Draft minutes of the meeting of Starcross Parish Council held on Monday 8th September 2014

Present:Cllrs Cadbury, Burrows, Chadwick, Chase, Hopper, Lovell, Maurice, Stanley, Thompson, DCC Cllr Connett, DTC Cllr Bloomfield, John Dawes (President of the Starcross Branch of the Royal British Legion), PCSO Sleeman

Presentation by the John Dawes of the Starcross Royal British Legion. John told the meeting that the Starcross Branch of the Royal British Legion is keen to become more involved in the local community and is planning to organize community based family events on the Sports Field, and to make use of the new Pavilion when it is built. The events planned would be open to local community groups to publicise their activities and to fund raise. The meeting advised that it would welcome such events, and that the new Pavilion will be available for hire to all community groups for such events.. John informed the meeting that the next meeting of the Starcross RBL will take place at the British Legion on 06/10/2014 at 8.00pm, and that any interested Councillor will be welcome to attend.

080914.01 Apologies for absence.

Apologies should be made to the Clerk in writing or by e-mail at least 3 days prior to the meeting. Apologies received from Cllrs Maurice and Gardner

080914.02 Ratification of Minutes: The minutes the meetings of Monday 14th July previously circulated were agreed as a correct record of those meetings.

080914.03 Matters Arising:

Councillors are invited to raise matters arising which are not covered under agenda items listed below, or lead Councillors’ reports. Cllr Cadbury reported that he had received a reply from Boots the Chemist and that they would be deploying their emergency team to address problems reported at the Starcross Pharmacy.

080914.04 Declarations of Interest:

Councillors are invited to declare any personal or prejudicial interest, including the nature and extent of such interest they may have in any items to be considered at this meeting. No such declarations made.

080914.05 Crime Report:

Provided by Devon and Cornwall Police representative

14/07/2014 – 08/09/2014

02/09/14 Common assault

17/08/14 Burglary

16/08/14 Burglary

16/08/14 Theft of bicycle

16/08/14 Burglary

11/08/14 Arson

04/08/14 Common assault

02/08/14 Burglary

01/08/14 Criminal damage

27/07/14 Common assault

25/07/14 Criminal damage

15/07/14 Harassment

PCSO Sleeman advised that four of these crimes were related to one event.

PCSO Sleeman also advised that she has locally dealt with the situation of children climbing on scaffolding. The children have been identified, and the situation discussed with both them and their parents.

A recent case of arson of hay bales has been similarly dealt with – in this case details of the suspected perpetrators will be passed to the Fire Brigade.

Both these incidents were not reported as crimes and have been dealt with locally. As compensation for their behavior some of the children have been recruited to deliver Neighbourhood Watch leaflets. A local co-ordinator has been identified and it is hoped that a local group will be established.

Issues concerning parking on pavements and grass verges in the village are being dealt with.

PCSO Sleeman advised that the August Police drop-in surgery was cancelled because it co-incided with the Dawlish Air Show. The September one will be cancelled due to planned sick leave and the next drop-in surgery will take place at the Westbank Charity Shop on Saturday 18th October.

Questions were raised about the traffic delays on the A379 on Saturday 23rd August, due to a heavy volume of traffic caused by the Dawlish Air Show, the Bank Holiday and change over day at the holiday parks. It was noted that during the Tour of Britain cycle event marshalls are deployed to manage traffic, and it was suggested that the Air Show organisers should be asked to employ marshalls to ensure optimum traffic management in locations where increased traffic caused by the Air Show is known to cause problems. It is understood that there is to be a de-briefing meeting for those organisations involved in managing the event, and Cllr Connett was asked to raise this issue at that meeting. Action: Cllr Connett

Questions were raised re: needles which have been found on the Sports Field. PCSO Sleeman advised that she is aware of this. She is not aware that there is any recent increase in substance misuse in Starcross. No incident relating to the finding of needles has been reported as a crime. In order for an incident to be recorded and dealt with as a non-urgent crime it must be reported through the 101 telephone system.

080914.06 Open Forum (Part 1):

The Open Forum is an opportunity for members of the public to register with the Chairman should they wish to speak on a particular agenda itemNo matters raised.

080914.07 Income & Expenditure: Financial Report: To be circulated at the meeting.The financial reports for August and September were agreed unanimously and all cheques authorized for signature.

August Financial Report

Bank Balances at 30/07/2014:

Current Account

/ £500.00
Precept Deposit (Business Reserve Account) / £6153.46
Bonus Saver Total excluding West Exe Cluster funds / £87392.05
(Funds held on behalf of West Exe Cluster) / (£2201.30)
Bonus Saver Total (Including West Exe Cluster Funds) / £89593.35

Income 30th June 2014-30th July2014






Cheques to be Issued 05/08/2014:

Quadron Services (Grass cutting July 2014)

/ £75.92

T. Greenslade (grass cutting July 2014)

/ £50.00

Nevada Construction (removal of portacabins)

/ £360.00

Clerk Salary and Expenses July 2014

Salary £309

Telephone and Internet £35.00

Postage £4.24

Expenses (printer ink) £46.76

Total £395.00
Less HMRC PAYE £65.00
Total / £330.00
HMRC PAYE / £65.00
Direct Debit

