January 8, 2007
Present: Diestelhorst, Mullen, Hinrichsen ,Cusac & (Ford). (Long, Deitrick & Seib)
Absent: Heman & Wilcoxen, (both excused).
Guests: P. Houser, Dale Jones (Bowen) & Jonathan Heiple.
The Chairman called the meeting to order and declared that a quorum was present.
Mr. Mullen moved the December Minutes be approved after corrected, seconded by Mr. Cusac and passed.
The Treasurer presented her report and the bills for January that totaled $65,148.86. Mr. Mullen moved that the bills be paid; seconded by Mr. Cusac and was unanimously approved.
Mary Crawford had a bill of $698.00 due to unattended water usage. Mr. Mullen moved that she be given more time to pay her bill, with no penalty; seconded by Mr. Hinrichsen and approved.
Mr. Scott Velling had a 13,880 gallon difference between master meter and remote meter and received a credit of $33.66 but protested his bill.
Area 3, Oct/Nov/Dec we metered 8,815,544 gal; billed $55,846.21 and had 1,842 active accounts. Last year we metered 8,940,693 gal; billed $50,853.03 and had 1,755 active accounts.
The New Hook-Up Ordinance #2006-5 was published in the Peoria Journal Star on January 3, 2007.
The Public Official Policy premium increase from last year ($4,450.00) to this year ($6, 883.00) is due to a 17% rate increase and an increase in revenues. For the present time the Board will not make any change.
The Treasurer reported that again, this year we received “extraordinary dividends” from CEFCU.
Vehicle Fund $19.35
Bond and Interest $73.63
General Fund $881.71
We received $4,000.00 in connection fees from Larry Hansen for four lots.
The following customers received a water credit due to difference in reading between Master inside meter and the remote outside reading:
Difference Credit
1. Daniel Scott (Carefree Dr.) 3,630 gallons$8.80
2. Ronald Peterson (Whispering Oaks Dr.) 2,980 gallons$7.22
3. Henry Garrison (Whispering Oaks Dr.) 11,200 gallons $27.16
4. Connie Gauwitz (Whispering Oaks Dr.) 3,410 gallons$8.27
5. Walter Head (Whispering Oaks Dr.) 15,780 gallons $38.26
6. Tracy Walka (Sunset Ln) 9,400 gallons $22.79
7. Michael Knussman (Eller Dr) 71,430 gallons $173.22
8. Kiem Ngo (Eller Dr) 2,900 gallons $ 7.03
9. Gregory Fandel (Whispering Oaks Dr.) 14,280 gallons $34.63
10. Bruce Custer (Whispering Oaks Dr.) 3,020 gallons $7.32
11. Kathy Haines (Pinecrest Dr.) 2,080 gallons $5.04
12. Mark Davis (Pinecrest Dr.) 7,220 gallons $17.51
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The December 2006 Revenue and Expense-Budget vs. Actual Report was presented. There were three paychecks in December and meter sales were lower this month.
Greg reported that we pumped 12,115,836 gallons; bacteriological test was okay and the fluoride was 1.0. There were 860 radio meters installed as of January 8, 2007. A leak was repaired on South Lakeview on December 29, 2006. A leak on Murphy Lane was reported January 8, 2007 and we had to replace a water line to the meter pit.
In regards to the Woodland Knolls Road Easements, papers have been notorized and there are about four contacts left to make.
Dave Cooper is off of work due to work-related injury on December 5, 2006 and had knee surgery on December 21st.
Old fire hydrants are to be disposed of at Greg’s discretion.
The work in Woodford Heights is completed and the main is in operation. The matter of easements will soon be completed.
Mr. Jones reported that the construction project is going slowly and they hope to have the roof planks done by early February; Division C -16” main will have to wait until spring. The village has posted weight signs on roads from Feb. 1st until April 15th and any damage we would do to the roads, we would have to fix.
Contractor Pay Requests:
FGI/Bowen Invoice………………….. $91,634.67
Leander ……………………………… $155,635.86
G.A. Rich & Sons (Div A)………….. $77,280.30
G.A. Rich & Sons (Div. C)…………. ..$49,132.18
Koener Electric………………………. $52,770.27
CBI Services………………………… $419,325.30
Sparling Instruments……………………unavailable
Albrecht Well Drilling Pay Request….. .$13,500.00
Total IEPA Loan Disbursement Request …...$859,278.58
Mr. Mullen made a motion to approve all the pay requests, seconded by Mr. Hinrichsen and approved unanimously.
Mr. Cusac asked to be excused as he will be out of town at the February meeting.
It was agreed that the ground storage tanks at the Water Treatment Plant will be tan and inside the building will be white. There will be a flag pole with a light meeting Village requirements, and a monument with a bronze plaque.
Mr. Houser suggested that the two elevated tanks be inspected.
Briarwood Pointe Development has decided to have individual wells as water district would be more costly for them.
Mr. Mullen then moved to go into executive session, seconded by Mr. Diestelhorst.
After returning to the regular meeting, it was moved by Mr. Mullen and seconded by Mr. Cusac that Greg will be the Operational Manager with a license level Class A. His salary will increase 6% ($52,000 to $55,120 per year) with merit increase. It passed unanimously.
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Mr. Mullen then moved, seconded by Mr. Cusac that Rebecca Deitrick will be Treasurer/Business Manager with a salary of $37,080 per year and be eligible for health insurance. This passed unanimously.
Mr. Mullen moved, seconded by Mr. Cusac that full time employees Jim Balk and Dave Cooper be given a merit increase of $.75 per hour. This, too, was approved unanimously.
Mr. Mullen moved, seconded by Mr. Cusac that part time employee Rebecca Balk be given a merit increase of $.50 per hour. This was approved unanimously. In the future she will do clerical duties as needed to help Becca.
It was discussed to contact Ray LaHood and/or David Leitch to attend the ribbon cutting ceremony for the new building when it is completed.
Mr. Mullen moved to go into Executive Session again, seconded by Mr. Cusac and approved.
After returning to the regular meeting, it was mentioned that we need better communication between the village board and the water district board.
No further business, the meeting was adjourned.
NEXT MEETING…..February 12, 2007 AT 7:00 p.m.
Please call and be excused if you cannot attend.
_____Virginia M. Seib______
Virginia M. Seib, Secretary