yes
C.A. Simpson Yes
S.C. Vaughn Yes
J.J. Green Yes
Highway Department: Virginia Department of Transportation June 2012 Maintenance Report, notice of the Rt. 618 bridge closure, notice of the upcoming Rt. 601, Flat Rock Road, bridge closure and detour route
Mr. Bob Zimmerman, VDOT Residency Administrator is present and announces that Diana Bryant, a familiar face to the Board, has been appointed as Assistant Administrator for our residency.
School Board – Dexter K. Payne, Clerk: Actions taken at the regular meeting of the Nottoway County School Board held on June 06, 2012, minutes of the regular meeting of the Nottoway County School Board held on May 10, 2012, a Budget adjustment:
June 21, 2012
Budget Adjustment – Educational Jobs Fund - $58,164.00
3-201-33084-0627-300 Education Jobs Fund $58,164.00
(Add balance from c/o from 10-11) $58,164.00
4-201-61100-1120-200-100-680 Instructional Salaries $53,714.00
4-201-61100-2100-200-100-680 FICA, Ed. Jobs 4,450.00
Supervisor Simpson moves to approve the Budget adjustment for the School. The motion carried as follows:
G.L. Simmons Yes
S.W. Bowen Yes
C.A. Simpson Yes
S.C. Vaughn Yes
J.J. Green Yes
Administrator Roark informs the Board that in order for the School Board to adopt its rate choice for the member contribution rate, 8.51%, the Board of Supervisors has to approve it. Supervisor Simmons moves to approve the Schools VRS contribution rate choice. The motion carried as follows:
G.L. Simmons Yes
S.W. Bowen Yes
C.A. Simpson Yes
S.C. Vaughn Yes
J.J. Green Yes
Economic Development Committee: Administrator Roark informs the next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, June 28, 2012
Regional Jail Report & Juvenile Detention Center: April 2012 Piedmont Regional Jail Transportation Report, April 2012 Jurisdiction Report, April 2012 Piedmont Regional Jail revenue report, April 2012 Piedmont Regional Juvenile Detention Center Utilization Report, Virginia Department of Juvenile Justice Statewide Detention Facility population
Both the Piedmont Regional Jail (PRJ) and the Piedmont Regional Juvenile Detention Center (PRJDC) budgets have been included for Board review: PRJ - $8,985,634.68, PRJDC - $989,305.00
Landfill: Administrator Roark gave the Landfill report
A – Letters – Draper Aden Associates – Leonard Ford, Jr., Environmental Services: Responses provided to Department of Environmental Quality concerning findings from recent groundwater monitoring samples as well as the Annual Groundwater Report for 2011
B – Letter – Draper Aden Associates – Leonard Ford, Jr., Environmental Services: results of the Nottoway Sanitary Landfill Gas Monitoring Program Monitoring Event: 04-25-12; the facility was found in compliance
C – Letter - Draper Aden Associates – Leonard Ford, Jr., Environmental Services: providing notification of the Nottoway County Sanitary Landfill Goundwater Monitoring Program Sampling Event: 05-07-12;
D – Letter - Draper Aden Associates – Leonard Ford, Jr., Environmental Services: Providing a progress report for the Nottoway County Sanitary Landfill Stormwater Monitoring Program Alternate Source Demonstration
June 21, 2012
E - May 2012 Solid Waste Report; approximately 54.4 tons of waste per day
Fort Pickett Redevelopment Authority: Administrator Roark has received the rates for herbicide spraying of the planted pine stand at Pickett Park near the Bowling Alley; $65.38 per acre to be sprayed on approximately 41.5 acres. Vice Chairman Vaughn moves to approve the herbicide spraying contract at $65.38 per acre for approximately 41.5 acres. The motion carried as follows:
G.L. Simmons Yes
S.W. Bowen Yes
C.A. Simpson Yes
S.C. Vaughn Yes
J.J. Green Yes
Planning Commission Report: Administrator Roark reports that the Planning Commission did not meet in June
Administrator Roark asks the Board for their choice for appointment to the Southside Virginia Community College Board to replace Mr. Joe Morrissette who is not eligible for reappointment. Supervisor Simmons moves to appoint Dr. Gwen Edwards, former Superintendent of the Nottoway County Public Schools to the Southside Virginia Community College Board effective July 01, 2012. The motion carried as follows:
G.L. Simmons Yes
S.W. Bowen Yes
C.A. Simpson Yes
S.C. Vaughn Yes
J.J. Green Yes
Distribution of Decal Receipts: Administrator Roark provides a proposed breakdown of the 2012 decal receipts; the distribution of $128,934.74 is proposed as follows:
Burkeville Rescue Squad $ 6,820.64
Nottoway County Emergency Squad, Inc. 27,258.09
Blackstone Volunteer Fire Department 31,618.67
Burkeville Volunteer Fire Department 31,618.67
Crewe Volunteer Fire Department 31,618.67
Vice Chairman Vaughn moves to distribute the 2012 decal funds to the Nottoway County Emergency Services Agencies as presented. The motion carried as follows:
G.L. Simmons Yes
S.W. Bowen Yes
C.A. Simpson Yes
S.C. Vaughn Yes
J.J. Green Yes
FDC Enterprises Grasslands Services status report on the cooperative efforts of Piedmont Geriatric Hospital, FDC Enterprises & Grasslands Services, and Nottoway County as of June 2012
Administrator Roark informs that construction has begun on the facilities, storage warehouse and scale house, to be located in Pickett Park and should be ready to use October 15, 2012.
