A meeting of the Highways & Utilities Committee was held in the Parish Office on Tuesday 17th February 2015.

Present: Cllrs E Reall (Chairman), Mrs M Chapman, D Pikett, A Lowen and M Powell

Clerk: Mrs J Murray

15/02/18 Chairman’s remarks

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the first meeting of 2015.

15/02/19 Apologies for Absence

Cllr Hobbs was absent but no apologies had been received.

15/02/20 Declarations of Interest


15/02/21 Minutes

On a proposal from Cllr Powell, seconded by Cllr Lowen, following a vote, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the notes of the meeting held on 16th December 2014 were approved and signed as the minutes.

15/02/22 Clerk’s report

Vehicle Activated Sign on Hackthorn Road – I have confirmed to LCC that the PC has resolved to accept their quote for installation of £5,290.00 and the £1,500.00 commuted sum as a one off payment towards the on-going maintenance and energy costs for LCC to adopt and maintain the sign throughout its lifetime. The sign will be located on the edge of the footway outside 28 & 30 Hackthorn Road.

Village Green Improvements – the work has all been completed and we received an e-mail from the residents thanking the PC for carrying out this work and complimenting the way in which the contractors conducted themselves on site. I have written to LCC asking them to arrange for the tactile crossing to be installed on Manor Lane as per their letter of 24th October 2013.

Streetlight on James Court – problems have now been resolved and the light is working

Portable Speed Indicator – all the fixing plates and passive signs have been installed and the device was located on Eastfield Lane first and will be moved on a fortnightly basis around the village together with the passive signs. Data has been recorded and reports printed, the results will be kept in the Parish Office and reported periodically at this Committee.

Ryland Road verge – chased for an update from LCC

Streetlight on Greenway – following our request to LCC in July 2014, they have responded that the re-positioning of streetlights is more expensive than supplying new ones. LCC cannot finance and it would be for the PC to consider; a quote can be provided if required. They also advised that they would be reluctant to locate a light on this route as there is an alternative lit route via Hazel Grove and Rivehall Avenue, and therefore people are not obliged to use the footpath after dark.


14/12/24 Westhall Road query – the response from LCC is that “the skip is within the property boundary and therefore not subject to any control by LCC. The highway verge is the subject of routine monitoring as a result of the parking issue. It is not illegal to park on a verge, but it is to cause damage. However gathering adequate proof to bring legal action against a vehicle driver is very difficult and not something they can easily resource. To date the damage at this location has not warranted such intervention”. WLDC response is that they have logged the report and are investigating – chased for an update.

Footways on Hackthorn Road – no responses from LCC or WLDC to date

15/02/23 Correspondence

Community Lincs – Community Chest grant cheque for streetlights

LCC – Confirming date for installation of the Vehicle Activated Sign on Hackthorn Road (circulated)

LCC – Amended Verge Mowing by Parishes Code of Conduct

Tudor Grounds Maintenance – quote for grass cutting

Veolia ES (UK) Ltd – quote for grass cutting

Continental Landscapes – quote for grass cutting

15/02/24 Financial Matters

Members were provided with a financial report to date.

15/02/25 Highway Matters

A request has been received from a resident for a streetlight on the footpath from the playing field to The Grove. Following a discussion, on a proposal from Cllr Pikett, seconded by Cllr Powell, it was unanimously RESOLVED following a vote that this is not financially justified at this location.

15/02/26 Village Grass Cutting

Four requests for quotes for the 2015 grass cutting contract were sent out and 3 had been received. On a proposal from Cllr Pikett, seconded by Cllr Mrs Chapman, it was unanimously RESOLVED following a vote to accept the quotation from the current contractor – Veolia ES (UK) Ltd.

15/02/27 Roads, Verges, Paths and Street Furniture

·  Hole on Ryland Road by the roundabout – the cover has Lincoln District Water Board written on it who are now Anglian Water, although they have said they are not responsible for it – chase LCC again

·  Overgrown hedge on Slated Row – chase

·  Details of the car parking by the reactive speed sign on Cliff Road that is causing damage to the verge will be passed on to LCC for action to be taken

·  Pothole by William Farr corner – chase

·  Pathway from Westhall Road to the Village Hall. Creeper on house on Westhall Road overgrowing the footpath – report to LCC