128 Water Street

East Berlin, PA17316

November 1, 2017

The monthly meeting of the East Berlin Borough Council was held November 1, 2017, at the East Berlin Borough Hall. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance at 7:00 PM.

Members Present: President Roberta Teal; Charles Krall;James LeVan; and Donald Dixon

Members Absent:Andrew Raymond; Jason Wood; and Catherine Lockey

Also Present: Mayor Keith Hoffman; Solicitor Matthew Battersby;Secretary/Treasurer Darlene McArthur;David Richards; Curt Mathews; and Robin Heyser

Adoption of the Minutes: The meeting minutes of Council’s Session on October 4, 2017, were reviewed.A motion to approve the minutes was made by Charles Krall; seconded by Donald Dixon. Motion approved with no dissenting votes.

Payment of Bills: A summary of bills for Novembertotaling $75,662.66 was reviewed.President Teal noted that the bills detail includes the annual employee pension payment in the amount of $42,223.00 paid in part by State allocated funds.James LeVanmotioned to pay the bills for November; seconded by Charles Krall. Motion approved unanimously.

Constituents Addressing Borough Council:David Richards stated that the Adams County Tax Collection Committee (ACTTC) meets today, and that the Borough has no appointed representative since he resigned the position. Mr. Richards stated that he would again volunteer to serve as the Borough’s representative beginning in 2018, and noted that the ACTTC has a problem in meeting quorum requirements. As a representative to the ACTTC, Mr. Richards would also represent the Borough at meetings of the York Adams Tax Bureau (YATB). Charles Krall motioned to appoint David Richards as the Borough’s representative to the ACTCC and YATB; seconded by James LeVan. Motion approved unanimously.

Robin Heyser, Board President of the East Berlin Area Community Center (EBACC), addressed Council to discuss the rental of a one hundred sixty (160) square foot room at EBACC to a local attorney. Ms. Heyser stated that, on the advice of EBACC’s Attorney Timothy Shultis, they would need Council’s permission to rent space to a “for-profit” renter due to the tax exempt status of the Borough-owned property. Solicitor Battersby stated that he discussed this issue with Attorney Shultis and advises against allowing this action which would risk the tax exempt status of the property. Charles Krall motioned that EBACC not rent to “for-profit” entities; seconded by Donald Dixon. Motion approved with all in favor. Ms. Heyser stated that EBACC would like to offer appreciation to Police Chief Terry Seitz for his assistance with multiple issues occurring on the premises, noting that EBACC is grateful.

Mayor’s Report: Mayor Hoffman reported that Trick or Treat went well. There was a good turnout for the event with no incidents reported.

Solicitor’s Report: Solicitor Battersby reported that the paperwork for the DCNRPark grant for the basketball court and paved walking path is completed.

Committee Reports:

Finance: Council reviewed the Previous Year Financial Comparison Report and Summary of Accounts.President Teal stated that the members of the Finance Committee need to schedule a meeting to review the 2018 Budget to be presented to Council at the next meeting on December 6th. A Budget Notice will also need to be advertised. Donald Dixon motioned to advertise the Budget Notice prior to the next meeting of Council; seconded by James LeVan. Motion approved.

Streets/ Maintenance: Council was provided a Maintenance Report for their review. President Teal noted that John M. Wilhide Plumbing and Heating did their annual inspection of the furnace and air conditioning unit, as well as the two (2) overhead space heaters in the garages. The space heater in the extended garage failed inspection due to two (2) cracks in the heat exchangers. Wilhide provided a quote of $2,940.00 to install a new space heater. Charles Krall motioned to accept the quote of $2,940.00 to replace the heater; seconded by Donald Dixon. Per roll call vote, all Members of Council approved the motion.

Planning/Zoning: James LeVan reported that the Planning Commission met on October 26th with no new business. The Commission discussed the proposed use of the former Nell’s Market building, as well as the concerns of local residents. The Commission advises Council to take a slow path.

Personnel: Nothing to report.

Parks and Recreation: On a previously submitted report received from Parks and Recreation Chairman Phil Keener, he reported that DCNR confirmed all paperwork complete to begin the Park improvement project. C.E. Williams was provided a notice to proceed. A request for $16,000.00 of the remaining $20,000.00 grant funds has been submitted to DCNR.

Unfinished Business: Charles Krall inquired if Zoning Officer Robert Thaeler spoke with the Adams County Economic Development Corporation to request their assistance for a suitable use of the former Nell’s Market building. Secretary McArthur stated that she would contact Mr. Thaeler tomorrow.

New Business: Council reviewed proposed Ordinance No. 2017-1 to amend Chapter 67, Appendix E – No Parking Zones, of the Borough Code. This Ordinance would add one hundred thirty-eight feet (138’) of no parking area on the west side of Abbottstown Street north of the entrance to 407 Abbottstown Street. The Ordinance will be considered for adoption at the next meeting of Council on December 6th. Charles Krall motioned to advertise Ordinance No. 2017-1; seconded by James LeVan. Motion approved with no dissenting votes.

Secretary McArthur reviewed information received from Borough Tax Collector Deb Tate stating that she was informed by the Adams County Tax Collector’s Association that Council must pass a Resolution giving the Tax Collector permission to collect already existing fees including Duplicate Bill Fees, Tax Certifications, and Returned Check Fees. The Resolution will be considered for adoption at the next meeting of Council on December 6th.


  • Thank You Letter from the Historical Society for the Borough’s Assistance with Colonial Day
  • Thank You Letter from Zwingli UCC for Officer Seitz’ Assistance with the CROP Walk
  • Training and Webinars Available

Donald Dixon reminded all that Tuesday is Election Day. Council entered Executive Session at 7:30 PM to discuss a personnel issue. Council re-entered Regular Session at 7:37 PM. James LeVanmotioned to adjourn the meeting of the East Berlin Borough Council at 7:38PM; seconded by Donald Dixon. Motion approved with all voting in favor.

Respectfully submitted,

Darlene McArthur

Secretary/Treasurer of Borough Council

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