These policies have been determined, agreed upon, and set by the Department Chairman and the Scheduling Committee.

Numbers for coverage in the OR

NormalResidency (July/August)

OR= 8 faculty (covering C2, & C3)15

OB= 1 faculty (covering C2, C3, & C4) 1

AOP= 3 faculty 3

C1= 1 faculty 1

Total of 13 in ORTotal of13+ in the OR

Pain= 3 pain faculty 3

Total of 18 FacultyTotal of 26 + in the OR

Duplicate coverage: CT, LT, NM, APS, C2, C3,C4

Out of Office: X, Xw (3 from weekend)

ASSIGNMENTS Types & Policies

Acute Pain Service: (APS)

There is a core group of clinical faculty member that will be assigned this duty. It is assigned with the regular OR assignment but not withOB, Neuromonitoring, and Charge assignments. This assignment may vary as the schedule changes through the month and is ultimately left up to charge person when assigning Surgery assignments. Presently this schedule will be made by Robert Montgomery, Pain Nurse, and Dr. Peter Rowe.

OR (AOP) assignments:

It was determined that all Faculty members are eligible tobe assigned at the AOP. Frequency will depend on specialty assignments.

A team of staff will be assigned mostly at the AOP. This team of 2 will do the majority of AOP coverage. The following are faculty members:



Charge assignment:(IChg & OChg)-

Charge assignments are for either the 9th Ave OR, or the AOP/AIP assignment. This is a group of faculty members who will perform the following:

Labor and Delivery: (OB)

This is a specialty assignments and can be covered by most faculty but consistently covered by; (9/11/06)

Joy Hawkins, Director of Residency Program, OB Director

Brenda Bucklin, Associate OB Director

Andrea Fuller, Instructor

Matthew Fiegel, Instructor

Pain -Chronic Pain: (P)

Mazin AlTamimi

Alan Brewer

Jason Krutch


Call assignments will be determined by the individual FTE percentages which is calculated through an Excel spread sheet. It will be reviewed every month for each new schedule developed by the scheduler. It is calculated using the FTE percentages during periods of January through July and July through December. FTE quotas must be met per month and per review of the 6 month calendar stated above. If an individual is not meeting their agreed upon FTE, then more call mustbe assigned.

C1, C1A, C1P, C1Pf- Overnight Call:

C1 – overnight call during the time of Monday through Thursday from

3:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m.; must be followed by the next day off which is

coded as an X.

C1A – day call on Saturday and Sunday from 7:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.; this will be then followed by a code of Xw during a day the following which will be determined by the scheduler and shortages of each day during that week. Saturday C1A will be followed by a Xw on Wednesday usually. Sunday C1A will be followed by a Friday Xw, usually.

C1P – overnight call during the time of Saturday and Sunday from

7:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m.; this will be followed by a code of Xwon the Thursday following week,usuallywill be determined by the scheduler, unless the C1P is on a Sunday in which case the Monday will be the off day.

C1Pf – overnight call during the time of Friday from 7:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m.; This will be schedule with the C1A on Saturday and proceeded with the C1P on the Thursday .

C2, C3, C4 - Late Call:

2nd Call is the physicians who stays until the physician C1…determines there are enough operating rooms closed for one team to cover.

3rd Call is the physician who stays until the physician C1…determines there are enough operation rooms closed for the C1 and C2 team to cover.

4th Call is the physician who stays until the physician C1…..determines there are enough operating rooms closed for the C1, C2, and C3 team to cover.

C2, C3, and C4 call assignments will be determined by the individual FTE percentage which is calculated through an Excel spread sheet. It will be reviewed every month for each new schedule developed by the scheduler. It is calculated using the FTE percentages during periods of January through July and July through December. FTE quotas must be met per month and per review of the 6 month calendar stated above. If an individual is not meeting their agreed upon FTE, then more call must assigned.

