Municipality of Dutton/Dunwich

Council Minutes

Held at the Council Chambers 199 Currie Road, Dutton, Ontario

February 13, 2013 - 5:00 p.m.

Present: Mayor Cameron McWilliam

Deputy Mayor Bob Purcell

Councillor Ian Fleck

Councillor Donald Page

Councillor Dan McKillop

CAO/Clerk Laurie Spence Bannerman

Treasurer Tiffany Farrell

Deputy Clerk Heather Bouw

Opening of the Meeting

2013.04.01 MOVED by Fleck and SECONDED Purcell by THAT the meeting of the Council of the Municipality of Dutton/Dunwich opens at 5:10 p.m.


A quorum was present.

2013.04.02 MOVED by Purcell and SECONDED by Fleck THAT we approve the Minutes of the January 18, 2013 special meeting and the January 23, 2013 meeting as forwarded to Council Members and the Mayor and the Clerk Administrator be authorized to sign same.


Declaration of Pecuniary Interest

None declared

Road Superintendent’s Report

Mike Hull attended the meeting and reviewed his report, which is attached and forms part of these minutes. Council suggested that Mike speak with Gordon Griffin regarding the United Church’s parking plans. Council discussed the letter we received from Andrew Rowsom regarding parking concerns on Currie Road north of Highway 401 overpass. The Road Superintendent reported on his conversations with the County Engineer. The parking area in question is on land owned by MTO, but fronts on County Road #8. The County is supportive of MTO’s wishes regarding this parking area. The Road Superintendent will get further clarification from MTO and report back to Council at the March 13th meeting. The Road Superintendent also reviewed the report from Arbortech Professional Tree Care Inc, and reported that there is money in the budget to have all the removals done, but only half of the trimming recommendations. This report applies only to trees within the Village limits, as our road staff removes and trims trees in the rural areas of the municipality (unless hydro lines are an issue).

Utility Department Report

Utility Manager Bob Leitch reviewed this report, which is attached and forms part of these minutes. The crosswalk lights were replaced this week, but one bulb is still not working. Bob suggested that it be inspected as to whether it requires repair or replacement of ballast. The request for a fire hydrant (letter in correspondence) was discussed. A fire hydrant can be installed on the 12” line on Currie Road, but not on the 4” line on Silver-Clay Line. A 4” line will not support a fire hydrant as it is not designed for fire flow. The approximate cost to install a hydrant after the line has been installed is approximately $4,000.00. Council also discussed whether the municipality would pay the costs or the residents on the waterline.

Waste Water Treatment Report

Brad Reive reviewed this report, which is attached and forms part of these minutes.

The sewage treatment plant annual reports must be mailed to the Regional Director of the Ministry of the Environment by March 31, 2013.

Drainage Superintendent’s Report

Council reviewed this report, which is attached and forms part of these minutes.

2013.04.03 MOVED by Fleck and SECONDED by Purcell THAT Council place the request for repair of the following drains in the hands of Brent Clutterbuck, Drainage Superintendent:

1. McFarlane-Salmon Drain

2. Leitch Drain

3. Rowe Drain

4. Talmon Drain

5. McMullen #1 Drain


Local Authority Services (LAS)

Stephen Downs, representing the Energy Efficiency Service Provider (EESP), Local Authority Services (LAS), attended the meeting. LAS supplies aftermarket services to the municipal sector to meet regulatory requirements of The Green Energy Act. Energy consumption of municipal buildings that are heated/cooled, street lighting and water operations are included in this program. Five-year energy management plans that include upgrades and improvements must be completed and signed off by Council by July 1, 2014.


·  Union Gas – Winter Warmth Program - received & filed

·  Elizabeth LeCarpentier – Fire Hydrant Installation Request – send response letter explaining our fire support services, including the purchase of a new fire truck, and the reasons why a 4” line cannot support a fire hydrant.

·  Elgin County – Invitation & Registration to Elgin Warden’s Charity Golf Tournament – forward to Chamber of Commerce

·  Ontario Provincial Police – Reduction in Overtime - received & filed

·  Ministry of the Environment – Decline Invitation to Attend Public Meeting on Green Energy – received & filed. Have links available for public meeting.

·  Andrew Rowsom – Parking Spaces on Currie Road North of Hwy 401 – Send response letter to Mr. Rowsom stating Council support and suggesting he forward this letter to MTO and cc the County of Elgin.

