Monday 1 September 2014

Dear parents


PTA Meeting Tonight


The PTA is meeting tonight, 7.30pm in the staffroom.


Daffodil Day

We raised $542.00 from Daffodil Day on Friday. A wonderful effort, for a very worthy cause.


Father’s Day Breakfast

This Friday 5th September 8am

We’re going to have lots of fun this Friday … enjoy a bacon buttie and a hot drink for breakfast, and take the opportunity to look around your child’s class and attend our special assembly. Please note that breakfast is only for Dads/Grandfathers. Children, please eat before you come to school!

Photos for Father’s Day Assembly

Many thanks for all the photos that have been sent. I have been overwhelmed. Please note that any photos received after Thursday 28 August will not be included. Due to the large number of photos we can only put in one per family. Thanks again for your support of our assembly. Lyndal Lowans Rm 2 Teacher

Colgate Competition

At Friday’s school assembly, Charlotte Bostin presented our school with $3,000 for our efforts in the recent Colgate Collection Competition. Thank you everyone for your efforts. We must have the cleanest teeth in Auckland!

Special Terrific Persons Awards

Congratulations to all the following children, who will receive their special certificates at this Friday morning’s assembly, starting at 9.10am, and run by Room 2 and our Hillary House Leaders: Amber Newson, Lorenzo Smith, Sarah-hayley Palei, Lydia Qiu, Yuvraj Garcha, Courtnee Farrington, Ffion Morete, Amelia Waugh, Grace Dale, Josh Heissenbuttel, John McGregor, Asha Glynan, Rohnan Nankivell, Ruben Wang, Meilin He, Chloe Johnson, Ashleigh McCormack, Meleane Lomu, Levi Shearer, Selina Yang and Caden Harris


Go the Botany Downs soccer team. We defeated Shelly Park 4-2 a week ago, and on Friday beat St Mark’s 4-1 to reach the final for the first time. All the best for the final, team!

Values Programme

Well done also to the following children, who will be acknowledged at Friday’s assembly for showing COOPERATION: Chase Herman, Cody Marston, Devon Ready, Isabelle Cross, William Straten, Haidar Hoosen, Jolene Visagie, Mathu Majurarathan, Glyn Morete, Nathan Sprague, Max Bateman, Kelton Seaman, Elkanah Petelo-Vili, Justin Yoon, Rocky Gee, Alana Houkamau, Ben Eggers and Alex Langford.


Best wishes to our gymnastics teams who are competing on Thursday at the interschool event. Thank you to Keiko Giovanni and her helpers, who have given up their lunchtimes and have been working so hard to train our teams over many weeks.

School Choir

Best wishes also to all the children in our school choir, who are taking part in the “Kids for Kids” concert at the Vodafone Centre this Wednesday night. HAVE FUN!


Running here at Botany Downs School during the coming holiday break

Lots of fun, games, music, activities and more.

Be sure to complete the enrolment form to make your booking.

For more info please email us at or contact Wayne on 021 616 513.

We will be away at a Skids conference from the 29th Aug to 4th Sept, but will get back to you then.

Please leave us a message or email.

Thanks, Wayne Johnson

Coming Attractions!

TONIGHT PTA meeting at 7.30pm

Wednesday 3 September Choir performing in the Kids for Kids Concert.

Thursday 4 September Interschool gymnastics champs

Friday 5 September Father’s Day Assembly

Senior Cross Country

Wednesday 10 September Y3 & 4 PRODUCTION 11.30am; 6.30pm

Thursday 11 September Gymnastics Champion of Champions

Friday 12 September Junior Cross Country

Tuesday 16 September Interschool cross country

Wednesday 17 September Marae visits begin

BOT Meeting at 7pm


Saturday 20 September Koanga Festival. We are performing at 4.30pm.

Monday 22 September Draft books coming home

Tuesday 23 September Mathex

Wednesday 24 September SENIOR SCHOOL MARDI GRAS 7pm

Thursday 25 September Happy Hour

Friday 26 September End of Term 3

Monday 13 October Term 4 begins

Touch Rugby

Touch Rugby-Registrations are now open for the Eastern Junior Touch which is played on Sunday afternoons at the Lloyd Elsmore Hockey Centre. Botany Downs has a long partnership with this event. The grades that are open are:

U7 years co-ed for 5 and 6 year olds-cannot turn 7 during 2014

U9 years boys and girls for 7 and 8 year old teams-cannot turn 9 during 2014

U11 years boys and girls for 9 and 10 year old-cannot turn 11 during 2014

U13 years boys and girls-cannot turn 13 during 2014

To register, visit their website < to access the easy online team registration form.

The school can supply uniforms,touch balls and gear bags. We would really like a parent or parents to act as co-ordinators of this for us and we would also like parents to manage teams. Please contact me at if you would like to help with this. Grant Kibblewhite Sports Co-ordinator

Ten Reasons to Read to Your Child

1.  So you can have a great excuse to relax together at any time of the day

2.  So you can enjoy the sound and rhythm of language, the taste of words and the way words join together to create magic through stories

3.  To open doors to knowledge, as well as fantasy

4.  So you can encourage their imagination to run where it wants to, into other worlds

5.  To continue age-old story telling traditions

6.  To grow their vocabulary, so they can communicate with you and others

7.  To set them on the road to becoming a life-long reader

8.  To create memories that last for a lifetime

9.  Because one day they will read to you

10.  Just because it’s fun!

“A Say from Your PTA”

Fathers' Day Breakfast Friday 5 Sept 8am - FREE BACON!!!

Hey kids, don't forget to bring your Dad, Grandad or favourite along this Friday morning for a bacon buttie, hot cuppa and special Fathers' Day themed assembly.

And kids, don't forget to have YOUR breakfast first. The bacon's for the blokes only please!

75 days to go to the big event!!


Please remember to drop these into your classroom and put in the collection box.


Are you this way inclined, want to make crafts over the holidays or able to donate your creations for our craft stall? Please contact Nicky on –

To All Green Fingered Parents, Grandparents, Family & Friends

We need lots of plants for the Carnival plant stand. Can you help? We will need to start growing and planting them soon. I am looking for the following:-

Ø Herbs – parsley, thyme, rosemary, coriander, chives, oregano, sage, mint or anything herby - these sold very quickly last time

Ø Potted up plants ornamental, natives. These can be seedlings or cuttings that you have grown.

Ø House plants – again anything that you can grow for us-they don’t have to be large.

Ø Zealandia – are kindly donating trays of annuals, veges

Contact: Brenda Hill – 027 220 9412 or 535 6971 (ah)


The club is busy planning activities for all sailors this spring and summer. As always, we want to encourage beginner and experienced sailors to enjoy this great sport in the wonderful sailing area right on our doorstep. We have Learn to Sail courses in the October school holidays and in term three. There is a January holiday Taste of Sailing, followed by a Learn to Sail course in term one .

Registration day is Sunday, September 21, from 9 to 12, at the club house on Howick Beach. For more information and online registration, visit Ring Malcolm Wyllie on 5373313 if you have any questions.

Maritime Museum

If you would like a fantastic day out, please make your way to the Maritime Museum one weekend. If you take proof of address, entry is free to Auckland residents and it is fantastic. It makes a great addition to our current Inquiry learning at school.