Minutes of Greenhalgh-with-Thistleton Parish Council meeting held Monday 13th June 2016 at The Villa Express, Greenhalgh, commencing 7-45 pm.

Present: Councillor K. Dodsworth, Chairman

Councillors Mrs. L. House, L. Fragle, R. Nulty, J. Penswick, Borough Councillor Mrs. M. Chew, D. Kirkham (clerk) and 9 members of the public.

Apologies – Received from County Councillor P. Hayhurst.

Declaration of Interest – None received.

Police reports – PCSO Jonny Graham is no longer the officer attached to Greenhalgh. Noted.

Minutes – Resolved that the minutes of the meeting held 9th May 2016 having been circulated be accepted as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.

Matters arising from the minutes:-

Closure of Kirkham library – understand that temporary libraries will operate from Milbank Home and Strike Lane.

Zurich Insurance will include the defibrillator under Parish Council insurance free of charge.

On checking Parish Council accounts for 2015/2016 it was noted that cheque for payment of the defibrillator had not been cashed for £780. Clerk had been in contact with the company who state they had received the cheque in June 2015, which was deposited in their bank, the company are making enquiries with their accounting department and will keep the Parish Council informed of the outcome.

Correspondence – The British Geological Survey (BGS)isplanning to hold a community 'drop in'event at The Boys’ Brigade Training and Conference Centre in Treales, on the 20th June from 15.00 – 19.00. The event is to update the local community and other stakeholders on the BGS-led. Read and noted.

Flooding – Borough Councillor Mrs. Maxine Chew reported on recent meeting held with Borough Councillors, Parish Councillors, residents and Mark Menzies MP to discuss the dreadful effects of the flooding that has happened, not only over recent months, but also over the last 3 years. It would be helpful to Councillor Mrs. Chew to inform her of any known land owners running alongside Main Dyke from Mythop Road to the River Wyre to identify how the dyke system works on their land.

Any help to be involved would be greatly appreciated a meeting is to be held Tuesday 14th June 2016 at Singleton Village Hall, anyone interested in attending would be made most welcome.

Tuesday 5th July 2016 has been scheduled for the next meeting of the District Parish Liaison Committee at the Town Hall, St. Anne’s commencing 6-30 p.m.. Agenda received but to date no minutes of the last meeting. No one available to attend.

Briefing from NALC 26.5.16 - This bulletin provides a brief update on a number of this week’s meetings and national developments copy of which been issued to Parish Councillors for their information. Noted.

Wrea Green Civic Service – The Chairman, Councillor John Maskell and members of the Parish Council, cordially invite you and your Councillors plus partners, to join them at this Parish’s Civic Sunday on the 3rd July 2016 at 9-15 a.m. for the the service in the Church at 9.30 a.m.. Light refreshments will be served following the service in the community rooms. Councillor Dodsworth and Clerk to attend.

Invitation received for members of the Parish Council to attend and join in the procession of Weeton St. Michael Annual Garden Party and Rose Queen Festival on 9th July 2016 commencing 1-30 p.m. Chairman is to attend.

Close meeting for open discussion – Mrs. Anne Hardy reported on the party held to celebrate Queen Elizabeth’s 90th birthday, which was a great success, it was unfortunate that several conditions had to be complied with prior to the event, in that it meant a marquee could not be used.

Parking on Bradshaw Lane is causing a problem – item to be placed on the agenda for 11th July, in the meantime enquiries are to be made from various authorities.

Pot-hole has now been repaired on Greenhalgh Lane but no road improvements at Thistleton Village.

Re-convene meeting

LALC – Next meeting 15th June 2016 at Wrea Green Institute commencing 7-30 p.m. Councillor Fragle is to attend.

Payments and Finance – See new system of payments on Appendix 1

Internal audit carried out by Mrs. Margaret Taylor, proposed, seconded all approved signed by the Chairman and Responsible Financial Officer documents will be forwarded to external BDO Auditors.

Copies of accounts issued to Parish Councillors and will be displayed on Parish Council web site.

Mandate for standing order for £10 per month for web site was approved and signed by Councillors and responsible officer.

Planning decisions

15/0872 – Retrospective application for the erection of 2 no. dwellings to replace former brick barns, conversion of 2 no. barns to 3 dwellings with altered finished appearance to that approved under planning permission 14/0355 and alteration to western boundary and increased curtilage to dwellings at Lodge Farm, Thistleton Road, Thistleton – Permission granted. Parish Councillors are concerned on the quality of the work already carried out; conditions imposed by the Local Authority on the application are to be checked.

Planning applications – The following applications have been received for Parish Council recommendations:-

16/0315 – Change of use of part of existing touring caravan site to accommodate 18 static caravan pitches at Shorrocks Barn, Back Lane, Weeton – Parish Council has no specific observations to make upon the proposal.

16/0337 – Application under S106A to discharge planning obligation relating to planning permission 09/0524 requiring financial payments in lieu of on-site affordable housing provision at The Barn, Thistleton Road, Greenhalgh-with-Thistleton – Parish Council has no specific observations to make upon the proposal.

16/0365 – Erection of single storey building to rear to provide feed and equipment store and animal shelter at Chestnut Villa, Bradshaw Lane, Greenhalgh-with-Thistleton – Parish Council is concerned at the continuing number of applications received for this site - the proposed building and with the existing buildings the Parish Council is of the opinion this is over-use of the site and recommends refusal.

16/0366 – Change of use of agricultural land to form an overspill car park area for existing restaurant including change of use of part of rear residential curtilage to 2 Medlar Lane to provide access drive between existing car park and land proposed as further car park area at Ashiana Restaurant, Fleetwood Road, Greenhalgh – Parish Council support the application.

Highways – Parish ‘Greenhalgh’ sign near to Demmingfield still requires replacing.

Items for agenda – Parking Bradshaw Lane

Date of next meeting – 11th July 2016