Opus Electricity (21/07/2014)

/ £11.24


/ £892.16

September Financial Report

Bank Balances at 31/08/2014:

Current Account

/ £500.00
Precept Deposit (Business Reserve Account) / £5044.37
Bonus Saver Total excluding West Exe Cluster funds / £87392.05
(Funds held on behalf of West Exe Cluster) / (£2201.30)
Bonus Saver Total (Including West Exe Cluster Funds) / £89593.35

Income 30th July2014-31st August 2014






Cheques to be Issued 08/09/2014:

Quadron Services (Grass cutting August 2014)

/ £75.92

T. Greenslade (grass cutting August 2014)

/ £50.00

Hillcrest Branch (Grass cutting July 2014)

/ £55.00

M&D Plant Hire (July – Sept 2014)

/ £1074.00

St Pauls PCC (Grass cutting July-August 2014)

/ £138.00

Earl of Devon (Allotment rent April-Sept 2014)

/ £105.00

South West Water

/ £71.82

Chris Collings (hedge cutting)

/ £240.00

Clerk Salary and Expenses August 2014

Salary £309

Telephone and Internet £35.00

Postage £3.45

Total £347.45
Less HMRC PAYE £65.00
Total / £282.45
HMRC PAYE / £65.00
Direct Debit

Electricity (21/08/2014)

/ £11.17


/ £2168.36

080914.08 Planning Applications:

Consideration of Planning Applications received during the past month. When an application is made mid-month it will have been considered by the Planning Committee in order to meet the TDC Deadline.

Planning Application 14/02525/FULreceived in respect of 5 Parkers Road Starcross (single storey rear extension). No comments had been made on the TDC website as of today. No objections to this proposal were raised at the meeting. Action:Clerk to inform TDC

Planning Application 14/02613/FUL received in respect of The Old Bakery, The Strand, Starcross (provision of new access off The Strand)). No comments had been made on the TDC website as of today. Concerns were raised that lowering the kerb at this narrow part of the road would lead to drivers of cars pulling up onto the pavement to facilitate the flow of traffic, which would increase the risk to pedestrians at this very narrow part of the pavement. Concerns were also raised that the courtyard off the A379 is already used as a parking space with access both to and from the main road. The meeting agreed unanimously to object to the proposal on the grounds of increased risk to pedestrians, and also to bring to the attention of TDC Planning the concerns about the current use of the courtyard as a parking space. Action:Clerk to write to TDC Planning.

Decision notice received in respect of 14/01583/FUL 8 Parkers Road Planning permission granted.

080914.09 Reports: To discuss issues and to question individual portfolio holders.

AllotmentsJulian Chadwick We are now in the closing month of the growing season and I think most plot-holders would agree that is has been an excellent growing year, despite the wet start to the year. The Starcross Growers held their annual produce show in August which went extremely well with good attendance from the village..

The school holidays are now over and at the time I write this report there have been no reported incidents of children intrusion into the allotments, unlike last year.

A number of allotments are becoming available at the beginning of the allotment year beginning on 1st October. I have a small waiting list of people which I hope to be able to match up with vacant plots that will become available at the end of this month.

I will be collecting the remainder of allotment rents for the coming year from those who only paid for the 6 months’ rent in April when we made the adjustment to the tenancy year. This amounts to approximately 27% of rents

We also have a problem with a tenant who is still allowing his dog to run off the lead out of control all over the plots upsetting other tenants in the process. This is despite writing to him earlier in the year following a number of complaints, informing him that he would only be allowed to continue with his tenancy if he gave an undertaking in writing that he would keep the dog under control, on a lead at all time, when he brought it to the allotments. This he duly gave me and he was allowed to renew his rent. However the recent incidents with his dog indicate that he is clearly not adhering to this undertaking and I would therefore recommend that the Parish Council takes firm action against him.

The options available are either to terminate his tenancy or to ban him from bringing his dog to the allotment. I would appreciate the Council’s views regarding this.

The meeting agreed that the allotment tenant should be banned from bringing his dog onto the site, and that the Chairman of the Parish Council should write to inform him of this. Action: Cllr Cadbury

Cllr Bloomfield congratulated the Starcross Growers on the success of the Produce Show.

Childrens Playing Field John Gardner No report.

Emergency Planning John Maurice See below080914.12 Flood: Update

EnvironmentAndrew CadburyNo report.

Fund Raising Jim Hopper informed the meeting that £2700 has been transferred from the old Newsletter bank account into the Parish Council account. The money is currently ring fenced, and an article will be submitted to the Newsletter inviting suggestions as to how it can best be used to the benefit of the community.

Highways Colin Stanley reported that Cllr Connett has ascertained that New Road is due to be resurfaced next February. Cllr Connett will also be chasing up DCC Highways with regard to plans for the improvement of the A379.

PlanningPeter BurrowsNo report.

Policing John Thompson No report.

Public Relations Andrew CadburyNo report.

Precept/Budget ControlJim Hopper No report.

Starcross in Bloom Diane Lovellreported that planters will be replanted with winter and spring flowers in the near future.