2013.04.04 MOVED by Purcell and SECONDED by Fleck THAT relevant correspondence was reviewed.


Consent Agenda

Correspondence for Review

·  Elgin Group Police Services Board – Dec 12, 2012 Meeting Minutes

·  LTVCA – Natural Restoration Projects

·  LTVCA – Review of Draft Plan of Subdivision (letter)

·  AMO Watch File – Jan 24, 2013

·  AMO Report to Members – Jan 29, 2013

·  AMO Breaking News – Kathleen Wynne Priority Summary – Jan 30, 2013

·  AMO Watch File – Jan 31, 2013

·  AMO Breaking News – Social Assistance Transformation in Ontario – Next Steps – Feb 5, 2013

·  AMO Watch File – Feb 7, 2013

Building/Demolition/Sewer Permits:

·  2013-01 Renovations to residence

·  2013-02 Addition to residence

·  2013-03 New septic system

·  2013-04 New septic system

·  2013-05 New residence

·  2013-07 Rebuild on existing foundation – shop/garage

·  Demolition Permit D-01 – 2 barns

2013.04.05 MOVED by Fleck and SECONDED by Purcell THAT the items on the Consent Agenda be approved.


Mayor McWilliam declared a pecuniary interest with Item #9 on the agenda – Demolition Permit D01 – 2 barns

2013.04.06 MOVED by McKillop and SECONDED by Fleck THAT Consent Agenda Item #9 be approved, acknowledging the Mayor’s “Declaration of Pecuniary Interest” respecting demolition fee and permit.


VandenDries Severance #E1/13

Shane VandenDries attended the meeting to discuss a proposed severance.

2013.04.07 MOVED by Page and SECONDED by McKillop THAT the Council of the Municipality of Dutton/Dunwich recommend that the County of Elgin Land Division Committee approve the Consent Application E1/13 (Shayne VandenDries) subject to the following condition:

1. That existing drainage assessments be split and the applicant be

responsible for the costs, subject to the Clerk/CAO verifying lot

lines of the subject property.


The CAO to verify the location of the village boundary lines in relation to the severance application.

Carpenter Severance #E5/13

Linda Carpenter attended the meeting to discuss this severance.

2013.04.08 MOVED by McKillop and SECONDED by Page THAT the Council of the Municipality of Dutton/Dunwich recommend that the County of Elgin Land Division Committee supports Consent Application E5/13 (Linda Carpenter) subject to the following conditions:

1.  The severed parcel be joint to the property to the west owned by Ralph George Caines, Municipal Roll #3429 032 001 29105 0000.

2.  That existing drainage assessments be split and the applicant be responsible for the costs.

3.  That a septic system assessment be completed.

4.  That payment in lieu of parkland fees in the amount of $500.00 be paid to the Municipality of Dutton/Dunwich.



Retail Business Hours

The CAO reviewed this report with Council, which is attached and forms part of these minutes.

A recorded vote was requested.

2013.04.09 MOVED by Purcell and SECONDED by McKillop THAT we provide a letter of support to any small business that wishes to remain open in Dutton/Dunwich on Sunday and Statutory Holidays, pending finalization of provincial legislation released, Retail Business Holidays Act, R.S.O. 1990.

Councillor Fleck – no

Councillor McKillop – yes

Councillor Page – yes

Deputy Mayor Purcell – yes

Mayor McWilliam – no


Council requested that the CAO send a letter of support to Dutton Food Market.

Economic Development

The CAO reviewed this report with Council, which is attached and forms part of these minutes. An application will be completed and sent to Green Lane Trust for funding of an electronic sign.


Sewer Rate Increase

The Treasurer reviewed this report with Council, which is attached and forms part of these minutes. Council requested that the Treasurer provide them with more information before they consider passing a resolution.

401 Signs Cost

The Treasurer reviewed this report with Council, which is attached and forms part of these minutes.

Interim Tax Levy 2013

The Treasurer reviewed this report with Council, which is attached and forms part of these minutes.

2013.04.10 MOVED by McKillop and Seconded by Page THAT Council authorize an interim tax levy for 2013; AND THAT staff be authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to this resolution.


January 2013 Financial Report

The Treasurer reviewed this report with Council, which is attached and forms part of these minutes.

Benefits Update & Changes

The Treasurer reviewed this report with Council, which is attached and forms part of these minutes. Council requested that the Treasurer investigate further details with Mosey & Mosey before any decision will be considered.

Infrastructure Ontario Loan

The Treasurer reviewed this report with Council, which is attached and forms part of these minutes.

Expression of Interest – Mary Street Pumping Station

2013.04.11 MOVED by Fleck and SECONDED by Purcell THAT Council hereby declares that the information in the Expression of Interest is factually accurate and that the Municipality is committed to developing a comprehensive asset management plan that includes all of the information and analysis described in Building Together: Guide for Municipal Asset Management Plans by December 13, 2013.


The Treasurer will proceed to apply for funding for this project.

Budget 2013 – Draft 2

The Treasurer reviewed this report with Council, which is attached and forms part of these minutes. Council reviewed donations and capital projects.


Schedule Household Hazardous Waste Day

The Deputy Clerk reviewed this report with Council, which is attached and forms part of these minutes.

2013.04.12 MOVED by Purcell and SECONDED by Fleck THAT Council schedule this year’s Household Hazardous Waste Day as Saturday August 10, 2013, to be held jointly with the Municipality of West Elgin.


Dutton/Dunwich Emergency Volunteers

The Deputy Clerk reviewed this report with Council, which is attached and forms part of these minutes. Appreciation letters will be sent to volunteers.

Insurance Coverage for Volunteers

The Deputy Clerk reviewed this report with Council, which is attached and forms part of these minutes.

2013.04.13 MOVED by Purcell and SECONDED by Fleck THAT Council approve purchasing Municipal Volunteer Insurance Coverage from Jardine Lloyd Thompson Canada Inc for an additional $750.00 annually, which provides coverage for municipal volunteers.



Fire Department

Councillor McKillop did not attend the last training session.

Recreation Committee

The CAO reported that the committee now consists of 8 members.

Arena Board

Deputy Mayor Purcell reported that the meeting has been rescheduled for Tuesday Feb 19, 2013.

By-Law Enforcement

United Church parking issues were discussed with the Road Superintendent. See Road Superintendent’s Report.

Chamber of Commerce

No meeting to report on.

Economic Development

No report

Emergency Planning

No report

Health & Safety

Council reviewed the January 30, 2013 meeting minutes.

Human Resources

No report

Landfill Site

The Road Superintendent reported no concerns.

Lower Thames Valley Conservation Authority

No meeting to report on

Senior’s Centre

Nothing to report

Trans Canada Trail

No meeting to report on.

Tri-County Committee

Councillor Fleck reported on the January 8th & 29th meetings. The budget was presented and will be reviewed again at the March 19th meeting. Capital management asset is being worked on.

Wellness Committee

No meeting to report on.

Elgin Municipal Assoc

Councillor Fleck reported that tickets are available for the Elgin Municipal Association Banquet. This banquet is held every year on the 1st Wednesday in April. A letter will be sent to the Dutton Lions Club requesting they consider changing their bingo date for April 2014 to accommodate the banquet being held in the community centre in 2014.

Proposed By-laws

2013.04.14 MOVED by McKillop and SECONDED by Page THAT By-law #2013-07, being a by-law to levy interim taxes for 2013 be read a first, second third time and adopted.


2013.04.15 MOVED by Page and SECONDED by McKillop THAT By-law #2013-08, being a by-law to authorize temporary borrowing to meet the current expenditures of the municipality for the year ending December 31, 2013 be read a first, second and third time and adopted.


Closed Session

2013.04.16 MOVED by McKillop and SECONDED by Page THAT Council for the Municipality of Dutton/Dunwich now moves into a session of the meeting that shall be closed to the public at 10:25 p.m. in accordance with Section 239 (2) of The Municipal Act, S.O. 2001, c.25 for discussion of the following matter:

1.  Personnel Matters


2013.04.17 MOVED by Page and SECONDED by McKillop THAT Council for the Municipality of Dutton/Dunwich hereby comes out of the closed session of the meeting at 10:46 p.m. and the regular meeting reconvene.


20213.04.18 MOVED by Purcell and SECONDED by Fleck THAT By-law #2013-09, being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of the Municipal Council of the Municipality of Dutton/Dunwich be read a first, second and third time and adopted.


Next Meeting Schedule

Wednesday, March 7, 2013 – 5:00 p.m. Budget Session

Wednesday, March 13, 2013 – 5:00 p.m. Regular Session


2013.04.19 MOVED by Purcell and SECONDED by Fleck THAT the meeting of the Council of the Municipality of Dutton/Dunwich adjourn at 10: p.m.



Cameron McWilliam, Mayor


Laurie Spence Bannerman, CAO