Present: Dave (Vice-Chair), Joan(Treasurer), Alan and Jeff.

Apologies: Howard (Chair), Vera, Bill and Peter.

Possible Conflicts of Interest: Joan declared membership of Manchester Disabled People's Access Group.

Before the meeting began, Dave explained that Gordon Ainscough, a valued member of the Group, had passed away. Alan had attended Gordon's funeral and Dave and Joan had attended the Celebration of his life. Alan gave a tribute to Gordon, explaining that, before moving to New Mills, Gordon had worked as a volunteer in Rugby where he had learnt about access issues. On joining High Peak Access, Gordon had become Treasurer and put the books in good order. Alan used to visit him with a present of cheese, of which Gordon was very fond. Dave expressed the gratitude of the Group for Gordon's input over the years, particularly his recent analysis of Lifetime Homes schemes in Chesterfield, and stated that he would be sadly missed.

In Howard's absence, Dave took the role of Chair and the following matters were discussed:

1.Post of Chair: At a previous meeting Howard had stated that he wished to stand down as Chair. Members had been asked for expressions of interest in the post. Alan had volunteered and was now proposed by Dave, and seconded by Joan. Dave agreed to Chair for the remainder of the meeting.

2.Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed.

3.Matters Arising:

a) Howard Town Mill: Little to report. Dave has consulted the Land Registry website but it is not easy to get detailed information. Joan suggested that, in view of the lack of action, it was time to get legal advice and agreed to find out the names of legal firms, in Manchester and in Sheffield, that had been successful in dealing with access issues.

Action: Joan to look into legal firms that deal with access issues.

b) Woods Mill: Dave has contacted Jane Colley (Planning officer) regarding the planning condition that requires the submission, and approval, of a plan showing access arrangements. Jane has not yet responded.

c) Spa Crescent, Buxton:John has sent an update and photographs to Dave. There is apparently damage to the footway next to the fountain that could causeaccess difficulties.

d) Victoria Hall, Glossop: Members agreed that HPA can offer access advice to both organisations (SOUL and the Victoria Arts Group) that have proposals, but cannot get involved in the politics.

Action:A meeting with High Peak BC officers has been arranged for tomorrow when the above matters(a-d) will be raised. Alan is able to attend and will meet Dave and Joan before the meeting to review the situation at Howard Town.

e) Whaley Bridge footpath: Vera to update at a future meeting.

Action: Vera to update.

f) Tameside and Glossop Care Commissioning group: The cheque (for £200) had been mislaid but Joan confirmed that it had not been cashed. Dave agreed to ask the CCG to issue a further cheque.

Action: Dave to ask the CCG to issue a replacement cheque.

4.High Peak Borough Council Liaison meeting:

Dave updated Alan, who will attend tomorrow's meeting.

5.Secretary's report:

Dave reported thathe had submitted the Red Nose Day Community Fund End of Grant monitoring report but had received no feedback as yet. Dave had visited Todd Brook Sailing Club and showed images of the access route issues.

6. Treasurer's Report

Joan circulated a report showing the balance at 26 January 2017 as £1176.63.

The current cheque signatories are Howard, Dave, Joan and Jeff. It was agreed to substitute Alan's signature for Howard's as Alan was now Chair. Joan agreed to investigate whether HPA could have an online account. This would allow the four signatories to view the account but not carry out transactions. Any transactions would still need the signature of two of the four signatories. If NatWest will not allow us to have online banking then we should consider moving the account to Barclays or the Co-op.

Action: Joan to obtain the form for amending signatories and also investigate the possibility of online banking.

7. Any Other Business

7a. HPA had been contacted by Mike Daniels (New Mills Information Centre) about the design of a leaflet that would give details of access points into the Torrs Country Park. Mike had said that the leaflet would be available 'in the New Year'. Alan asked for the correspondence to be copied to him.

Action: Joan to contact Mike about the status of the leaflet, and to copy the correspondence to Alan.

7b. The meeting discussed the possible Lancaster University project about the Private ownership of Public Space and agreed that HPA would be happy to be involved.

Action: Joan to contact the tutor to establish the status of the project.

7c. Dave reported that Vera had had an unfortunate experience on a shuttle bus in Stockport. Dave had advised Vera to raise the issue with the bus company.

Date of Next Meeting:

1:45pm on Thursday 23rd March 2017 at New Mills Volunteer Centre.