June 21, 2012
Appropriation – 2012-13 Budget: Supervisor Simmons moves to appropriate the FY 2012-2013 Nottoway County Budget totaling $32,208,961.00, including all outstanding purchase orders and committed funds; contingent upon receipt of all State and Federal funding. The motion carried as follows:
G.L. Simmons Yes
S.W. Bowen Yes
C.A. Simpson Yes
S.C. Vaughn Yes
J.J. Green Yes
Chairman Simmons presents the CONSENT CALENDAR:
Administrator Roark informs that the Budget for the Electoral Board has fallen short for the fiscal year and funding is not in place to pay the Officers of Election for the June Primary; Treasurer Senger informs she has received funding from the State for the Primary election and the funds can be appropriated to the Budget to pay the Officers.
1 – Budget Adjustment – Textbook Account - $176,518.67
3-202-16120-0030-100 Textbook Account $176,518.67
(6/30/2011 checkbook balance) $176,518.67
4-202-61100-6020 Textbook Expense $176,518.67
2 – Budget Adjustment – Library - $212.78
3-100-18990-0990 Miscellaneous – Library $212.78
(Miscellaneous fees, fines, etc.) $212.78
4-100-73010-7001 Miscellaneous $212.78
3 – Budget Adjustment – Court Security - $7,213.70
3-100-14010-0050 Court House Security Fee $7,213.70
. $7,213.70
4-100-21070-1001 Salaries & Wages $6,707.35
4-100-21070-1003 FICA 506.11
4-100-21070-2002 VRS – Retirement 0.20
4-100-21070-2005 Health Insurance Payments 0.04
Vice Chairman Vaughn moves to approve the CONSENT CALENDAR as presented, with the additions of the Textbook adjustment and the Court Security adjustment. The motion carried as follows:
G.L. Simmons Yes
S.W. Bowen Yes
C.A. Simpson Yes
S.C. Vaughn Yes
J.J. Green Yes
June 21, 2012
Administrator Roark presented the following information items:
1 – Civil Rights in Education Heritage Trail: Map of exhibit locations for the Trail
2 - Sheriff’s Report: Nottoway Sheriff’s Office partial activity report for May 2012
3 – Notice – Dominion Virginia Power: notice of application of Virginia Electric and Power Company for revision of rate adjustment clause: Rider W, Warren County Power Station, for the rate year commencing April 1, 2013 Case No. PUE-2012-00067, Application of Virginia Electric and Power Company for revision rate adjustment clause: Rider R, Bear Garden Generating Station, for the rate years commencing April 1, 2013 and April 1, 2014 Case No. PUE-2012-00068
4 – High Bridge Trail State Park Master Plan Update Public Meeting; Crossroads Community Services is sponsoring a Recovery Walk to High Bridge on Tuesday, June 26, 2012
5 – Letter – Virginia Association of Counties: Copy of correspondence between VACo and the Department of Conservation and Recreation relating to the Draft Phase 2 Watershed Implementation Plan
6 – Note – The family of Dick Forrester expresses appreciation for the flowers sent to them during his recent passing
7 – Notice – Old Dominion RC&D – Press release summarizing the work they have been doing regarding processing and preserving Virginia grown foods
8 – Minutes:
Minutes of the TransTech Alliance meeting held on April 19, 2012
Minutes of the Piedmont Regional Jail Board meeting held on April 25, 2012
Minutes of the Piedmont Regional Juvenile Detention Center Commission meeting held on April 25, 2012
Minutes of the Piedmont Soil and Water Conservation District Board of Directors meeting held on April 24, 2012
Minutes of the Nottoway County, Virginia Community Policy and Management Team meeting held on March 26, 2012
Minutes of the South Central Workforce Investment Board meeting held on January 19, 2012
Administrator Roark presented the following correspondence:
Administrator Roark provides the Board with the Building Inspectors report that wasn’t completed in time to be included in the Board package.
1 – Letter – Department of Housing and Community Development – Denise H. Ambrose, Associate Director: Administrator Roark explains that it is time to update the Administrator information for the Indoor Plumbing Rehabilitation Program; it is the consensus of the Board to continue with the services of Southside Outreach Group. The motion carried as follows:
G.L. Simmons Yes
S.W. Bowen Yes
C.A. Simpson Yes
S.C. Vaughn Yes
J.J. Green Yes
June 21, 2012
2 – Letter – Sheriff Larry Parrish: Sheriff Parrish informs of a surplus 2001 Ford Crown Victoria that he is no longer using and is requesting the Board’s wishes for disposal of this car. Administrator Roark requests the Board’s authorization to transfer the vehicle to the School Board. Vice Chairman Vaughn moves to authorize Administrator Roark to transfer the vehicle to the School Board. The motion carried as follows:
G.L. Simmons Yes
S.W. Bowen Yes
C.A. Simpson Yes
S.C. Vaughn Yes
J.J. Green Yes
3 – Letter – Sheriff Larry Parrish: Sheriff Parrish provides a list of office equipment that is no longer needed or operable and is asking for removal and disposal as the Board sees fit. Vice Chairman Vaughn moves to remove the equipment from the Sheriff’s Office and dispose of it in the electronic recycling container located at the County’s Landfill. The motion carried as follows: