Base Map Imagery Subcommittee Minutes: FINAL


South WindsorTown Hall

11:00 to 12:00


Rich Gallacher, Manchester

Scott Roberts, South Windsor

Bryan R. Pavlik, Office of Statewide Emergency Telecommunications

Aaron Nash, Vernon

Eric Snowden, CRCOG

Call to Order:

The meeting was called to order at 11:10 AM

Statewide Flight: CRCOG & USGS Status

The ball is essentially in the USGS’s court. They are currently deciding whether or not the USGS has the resources to do a spring 2009 flight for at least the CRCOG region and possibly the entire state.

The committee discussed the potential caveat of working with the USGS. Because the CRCOG flight is being funded by a pre-determined and pre-approved grant, the CRCOG flight (grant funding) must not be jeopardized.

Additional funding for the statewide flight was then discussed. Where and how would the additional funding come from to pay for a statewide flight if the USGS could capture the entire state was the next topic of discussion. State agencies such as DPS, DEP and the DOT have shown interest in helping fund the statewide capture of 6”-100’ scale ortho-photography.

It had been determined by the committee that utility companies would not be a good source of funding for this type of project but the topic was re-visited. It was determined that if we could solidify the statewide capture of ortho-imagery, certain utilities would be eager to help fund the project. We would just have to make sure they were aware our plans and the project.

Municipalities are also and important source of funding and would also be eager to help fund the project which would most likely be much less than what they would pay if they did the flight on there own. Town would also be interested in“buy-up” options (e.g. CIR imagery) which they could negotiate directly with the USGS. It was reiterated that the primary issue with municipalities helping to fund this project is the fact that it is budget season and they must put the funding in ASAP for next year’s budget.

The next steps for this project is to wait for Lynn Bjorklund from the USGS to confirm that USGS can first and foremost do the CRCOG region and then determine how much more of the state can be flown. Then we can notify municipalities about the project so they can put some money in their budgets for the data. After that we can start soliciting funds from state agencies and utility companies.

Oblique Photography

The committee decided to not use the term “Pictometry” as a substitution to “oblique imagery”. Pictometry is a brand name and should not be used in official documentation. The committee also agreed that our efforts should be focused more on the recurrent acquisition of digital color ortho photography and CIR imagery and less on oblique imagery, at least with the first version of the Imagery Subcommittee business plan. The subcommittee does not feel that oblique imagery is unimportant or should be omitted from the Business Plan. The acquisition and maintenance of oblique photography is listed in the overall CGISC Business Plan document as an important dataset. This type of data should not be less important because it was indicated as a need in the CT GIS user survey conducted last year. The committee feels the Business Plan should concentrate on the specific plans to develop a recurrent statewide ortho flight and to have the oblique imagery section be comprehensive but thinner in the Business Plan i.e. to omit the funding issues and specifics of acquisition.

Vendor Presentation & RFI

The Imagery Subcommittee continues to set up an aerial vendor presentation in order to demonstrate the new imagery capture technologies. Due to State policies the CGISC must abide by specific restrictions with regards to vendor presentations. An RFI or Request for Information session could be set up in which any vendor wanting to present could do so as long as each vendor was given a equal amount of time and was asked the same questions by the Imagery Subcommittee or the CGISC. Mike Varney will be helping the Imagery Committee with this task because the RFI must come from DOIT. Finally, we must decide on where the presentation will be held; at a CGIS council meeting, at an Imagery Subcommittee meeting or at some other venue.

Next steps for this task are to finalize the RFI and set up a time and place for the demonstrations. As stated before, Mike Varney will be helping the Subcommittee with this task.

Data Framework: Base Map Imagery Business Plan & Standards Document

The Imagery Subcommittee then discussed the Base Map Imagery Business Plan and Standards documents. The June 31st deadline is rapidly approaching so the committee decided to have co-chairs Rich Gallacher and Scott Roberts be responsible for the first draft outlines of the standards document and business plan respectively.Once Rich and Scott have create the first draft outlines of the document, the committee can review the drafts and be ready for long meeting on May 27th where the committee will hash-out the issues and put together the final draft. The committee feels that this should allow enough time to resolve any remaining funding issues for acquiring the data recommended by the committee to secure e.g. CT agencies and grants.

Visit to MASSGIS

The topic of visiting MASSGIS as a group was discussed by the committee. MASSGIS has recently (last year) gone through the process of organizing a statewide flight through the USGS and the NGA with the help of Lynn Bjorklund. They successfully coordinated many of the municipalities around Boston to buy into the flight which is exactly what we’d like to see happen in the future in CT. The organization has also established business plans and standards documents and a visit would be a great way to establish connections and get some good advice on the best way to proceed with our project. A date and time will need to be established for the subcommittee visit. The committee all agreed that this would be of great benefit to the group.

Next Meeting:

The next meeting of the Base Map Imagery Subcommittee is scheduled for May 27th, 2008 at the South WindsorTown Hall at 11:00 A.M.

Meeting Adjournment:

The meeting was called to adjourn at 12:15 PM