November Monthly Meeting of Kells Town Council on Monday, 17th November 2008, at Kells Civic Offices, Headfort Place, Kells
Presiding: Cllr. B. Collins
Present: Cllrs. P. Caffrey, B. Curran, S. Drew, A.O. Farrelly, C. Ferguson,
T. Grimes, B. Reilly, O. Sweeney.
Also Present: Mr. B. McGrath, Town Manager, Mr. J. Flanagan, Town Clerk,
Mr. S. Carroll, A/Town Engineer, Ms. C. O’Reilly, A/Asst Staff Officer,
Ms. Fiona Redmond, Senior Executive Planner, Mr. Alan Russell, Assistant Planner, (Item 9 only).
On the proposal of Cllr. B. Reilly, seconded by Cllr. C. Ferguson, it was agreed to suspend Standing Orders in order to take Item 9.
Report on Part 8 for 6 Carrick Street & 8 Maudlin Street
Mr. A. Russell, Assistant Planner, made a presentation summarised as follows.
- The proposed development is for the refurbishment of Nos. 6 Carrick Street and 8 Maudlin Street, with the construction of a two storey extension to the rear of each house.
- The extension would comprise of kitchen and bathroom/toilet on ground floor and bedroom on first floor.
- Disabled access would be provided in accordance with the Building Regulations.
- Both dwellings are located within the Kells Historical Core Area.
- No submissions were received in relation to the application.
- It is recommended that the development proceed, subject to compliance with conditions set out by the Conservation Officer.
The recommendation was approved on the proposal of Cllr. B. Reilly, seconded by Cllr. P. Caffrey.
The minutes of the October monthly meeting, held on 20th October 2008, were approved on the proposal of Cllr. B. Reilly, seconded by Cllr. P. Caffrey.
- Letter from NRA, in response to Council request for meeting, stating that their policy is to hold meetings with T.Ds., Senators and Councillors from road authorities. It was also stated that they do not meet in public session. It was stated that they would be happy to meet with Councillors in their Dublin office.
Following a discussion on the matter it was agreed to arrange a meeting in Dublin and to include area Councillors and local T.Ds.
- Letter from Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform in relation to report of the Casino Committee on regulating gaming in Ireland.
Following a number of requests from members the Manager informed members that he would check the Council’s Bye-Laws under the Gaming & Lotteries Act and report back.
- Letter from Commission for Communications Regulation, in response to Council’s request for site survey of telecommunications antenna at Tower of Loyd, stating that ComReg do not conduct NIR site surveys on the basis of requests.
On the proposal of Cllr. B. Reilly, seconded by Cllr. B. Collins, it was decided to write back to the Commission requesting that they carry out the survey as requested.
- Letter from Kells & District Chamber of Commerce proposing the relocation of Kells Farmers’ Market to the Fair Green.
The Manager informed members that he would meet with the Chamber and bring a report back to the Council.
- Letter from DoEHLG on Awareness Campaign for Register of Electors 2009/2010.
- Letter from Failte Ireland, in response of Council’s application for grant assistance under the Tourism Innovation Fund for Heritage Centre, stating the the application was unsuccessful.
- Letters of thanks from Kells Silver Band and Kells Anglers Association thanking the Council for grant received under the Local Development Fund.
The Manager informed members that he had received correspondence from a perspective candidate in the forthcoming local election. The Manager stated that the policy of Meath Local Authorities was that elected members received all information requested and any other persons, including perspective candidates, holds the same status as any other member of the public.
Monthly Reports
Staff was complimented on works carried out at Fair Green. The Town Engineer stated concrete capping would be done at a later date.
In relation to previous complaints in relation to sewage odour in the town, the Town Engineer stated that the pumping station on the Oldcastle Road had been cleaned by the developer and a mechanical failure may have been possible. A culvert on Castle Street would be checked out.
Manager’s Orders
The Manager’s Orders, as circulated, were noted.
To fix date for holding of Statutory Budget Meeting
It was agreed that the meeting would be held week commencing 8th December.
To discuss Tidy Towns Report
A detailed discussion took place on the report. Members complimented the Tidy Town Committee on their work. It was agreed to write to those businesses complimented in the report on their traditional shop fronts.
Correspondence on Joint Policing Committees
Following a general discussion on the matter it was agreed that Kells Town Council would retain its present arrangement with the Gardai for the present.
Presentation on Play Strategy
Mr. Joe Saunders made a presentation, summarised as follows.
- National Play Policy covers children up to 12 years of age
- Meath Policy contains 8 objectives and 52 actions
- Local Authority prepare local play policy
- CountyDevelopment Board prepare play plan framework document
- Annual play plan
Following a general discussion on the matter the draft plan was adopted on the proposal of Cllr. B. Reilly, seconded by Cllr. C. Ferguson.
Any Other Business
Members were informed that thirty one expressions of interest in allotments at Loyd had been received. Four potential sites had been identified. Cllr. T. Grimes stated that three meetings had taken place and a business plan would be submitted shortly.
Cllr. B. Reilly raised the issue of long term parking on Oliver Plunkett Road.
It was agreed that the Traffic Warden would check.
Cllr. S. Drew requested that a letter be sent to Dr. Peter Lappin, on his imminent retirement, acknowledging the service he and his family gave to the community over the years.
The Manager informed Cllr. Farrelly that the owner of lands on Moynalty Road for pitches was willing to make same available, but there was an issue of access at the moment as the NRA had possession until the M3 motorway project was complete.
Cllr Caffrey requested that “No Dumping” signs be erected on the back road between numbers 23-26 Fr. McCullen Park.
In relation to request from Cllr. Curran it was agreed to look at condition of church car park and footpath.
Cllr. Grimes requested that a letter be sent to HSE condemning the closure of the orthopaedic unit at Navan hospital.
In relation to request from Cllr. Ferguson for upgrade of public lighting at Gardenrath Road and Rockfield Road he was informed that Infrastructure Section was dealing with same.
A vote of congratulations was passed with:
Drumbaragh GFC
Gael Colmcille
Kilmainham GFC
Local Handballer Gary McConnell was wished good luck on his forthcoming trip to USA.
A vote of sympathy was passed with:
Flynn family
Fitzgerald family
Reilly family
This concluded the business of the meeting.
Signed: ______
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KellsTown Council, Kells Civic Offices, Headfort Place,, Kells, County Meath
Telephone: 046 9240076, Fax: 046 9249316, web: Email: