IST PYP Program of Inquiry 2015-2016
Integration of Specialists & World Languages
Using Compass Model C & S Community & Service Action
Age/Grade / An inquiry into
Who we are
An inquiry into the nature of the self; beliefs and values; personal, physical, mental, social and spiritual health; human relationships including families, communities, and cultures; rights and responsibilities; what it means to be human. / An inquiry into
Where we are in place and time
An inquiry into orientation in place and time; personal histories; homes and journeys; the discoveries, explorations and migrations of humankind; the relationships and the interconnectedness of individuals and civilizations, from local and global perspectives. / An inquiry into
How we express ourselves
An inquiry into the ways in which we discover and express ideas, feelings, nature, culture, beliefs and values; the ways in which we reflect on, extend and enjoy our creativity; our appreciation of the aesthetic. / An inquiry into
How the world works
An inquiry into the natural world and its laws; the interaction between the natural world (physical and biological) and human societies; how humans use their understanding of scientific principles; the impact of scientific and technological advances on society and on the environment / An inquiry into
How we organize ourselves
An inquiry into the interconnectedness of human-made systems and communities; the structure and function of organizations; societal decision-making; economic activities and their impact on humankind and the environment. / An inquiry into
How we share the planet
An inquiry into rights and responsibilities in the struggle to share finite resources with other people and with other living things; communities and the relationships within and between them; access to equal opportunities; peace and conflict resolution
Gr. 5 / Transitions
Key Concepts: Form, Change, Responsibility
Related Concept/s: Growth,
Reproduction, Adolescence
Central Idea:
Humans experience physical, emotional and social changes throughout their lives.
Lines of inquiry:
·  Puberty and the physical changes that take place
·  Transitioning from Elementary to Secondary school
·  Feelings, issues and questions we have in relation to changes taking place
Specialist integration with:
·  PE / Humans Migration
Key Concepts: Change, Causation, Perspective
Related Concept/s: Migration, Culture
Central Idea:
Human migration is a response to challenges and opportunities.
Lines of inquiry:
·  My family’s migration story
·  The reasons why people migrate
·  The effects of migration on communities, cultures and individuals.
Specialist integration with:
·  Chinese
·  German / The Power of Persuasion
Key Concepts: Form, Perspective, Reflection
Related Concept/s: Opinion, Choice
Central Idea:
We use different techniques to persuade and influence others.
Lines of inquiry:
·  Types of media
·  Persuasive techniques in media
·  How we are influenced by media
Specialist integration with:
·  Information Literacy
·  Danish
·  French
·  Art
·  Music / Electricity
Key Concepts: Form, Function, Responsibility
Related Concept/s: Transformation
Central Idea:
We generate, transform and use energy in various ways.
Lines of inquiry:
·  Sources of energy (renewable/non renewable)
·  Where electricity comes from (protons, electrons etc.)
·  How we use electricity (transformation and circuitry systems)
Using Compass Model / The Marketplace
Key Concepts: Function, Connection, Causation
Related Concept/s: Supply & Demand, Marketplace
Central Idea:
Marketplaces depend on the ability to produce goods and supply services that can be exchanged.
Lines of inquiry:
·  Determining the value of goods and services
·  The role of supply and demand in the marketplace
·  The development of money and banks / Exhibition
Central Idea:
Human actions or inactions affect people, the environment and the world.
Related Concept/s: Action, Impact
Lines of inquiry:
·  (Students will inquire into areas of their interest)
C & S Community & Service Action
Gr. 4 / Beliefs
Key Concepts: Connection, Perspective
Related Concept/s: Diversity, Beliefs
Central Idea:
Beliefs and values influence the way that people live.
Lines of inquiry:
·  The beliefs and values of our families
·  Different belief systems
·  Similarities and differences among belief systems
C & S Community & Service Action / Inventions
Key Concepts: Form, Change, Causation
Related Concept/s: Chronology, Innovation
Central Idea:
Human inventions and discoveries are a response to needs, and are developed over time.
Lines of inquiry:
·  Inventions in our everyday lives
·  How inventions have changed
·  Why inventions have changed over time
Specialist integration with:
·  Information Literacy
·  Chinese
·  Music
·  German / Visual Arts
Key Concepts: Connection, Perspective
Related Concept/s: Interpretation, Self-Expression
Central Idea:
The visual arts provide us with the opportunity to reflect on, and enjoy creativity.