The subspecialty groups (Cardiac, Liver, Neuromonitoring) would work among themselves to cover that late call the next day: someone else would take the late call, the post-call person would come back at 1500 to cover, or the individual can also arrange the coverage outside of the subspecialty group.

“Being very proactive when on C1, C2, C3 to get everyone out is usually greatly appreciated and means folks do the same for you. I really don’t know what else to say about that. I have noticed that sometimes lately as a C3 there will be no cases going except mine. I never got relieved because I guess I never asked to be relieved. I think the C1 role includes managing the cases. I guess I would have been really surprised to not be assigned rooms at 3pm and would have found the C1 in person or on the phone if I was planning to take the call. Didn’t you think it was a little strange that your name was not on the board with new cases and other non call individuals names were being added.“

CT, CTw - Cardiac Call:

Assigned by Dr. Fadi Nasrallah, the Point of Contact (POC) for the Cardiac call team. He determines who will be assigned call , review all complaints of the cardiac schedule assignments for CT and CTw for weekend call. Member of the Cardiac team consisting of: (5/16/06)

Fadi Nasrallah

Fareed Azam

Glenn Gravlee

Jose Melendez

Tamas Seres

LT, LTw - Liver Call:

Assigned by Dr. Matthew Roberts, the POC for the Liver call team. Dr. Roberts determines who will be assigned call, review all complaints for the liver call schedule assignment of LT or LTw for weekend call. Member of the Liver team consisting of: (5/16/06)

Fareed Azam

Susan Mandell

Matthew Roberts

Liver call can be taken in conjunction with a C2 or C3 call assignments and must also be assigned in the UCH OR or the AOP/AIP OR. If the Liver assigned faculty does a liver case and is up past 12:00midnight, then he/she is responsible for covering the C2 or C3 assignment the proceeding day, yet is not assigned to the OR.


Acd – Academic – academic time awarded to all faculty for administrative, education or scholarly activity.

Acs – Academic Supported - This is assigned when a research grant has been given to the individual. Hospital salary support funds are not used for these assignments. Salary is paid by grants or the department.


The following assignments fall under the Acs day count:

Education days (E) - proportional

Academic Speaking (AS) - all

Vacation (V) proportional:

Sample: Dr. X has 1 Acs per week, yet he/shetakes a Vacation day and has 3 AS days that month, thus, he/she would only get 1 Acs day that month. Although the totals don't have to add up each month, they could be spread out over several so long as the totals added up for the year.

Acx- Academic Exempt:

Assigned by the Chair for special assignments

Adm–Administrative time:

Have departmental or institutionally supported duties.

AS – Academic Speaking:

Presenting at a meeting; days all (Normally a faculty gets 'pre-approval' or permission

for an AS date (to see if it is 'worthy')

E – Education is accumulated throughout the year of a faculty’s stay in the Department of Anesthesia. It is 5 days per year. This information must be recorded with the scheduler

NC – Non clinical day; no pay for this day. The individual took a pay cut to for this additional time off. This is not made up when vacation, education, or Acs is used.

RNC – Request No Call - requests are to be limited 20 physicians requesting of not more than 6 per person per month. This does not include the weekend before, after, or between vacation requests. If you request more than 6, the scheduler will send you a message, prior to making out the call schedule, asking which 6 you really want. This does not count as Vacation time with regard to pay.

S - Sick – sick leave for personal illness or family illness.

UCH -UniversityHospital:

Administrative support time. Dr. Melendez schedule is such that:

1. Only schedule C1P on Friday, C1A on Sunday

2. Must have Adm on Monday

3. Must have UCH on Tuesday

4. Flexible on Thursday UCH day, but must let him/Christy know

1 month ahead of time.

V – Vacation:

Leave is accumulated with the faculty’s employment time. Leave can be taken if the below criteria is met:

-The leave has accumulated

-If the schedule allows

- determined through the request system (to be explained later in this document.

NOTE: When Vacation is taken during the individual Acs and/or NC time then this time is not made up.

