/ Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency
Erasmus+ : Prospective Initiatives, Policy Networks, Programme and Linguistic support

Euroguidance Databases

Databases for learning opportunities to be connected to the portal Learning Opportunities and Qualifications in Europe

Final report

Period: 1-03-2015–28-02-2017

Name of the Euroguidance centre
Grant Agreement / Decision / 2014-3699-
Contact person Name
E-mail address
Phone number

1.Declaration by the Legal Representative of the Euroguidance centre

“I hereby declare that the information contained in the present final report and its annexes is accurate and true. I herewith request payment of the outstanding balance payment in accordance with the terms of the grant decision / agreement. I hereby declare that according to the General Condition n. 25.3.1 of the Grant Decision or Article II.25.3 of the Grant Agreement, the grant did not produce a profit for the centre.”





Please note that all documents should be provided in electronic format only:

  • by email to
  • or in a USB stick or CD / DVD to:

Education, Audiovisual & Culture Executive Agency

Mrs Mónika HOLIK

Unit A1 – "Erasmus +: Prospective Initiatives, Policy Networks, Programme and Linguistic Support"

Avenue du Bourget 1 (BOU 1/017)

B - 1049 Brussels


Please tick the appropriate check box
1. / Your Final Report includes the following documents:
  • Declaration of the legal representative signed and scanned (page 1 of the final report)
  • Activity report
  • Annexes
  1. Final statement of accounts
  2. Certification of accounts
2. / The appropriate templates have been used / YES NO
3. / Name of organisation, Legal representative and address are the same as in the Grant Agreement/Decision or the data has been updated in the Participant Portal. / YES NO
4. / Bank account is the same as in the Agreement/Decision or a request for amendment has been introduced.
If not:
A new Financial Identification Form is attached to the final report:
5. / Costs presented in the report are eligible (see Grant Agreement/Decision + Restricted Call EACEA 04/2014). / YES NO
6. / Costs are consistent with the activities undertaken during the eligibility period. / YES NO
7. / All tables have been completed in €. Exchange rates have been calculated according toarticle 10.3of the Grant Decision or article I.10.3of the Grant Agreement. / YES NO
8. / For private bodies only: Attached to the final report is an official attestation by a tax office that the VAT is not recoverable by the Euroguidance centre (signed and scanned). / YES NO


Please fill in the table below. When completing this part of the final report compare it carefully with the application form. Please refer to each point of the application form.

1. Organisational aspects
Please indicate which organisational and/or procedural changeshave been introduced in your centre, if any, in order to support the creation or the further development of your nationaldatabase to be connected to the Learning Opportunities and Qualifications in Europe Portal. (In case youalso received a grant under the Terms of reference EACEA 05/2013, make sure that you indicate only the changes specific to the activities funded under the current Call)
2. Staff
Please indicate the number of staff devoted to the tasks linked to the creation or development of your national database over the 2 years in the table below:
Number of persons / Full time equivalent
Planned number of internal staff
Planned number of external staff
Total number of staff
Please provide details on the activities performed by the staff devoted to this project and on any training they had to follow (make sure to indicate only training that was specific for the activities under this Call only).
3.National database evolution
(If you had already received funding under the Terms of reference EACEA 05/2013, please indicate here only the new developments specific to this project.)
Did your country already have a national database on Learning Opportunities before the activities started?If yes, specify if it was created with EU funding, and what were the (further) developments needed?
If not, describe how the national database was developed?
4.Methodology used
Please detail how you proceeded for the creation / (further) development of the database.
How was the work organised?
What part of the work was externalised?
Was a testing phase organised? And how?
5. Work schedule
Please describe in details the activities that took place, as outlined in your application.
(month/year) / Description of the task
(conception, technical development, testing, etc.) / Type of work
Did you manage to adhere to your original plan? Please detail and explain any deviations from it.
What were the main difficulties you encountered, if any?
What solutions/ mitigating measures did you find to deal with them?
6. Cooperation
Please state who the main actors in the database development were and the ways in which the communication among them was carried out. What was the added value of this cooperation?
Did any of your activities for this specific action involve cooperation with other Euroguidance centres?
Did you get help / assistance / guidance from any Centres for any of the phases of the project?

Annex I


Period: 1/03/2015–28/02/2017

(Please fill in and attach the corresponding excel table)

Annex II


Period: 1/03/2015–28/02/2017

  • For grants for an action equal or inferior to EUR 60.000, the beneficiary is required to submitthe following sample of supporting documents:

Budget item/heading / Sample to be annexed to the Financial Statement
Staff / The three highest consolidated staff costs (i.e. staff member costs) for the whole eligibility period
Subcontracting / The three highest value subcontracts
Travel and subsistence / 25% of the highest costs declared under this budget item
  • For grants for an action of more than EUR 60.000, but less than EUR 750.000, the beneficiary is required to submit, in support of the final payment, a “Report of Factual Findings on the Final Financial Report - Type I” produced by an approved auditor or in case of public bodies, by a competent and independent public officer.

The procedure and the format to be followed are detailed in the following “Guidance Notes”:

The use of the report format set by the “Guidance Notes” is compulsory.

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