MINUTES of the ANNUAL MEETING OF BERINSFIELD PARISH COUNCIL held at Mount Farm Community Education Centre, Wimblestraw Road, Berinsfield on Monday 23rd April, 2012.
PRESENT : Councillor Ken Hall, Chairman
9 members of the public
Annette Loveland, Clerk to the Parish Council
1. To approve the Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on 11th April, 2011 The Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on 11th April, 2011 were approved and signed.
2 Chairman’s report. Councillor Hall thanked everyone for attending and said that he hoped everyone would take the opportunity to express their views and concerns about the village. He reported that apologies had been received from Councillor Denslow and that Councillor Christian was not present as he had been in hospital. Members wished Councillor Christian a speedy recovery.
Councillor Hall referred to the Parish Council elections which were held on 5th May 2011 and read out the names of the Parish Councillors who now represent the village until 2015:-
Mrs. Pam. Brenen Ken Hall
Darryl Christian Bernard Harris
Edwin Croft Robert Harwood
Graham Denslow Mrs. Isobel Hiles
John Eccles Mrs. Ros Latham
Mrs. Christine Gray Len Pomeroy
Councillor Hall said he was very pleased to be re-elected as Chairman at the Annual Meeting in May last year and Councillor Edwin Croft was elected Vice-Chairman. He stated that as well as attending Parish Council meetings on the first Monday of each month, Councillors served on various Council committees and sub-committees as well as being representatives on outside organisations.
Councillor Hall stated that the Parish Council started its year by holding meetings to discuss proposals included in the South Oxfordshire District Council’s Core Strategy for development throughout the District up until 2026. He said the Parish Council is concerned about proposals to remove Berinsfield from the Green Belt and that representations have been made to South Oxfordshire District Council and the Inspector dealing with the Examination of the Core Strategy to this effect. The Parish Council has recommended that Berinsfield should remain within the Green Belt and that the Green Belt boundary should only be reviewed :-
· if and when regeneration of any area within Berinsfield is required.
· if further land is needed around Berinsfield to improve the mix of housing and to provide further opportunities for employment and service provision.
· if, Berinsfield, as a local service centre, requires some further development.
· if limited development is required, this should be in compliance with the recommendations made in the South Oxfordshire Local Plan 2011
The Parish Council also recommended that any proposed review of the Green Belt should be undertaken in consultation with the local community in the context of a new vision for the village prepared through a Neighbourhood Development Plan.
The Parish Council also formed a sub-committee who had held meetings with the owner of Queenford Lakes to hear about proposals for the site. The Parish Council has subsequently considered the proposals and has given its opinion on questions raised by the owner in order that he can assess how to direct his efforts at Queenford Lakes in the future
Councillor Hall referred to the Localism Act, 2011 and stated that it is intended to provide new power and freedom to Councils and neighbourhoods. One of the proposals is for communities to come together to develop a Neighbourhood Development Plan, which could set the context for development in the area. Berinsfield Parish Council has formed a Neighbourhood Development Plan Sub-Committee which is working in conjunction with Jackie Silver, the Community Places Project Worker from SOHA Housing and the Berinsfield Advisory Group. There are plans for consultation sessions to take place with residents in the near future.
Illegal car parking. An issue which has been brought to the Parish Council’s attention during the year is the illegal parking of vehicles close to junctions and on pavements. The Police Community Support Officers investigate all reports made to them and do issue fixed penalty notices where vehicles are deemed to be parked illegally.
Skatepark Unfortunately there has been severe vandalism to the railings around the skatepark in the last few weeks. The facility is still extremely popular with the young people, but this type of vandalism causes problems for the younger users and is costly for the Parish Council to repair.
Youth Shelter Consultation has taken place with the young people at the Campus Youth Centre with regard to the proposal to remove the existing youth shelter and re-site a new one nearer to the pavilion. The young people understand the reasons for this proposal and have indicated that they would like a clear polycarbonate circular style shelter. It is possible that it might not be possible to provide this type of shelter and therefore it is proposed to have further discussions with the young people.
Bus shelter. The Parish Council hope to be able to replace the brick built bus shelter located on the southbound side of the A 4074 with one similar to that located on the northbound side of the A 4074. Funds have been included in the budget for 2012-13 for this purpose.
Strategic Land Review. The proposed transfer of land from South Oxfordshire District Council to the Parish Council has still not taken place, but Councillor Hall stated that this should be finalised in the very near future.