Lines of inquiry:
·  The art that we connect with and appreciate
·  How art elements are used
·  Our ability to use our skills to express ourselves artistically
Specialist integration with:
·  Danish
·  French
·  Art / Matter
Key Concepts: Change, Causation
Related Concept/s: Transformation
Central Idea:
Matter exists in different forms and can undergo changes.
Lines of inquiry:
·  States of matter and their properties
·  How and why matter changes / Government Systems
Key Concepts: Function, Responsibility
Related Concept/s: Citizenship, roles
Central Idea:
Government systems impact people’s lives.
Lines of inquiry:
·  Different types of government
·  Rules and laws
·  The impact of rules and laws on citizens
Specialist integration with:
·  PE / Ecosystems
Key Concepts: Connection, Causation
Related Concept/s: Sustainability, Interdependence
Central Idea:
Ecosystems are made up of living things which are interdependent on one another.
Lines of inquiry:
·  Features of ecosystems
·  Food chains
·  Effect of natural and human influences on ecosystems
Specialist integration with:
·  Information Literacy
Using Compass Model
Gr. 3 / Body Systems
Key Concepts: Function, Connection
Related Concept/s: Systems, Interaction
Central Idea:
The human body has interconnected systems that assist it to function properly.
Lines of inquiry:
·  Different body systems and how they assist the body
·  How various systems work together
·  What happens when a system doesn’t function
Specialist integration with:
·  Information Literacy
·  Chinese
·  PE / Heroes
Key Concepts: Responsibility, Connection
Related Concept/s: Innovation, Revolution
Central Idea:
People and societies influence and inspire change in different ways.
Lines of Inquiry:
·  Past and present heroes
·  Attributes of heroes
·  Everyday heroes and ways they can inspire or influence us
Specialist integration with:
·  Information Literacy / Performing Arts
Key Concepts: Connection, Form
Related Concept/s: Self-Expression, Genre
Central Idea:
The performing allow people to entertain, move and educate audience audiences.
Lines of inquiry:
·  Different types of performing arts
·  The purpose of a performance and how an audience can interpret it
·  How different cultures use performance
Specialist integration with:
·  French
·  Music / Our Earth
Key Concepts: Causation, Change
Related Concept/s: Movement, Geology
Central Idea:
The Earth’s components are interrelated and are continually changing.
Lines of inquiry:
·  Natural features of the Earth
·  Earth’s components
·  What causes changes in the Earth
C & S Community & Service Action / Cities
Key Concepts: Function, Connection
Related Concept/s: Systems, Interdependence
Central Idea:
Cities are organized to meet the needs of their inhabitants.
Lines of inquiry:
·  Characteristics of a city
·  What people need and want in a city
·  Infrastructures to meet needs
·  How cities are organized
Specialist integration with:
·  Art
·  German
Using Compass Model / Earth Friendly Living
Key Concepts: Responsibility
Related Concept/s: Resources
Central Idea:
Our daily actions can help sustain and maintain the earth’s resources.
Lines of inquiry:
·  Earth’s resources
·  How resources are used by ourselves and others
·  How humans impact the environment (in positive and negative ways)
Gr. 2 / Healthy Choices
Key Concepts: Reflection, Function
Related Concept/s: Nutrition, Balance
Central Idea:
Choices play a role in our well-being and health.
Lines of inquiry:
·  The components of a healthy lifestyle
·  How healthy/unhealthy lifestyle choices affect our bodies
·  Reflective choice making
Specialist integration with:
·  Chinese
·  PE / China Then & Now
Key Concepts: Form, Change,
Related Concept/s: Culture, Chronology
Central Idea:
Characteristics of civilizations can endure or change over time.
Lines of inquiry:
·  Characteristics of Ancient China
·  Ways that our locality (Tianjin) has changed/remained the same
·  Why some ideas endure and others change
Specialist integration with:
·  Information Literacy / Culture through Stories
Key Concepts: Connection, Perspective
Related Concept/s: Values/Beliefs, Culture
Central Idea:
Stories retold and shared can reflect beliefs and values of different cultures.