W – Waitlisted: This is accompanied by the request when there are more clinical faculty asking for the day, or week then the number allowed to be away from the OR. Waitlist means the individual is on standby and there is no guarantee to be away from the OR until the scheduler has completed the schedule and met with the committee of not less then 5 weeks. You will be notified through the publishing of the schedule if your request has been approved.


Requesting Vacation, Education:

Requesting vacations and education days through the request system must be made prior to the scheduler closing the month.

Holiday Vacation Request:

Director of Anesthesia has suggested making out the holiday schedule for all of the year by January.Requests for one minor holiday (MLK, President’s, Memorial, July 4th, Labor), and will assign the major shifts based on the records from the previous years. When you select your minor holiday, you are vulnerable for any appropriate (i.e., just like any other weekend, no 24hr shifts) shifts anytime that weekend (no RNC will be accepted). Please take comfort in the knowledge that once assigned the two holidays (one major, one minor), there will be no need to RNC the other 6 holidays of the year as you will not, by definition, be vulnerable for those (barring emergencies, in which case volunteers will be solicited). Also take comfort in the knowledge that once the holidays are assigned, you have complete freedom to trade among the entire faculty group. This will also allow everyone to plan early for next year.

Instructions for Making Request for assignments and off days




Step 1: From Internet Explorer pull up the anesthesia web page:

Step 2: On left side of web page move your mouse over Faculty until a drop

down menu appears.

Step 3: Click on the Call Schedule Request

Step 4: At this point you will need to put in your email address (stargate\email@address) and then your password

This is where you can find your schedule by 2, 3, 4, & 5 week blocks. By first selecting the Start Date: and then the Length: you can then select to list the schedule by name or by assignment.

Click Submit and the schedule should show up.

Under the Links to useful accessory sitesthere are several items for your conveniences.

- Submit request: Area to request vacation dates, educations dates, etc.

Under submit request you will see

-Add request - this is when you are ready to “add” your request

into the system. Click on the circle next to Add request when adding request to the system.

-Delete request – if you make an error in putting in your request or

you need to change your original request.Click on the circle next to Delete request to perform this function.

-Show your request (including TimeStamp) – this is vitally important

as showing when your request was submitted. Click on the circle next to Show your request to perform this function. Remember if you plan to change your request, the timestamp will only show the change as a new request.

-Show all requests: This shows all requests for a 4 week block period. The date can be selected under the Assignment block. Click on the circle next to the Show all request to perform this function.

Under Add request you should see a balance of “V” vacation, and “E” education. If you do not have any, please see the Schedule Coordinator until you are placed in the system. If the balance is incorrect click on Show all request and then change back to the Request page. The total should show then show your balance and should also reflect any new request for Vacation and/or Education request you have recently submitted.

Bottom of Form

Requesting Changes/Switches:

Changes (i.e. trades) to the call/daily assignments involves the department intranet. This is more efficient and reliable than sending an e-mail.It is also required by the department and the scheduling team. The request system is set up for all proper personnel to be notified when the switch is requested. Email request will no longer be accepted by any faculty or administrative assistant. The system is there and must be used.

Procedure to Make a Trade

(on the web)


Trade Notification is used to make trades between one or more members of the faculty call team. Please note this must be used to make any and all changes to the schedule.

Step 1: Through Internet Explorer go to: /

Step 2: On left move your mouse over Faculty until you see the drop down menu.

Step 3: Click on the Call Schedule Changes. A new window will appear “Call Trade Notification/Request.” Read the requirements for this format carefully.

Step 4: Click Submit after this has been submitted. You should receive an email confirming the trade as well as all other parties included in on the trade.


to complete the request and be placed in the Master Schedule.

Please see the copy of the web page below (next page)

Faculty Call Trade Notification/Request

To notify the appropriate individuals of a call trade fill in the form below, then click the "Submit" button. It's OK to put more than one assignment the assignment field (for example "C1/CT/OR"). If an individual has more than one assignment and not all of them are listed, only the listed assignments will be changed.