Berinscourt. SOHA Housing has been successful in negotiating a second access to Berinscourt House and has provided double yellow lines on the private access road in an attempt to keep the area free of parked vehicles.
Electoral Review of South Oxfordshire. Councillor Hall informed those present that the independent Local Government Boundary Commission for England is carrying out an electoral review of South Oxfordshire District Council and is asking local people whether South Oxfordshire should be represented by 36 Councillors in future, 12 fewer than under the current arrangements.
Website Councillor Hall stated that the Parish Council’s website, www.Berinsfield-pc.gov.uk is available for use by any organisation in the village free of charge. Information can be passed to the Clerk either in writing or by e.mail and she will be pleased to include it under the Community Activities section of the site.
3. Public Meeting.
a) School Buses. Councillor Hall reported that he had received a letter from a young lady who attends John Mason School, Abingdon. She had expressed her concern about the fact that students from all three Abingdon Secondary Schools now have to travel on the same buses, as opposed to having designated buses for each school. She had set out details of the problems that have occurred due to this change of school bus contracts and had asked for the Parish Council’s support in trying to get the County Council to reinstate the services to the individual schools. Councillor Hall stated that the Parish Council would support her request.
b) Kerbstone, corner of Shadwell Road and Fane Drive. Mrs. Hiles reported that following her report that the kerbstone had been damaged the County Council had now repaired it.
c) Tree – Shadwell Road near to Spinney. It was reported that no action had been taken with regard to the tree that had been reported as requiring attention to its owners South Oxfordshire District Council. It was agreed that the Parish Council should contact South Oxfordshire District Council again to ask them to inspect the tree.
d) Shops – junction of Chiltern Close and Fane Drive. A request was made for some action with regard to the poor condition of the block of shops and flats located at the junction of Chiltern Close and Fane Drive. The premises are in private ownership, but it was felt that South Oxfordshire District Council’s Planning Department should be contacted to ask if any action could be taken to get the owners to improve the premises. It was felt that it was important for the shops to be provided in this location in the village as they are useful facilities for residents and would be required if further development does take place in the village in the future.
e) Mrs. Lilian Keys. It was reported that resident Mrs. Lilian Keys had been awarded the Silver Acorn at the St. George’s Day Parade in Dorchester on Thames on Sunday 22nd April, 2012. The Parish Council were pleased to hear this good news.
f) Grass cutting. Mr. Len Pomeroy said that he considered the grass cutting had been carried out to a good standard in the village. Councillor Hall informed the meeting that he was pleased that Mr. Pomeroy was present and had recovered from the illness he encountered whilst visiting Australia recently.
g) Access road to Wimblestraw Road from Berinsfield Roundabout. It was reported that when crossing the access road from Berinsfield Roundabout to Wimblestraw Road/ Burcot Lane and using the dropped access and central island, it was not possible to see vehicles coming from the Oxford direction that were turning into Berinsfield. It was agreed that Oxfordshire County Council Highways Department should be contacted to inform them of this problem and to emphasize the need for a 30 mph speed limit on the A 4074 in Berinsfield and the access road from Berinsfield roundabout into Wimblestraw Road/Burcot Lane.
h) Berinsfield Breakers Yard. It was reported that the owners of the Breakers Yard are now depositing scrap metal in the area where the shrubbery had been cleared. The meeting was informed that the South Oxfordshire District Council Enforcement Team is undertaking an investigation at the present time and that the Highways Department and Arboricultural Officer from Oxfordshire County Council are all aware of the Parish Council’s concern about the Breakers Yard.
4. Financial Report
Copies of the Income and Expenditure Account and Balance Sheet for the year ended 31st March 2011 were made available for inspection.
Councillor Hall informed the meeting that the Parish Council has not increased its precept for the fourth year running and that Members will continue to do their utmost to provide the services and facilities that residents want. Whenever possible the Council applies for grants to assist with large purchases, but obviously with the financial constraints that organisations are under, grants are not so readily available now as they were in the past.
The Parish Council do realise that the voluntary groups in the village often need assistance and recently has had the pleasure of awarding grants to local voluntary organisations. A small balance is still available for any organisations that may wish to apply during the year.
5. County Councillor’s Report. County Councillor Lorraine Lindsay-Gale had kindly provided a written report which was circulated to all present and filed in the Minute Book.
The meeting closed at 8 p.m.