Lines of inquiry:
·  The purpose, features and messages of traditional tales
·  Different, myths and legends and stories from around the world
Specialist integration with:
·  Danish
·  Chinese
·  German
·  Music / Earth, Sun & Moon
Key Concepts: Form, Function
Related Concept/s: Cycles, Movement, Time
Central Idea:
The relationship between the sun, the moon and the earth affect how we live on our planet.
Lines of inquiry:
·  The characteristics of the Earth, Sun and Moon and their place in the solar system
·  How the Moon, Sun and Earth impact the way we live
·  How the Earth, Sun and Moon cycles create patterns of time / Changing Things
Key Concepts: Change,
Related Concept/s: Needs & Wants (Consumption), Production
Central Idea:
People process resources in order to satisfy needs and wants.
Lines of inquiry:
·  Natural resources & materials
·  The process of change that resources go through
·  Why humans change resources and how they use them / Endangered Animals
Key Concepts: Causation, Responsibility
Related Concept/s: Conservation, Habitat
Central Idea:
Human actions can preserve or endanger animal life.
Lines of inquiry:
·  How animals survive
·  Animal Habitats
·  Our responsibilities towards keeping animals from extinction
Specialist integration with:
·  Information Literacy
·  Art
Using Compass Model
C & S Community & Service Action
Gr.1 / The Human Body
Key Concepts: Form, Function
Related Concept/s: interaction, Classification
Central Idea:
Our bodies are made up of different parts, which work together to keep us alive.
Lines of inquiry:
·  The various parts in the body and how they work
·  How the parts of the body work together
·  People who help us to look after our bodies
Specialist integration with:
·  PE / My Family History
Key Concepts: Connection
Related Concept/s: Identity, History
Central Idea:
Every family is unique and has a history of its own.
Lines of inquiry:
·  Different family groups
·  Significant events that are important to a family
·  How our personal histories are the same and different
Specialist integration with:
·  Chinese / Stories
Key Concepts: Perspective
Related Concept/s: Communication, Performance
Central Idea:
People tell stories for different reasons and in different ways.
Lines of inquiry:
·  What a story is
·  Why people tell stories
·  Different ways that stories are presented
Specialist integration with:
·  Music
·  Danish
·  French
·  German / Forces
Key Concepts: Form, Causation
Related Concept/s: Cause & Effect, Forces
Central Idea:
Forces help us to move and make things work.
Lines of inquiry:
·  What forces are (push & pull)
·  What forces do
·  The different ways that forces make things move
Specialist integration with:
·  PE
·  Art / Our School Community
Key Concepts: Responsibility, Connection
Related Concept/s: Roles, Classification
Central Idea:
Everyone has a role in the school community.
Lines of inquiry:
·  The jobs/roles people have in our school community
·  The different areas of the school
·  The importance of everyone’s job in the school community / Mini-Beasts
Key Concepts: Function, Responsibility
Related Concepts: Classification, Habitat, Interactions
Central Idea:
Mini-beasts perform functions in our environment and are connected other living things.
Lines of inquiry:
·  Identifying mini-beasts and where they live
·  The different functions of mini-beasts
·  The connection between minibeasts and other living things
Specialist integration with:
·  Information Literacy
Using Compass Model
C & S Community & Service Action
Gr. KG / The Senses
Key Concepts: Form, Function
Related Concept/s: Perception, Discovery
Central Idea:
Our senses help us to learn bout our environment and ourselves.
Lines of inquiry:
·  What the senses are
·  How we use our senses to learn
·  What we can discover about ourselves through our senses
Specialist integration with:
·  Danish
·  French
·  Art
·  Music
·  PE / Where we Live
Key Concepts: Form, Perspective,
Related Concept/s: Place, Relocation
Central Idea:
People live in different places and in different ways.
Lines of inquiry:
·  Places that people live
·  Why people live differently
·  Where and how I live / Celebrations
Key Concepts: Form, Connection, Perspective
Related Concept/s: Traditions, Customs
Central Idea:
People celebrate personal and cultural events in many ways.