After you submit this notification form, all individuals involved will automatically receive an e-mail copy of this request. Each individual must reply (it will automatically go to Bev Janik) confirming their agreement with the trade before the request will be placed on the master schedule.

Top of Form

Your Name:

Date / Assignment
(e.g. OR, VA, Acd) / From
(current person) / To
(new person)

Additional comments (if any):

Bottom of Form

Call schedule definitions

This can be found by the following steps:

  1. Faculty
  2. Type in your password
  3. “Click here for a list of abbreviations used on the call schedules.”
  4. Here you can review or print a copy for your records
  5. Sample document below:

Move to Appendix A.

Designed by Bob Phelps
Definitions for work/off during the day
These assignments control where a person is during the day. They do not relate to call. Each individual should be assigned exactly one of the following every day.
OR –Works in UH OR during the day. This assignment may be coupled with one or more additional call assignments. This assignments includes the previous OB and AIP/AOPassignments which now are assigned daily by the OR director or anesthesia charge.
VA –Works in the VA OR during the day. This assignment may be coupled with one or more additional call assignments.
P – The individual works in the chronic pain clinic.
VAP -- VA pain clinic.
ICU -- Intensive care unit coverage.
Acd, Acx, Adm, Acs, UCH – Non-clinical time designated for departmental work. The designations are, respectively:
-- ACaDemic (academic time awarded to all faculty "just because they're here"
-- ACademic eXempt (awarded by the Chairman for special assignments)
-- ADMinistrative
-- ACademic Supported (academic time guaranteed because of grant or department support)
-- UCH (UniversityHospital administrative support)
NC -- Unpaid non-clinical time, usually used to designate personal days for part time faculty.
AS -- Academic speaking, presenting at meetings.
V, E,S – Vacation, Education, Sick, respectively. A few other similar designations may appear from time to time.
Definitions for beeper, late and in-house call
One or more of these assignments may compliment the assignment for work during the day.
C1 – In-house call at UH.
C1A, C1P -- C1 in-house call on weekends -- C1A is 7am to 7pm and C1P is 7pm to 7am.
VA1 – VA call. Stays until all cases at VA are finished, then is available for emergency cases at the VA all night.
VAw -- Same as VA1 but on the weekend. / C2, C3 – Late call at UH. Stays until released by C1. Once released, C2/C3 will not be at risk of returning for additional cases. C2's duties should be transferred to the appropriate specialty (beeper) call person at 20:00 if these individuals are different.
CT, LT, CTw, LTw – Specialty (beeper) calls for livers and hearts. A "w" on the end designates weekend call.
LTc -- Liver consultations.
NM -- Neuro-monitoring call.
Additional and miscellaneous assignments
These assignments generally accompany or modify the above assignments or may be for information only.
Chg – Designates the individual is anesthesia "charge" in the OR.
RNC – Indicates the individual has requested no call on that day.
H - Holiday designation at VAH when their holidays are different than UCH. People with this assignment should expect to work at the VA on the corresponding UCH holiday.
OAT2 – This person is second in line to be "bumped" if few enough rooms are scheduled for the following day.
OAT1 – This person is first in line to be "bumped" if few enough rooms are scheduled for the following day.
Post call designations
These assignments represent days off after C1, weekend, or holiday in-house call.
X – Post C1 call.
IX – Post ICU call – usually the Monday following a week of ICU call.
Xw – Designated comp day off following a weekend "shift". Each 12 hour weekend shift receives a day off. Usually, but not always, an individual receives Wednesday off for Friday night, Monday (as an X day) and Tuesday for Sunday day and night, and Thursday and Friday for Saturday day and night.
Xh – Manually assigned weekend and holiday comp time. This designation is used when the Xw cannot be used because of a conflict and to award additional compensation for holiday work.

Current copies will be kept on line.