Sports FieldJim Hopperreported that he is currently getting quotes for the installation of lighting along the path through the sports field. It appears that the grant obtained from the Elector Fund will not completely meet the anticipated cost, and this could be an appropriate use for the part of the Newsletter fund. Cllr Hopper also reported that he has put in an application for 105 trees from the Woodland Trust to create an area of quiet contemplation on the field..

Tourism Diane LovellNo report.

Transport John Thompson reported that he will be attending a meeting of the Riviera Line Project later this month.

Village Maintenance Elizabeth Chase reported that concerns have been raised about brambles growing out of hedges causing a hazard to pedestrians and cyclists. It was queried whether members of the community could be encouraged to carry and deploy secateurs when out walking. Cllr Connett advised that DCC Highways may have enforcement powers with regard to obstructions of the highway or pavement, and that he will be following up a local instance of this with DCC Highways. It was noted that gutters and pavements are becoming very weedy. Funds are allocated in the precept for weedkilling. The meeting decided that this should be done as soon as possible. Action:Clerk to map the worst affected areas and commission weedkilling.

Youth Jim Hopperreported that he has heard from Nicki Hooper of the Star Club that they were able to provide 31 free sessions during the summer holidays thanks to the grant received from the Parish Council.

080914.10 Correspondence:

Summary of general correspondence received. Specific correspondence included in relevant Lead Reports: No additional correspondence.

080914.11 Pavilion Rebuilding Project: Cllr Hopper reported that the new pavilion will be VAT registered by the end of the week. An application for the planning condition regarding sound proofing to be disregarded on the basis of the acoustic report submitted by McEvoy (Contractors) will be made tomorrow. This process could take 20 working days – Cllr Hopper will explore the possibility of a speedier resolution.

080914.11a The proposalthat the Council accept the Terms & Conditions of the loan as detailed in the letter from the Department for Communities and Local Government reference SRP 5/23/05 Application 2014-15(44) of 4th August 2014 (Document previously circulated) was agreed unanimously.Action:Cllr Hopper to call down loan.

080914.11b The proposalthat the Council approve the terms and conditions of the draft contract JCT MW WITH DESIGN which will be that used for the Pavilion project.(Document previously circulated) was agreed unanimously.

080914.12 Flood: Update on outstanding issues:

Ditch behind Sercombes Gardens: Cllr Maurice has met with a representative from Teign Housing and local residents. Teign Housing haveagreed to ask for better cleaning and removal of all waste by the contractors. The possibility of digging out the dyke and removal / cutting back of some overhanging trees was also discussed and will be taken back to Teign Housing Management for consideration.


Blocked gully at the entrance to The Strand car park. Main road gullies are currently being cleared; this one is due to be checked soon as part of the programme.

Blocked gully in Church Street has been checked and jetted; no problems were found.

Brickyard Lane ditch is on the programme to be cleaned this year.

General’s Lane Non-return valve. Replacement is still on the list of outstanding drainage works. It is hoped the work will be completed within the financial year 2015-6.

South West Waterhas commissioned a new pump for the Bonhay Road pumping station. This is currently under construction and it is anticipated the pumping station will be commissioned in November this year.

Non-return valve off station wall Jessica Bott of DCC has identified that Powderham Estate as owners of the fundus are responsible for the maintenance of this valve. She is currently discussing this with them. In the event of problems arising with the valve DCC have some powers of enforcement to get necessary work done.

General’s Lane slipway No response has been received from TDC with regard to maintenance or the installing of telemetry at this site.

Meeting with Anne Marie Morris 25th Septemberto discuss flooding issues will be attended by Cllr Maurice and the Clerk.

080914.13 Councillors’ Lead Responsibilities: Update: Comments on the draft proposals have now been received from Councillors. Action: Cllr Wrigley to co-ordinate meeting of the working group to collate responses and finalise proposals to be brought to the next meeting.

080914.14 Neighbourhood Plan: Update. The working group has met with Justin Peat from TDC. The main advantages of a Neighbourhood Plan are that the local community would have a greater say in the planning process, and a greater share of any CIL money generated by future development. However, creating a Neighbourhood Plan involves a lot of work and is costly – up to £10000. There would be no advantage in combining with Kenton to create a joint plan as any financial savings would be offset by the loss of grants.Funding to assist with this is in any case currently suspended. The working group felt that at present the costs outweigh the benefits and does not recommend a proposal to create a neighbourhood plan. Action:Cllr Cadbury to respond to communication from Kenton Parish Council.

080914.15 Cycle Path/Estuary Road: Concerns have been raised aboutincreased motor vehicle traffic and speeds on Estuary Road causing hazard to pedestrians and cyclists, and the increasing use of the road by pedestrians and cyclists likely to follow from the completion of the Turf to Powderham section of the cycle path. The proposal that in view of the imminent completion of the Turf to Powderham cycle route and the consequent increased usage, the Parish Council request details of how Devon County Council propose to ensure the safety of cyclists and pedestrians on the shared roadway known as Estuary Road was agreed unanimously. Action: Clerk to draft letter to David Whitton at DCC Highways cc to Powderham Meeting.