Lines of inquiry:
·  What people celebrate
·  Similarities and differences of celebrations
Specialist integration with:
·  Danish
·  French
·  Chinese
·  German
C & S Community & Service Action / Animal Characteristics
Key Concepts: Form, Function
Related Concept/s: Adaptation, Classification
Central Idea:
Animals have characteristics that help them to adapt to their environment.
Lines of inquiry:
·  Characteristics of animals
·  Animal habitats and environments
·  How an animals; characteristics help them to live in their environment / Transportation Systems
Key Concepts: Function, Perspective
Related Concept/s: Community, Systems
Central Idea:
Transportation systems are organized to meet the needs of a community.
Lines of inquiry:
·  Types of transportation systems
·  How communities use transportation systems
·  Why people choose one transport system over another / Caring for Our Oceans
Key Concepts: Reflection, Responsibility
Related Concepts/: Environment, Choices
Central Idea:
Humans can affect the life and resources of the ocean.
Lines of inquiry:
·  What and how do we use the ocean resources
·  The affect humans can have on the ocean life and its resources
·  Our responsibility when using the ocean
Specialist integration with:
·  Information Literacy
Using Compass Model
Gr. Pre-K / Friendships
Key Concepts: Form, Function, Perspective
Related Concept/s: Behavior, Communication
Central Idea:
Friendships are developed through our choices and behaviors.
Lines of inquiry:
·  How friendships can be developed through actions and words
·  What friends do for each other
·  Ways we can appreciate and maintain friendships
Specialist integration with:
·  PE
·  Library
·  World Languages / Early Years only complete Four Units of Inquiry / Emotions
Key Concepts: Perspective, Reflection
Related Concept/s: Interpretation, Relationships
Central Idea:
There are different ways to express, respond and react to feelings.
Lines of inquiry:
·  Different types of emotions & experiences which relate to these
·  Ways in which stories, drama and music can show and share emotions
Specialist integration with:
·  Music
·  Library
·  World Languages / Materials
Key Concepts: Form, Function, Causation
Related Concept/s: Properties, Classification
Central Idea:
Materials have different properties that determine their use.
Lines of inquiry:
·  Different kinds of materials and their properties
·  How materials are used and why
·  How different materials can change
Specialist integration with:
·  Library / Early Years only complete Four Units of Inquiry / Plants
Key Concepts: Form, Responsibility, Causation
Related Concept/s: Growth
Central Idea:
Plants have specific needs in order to grow and stay healthy.
Lines of inquiry:
·  Our responsibilities towards the plants we choose to grow
·  Characteristics of plants
·  What plants need to grow
Specialist integration with:
·  Library
Using Compass Model
C & S Community & Service Action
Nursery / Special Individuals
Key Concepts: Form, Reflection
Related Concept/s: Identity, Relationships
Central Idea:
We are ever-changing individuals with unique characteristics.
Lines of inquiry:
·  Ways in which we are similar and different (families, nationality, appearance)
·  Ways in which we are changing
Specialist integration with:
·  Library / Early Years only complete Four Units of Inquiry / The Artist
Key Concepts: Perspective, Connection, Reflective
Related Concept/s: Choices, Imagination
Central Idea:
We can use art to share our ideas and explore our imagination.
Lines of Inquiry:
·  How we use art to represent our ideas and feelings
·  The process that we use to create art
·  Sharing and reflecting on our art and other art
·  The responses that art can evoke
Specialist integration with:
·  Music
·  Library / Construction
Key Concepts: Form, Function, Causation
Related Concepts: Properties, Behavior, Consequences
Central Idea:
Purpose, imagination and our understanding of scientific principles influence how we design and construct.
Lines of inquiry:
·  Ways we construct
·  Principles that affect construction
·  How our imagination influences our construction
Specialist integration with:
·  Library / Early Years only complete Four Units of Inquiry / Living Things
Key Concepts: Form, Responsibility
Related Concept/s: Classification, growth/health
Central Idea:
People can share responsibilities and roles for the well-being of other living things.
Lines of inquiry:
·  Characteristics of living things
·  The needs of pets and animals
·  Our responsibility for the well-being of other living things
Specialist integration with:
·  Library
Using Compass Model
C & S Community & Service Action

Updated August, 2015 Page 1 of 3