Minutes of the Planning & Highways’ Committee Meeting held in Town Council Committee Room, Manor Offices, Holsworthy, on Tuesday 17th January 10am 2017.

Present:Cllrs. Briggs, Punter and Sanders

In Attendance:Town Clerk

Assistant to the Town Clerk (ATTC)

Cllr. Allen

129.Apologies for Absence

Cllr. Hutchings

Cllr. Smith

Cllr. Taylor

130.Declarations of Interest

The Chairman asked Councillors to declare any interests on items on the Agenda as they arose.

131. Minutes of the Last Meeting

As there was only one Councillor who had been present at the last meeting, it was agreed that these minutes shall be signed at the next meeting of the Planning and Highways Committee.

132.Matters Arising

Cllr. Sanders went through the Minutes dated 15th November and no matters were raised.

133. To Discuss and Recommend Decisions on the following Planning Applications and Any Others Received Prior to the Meeting


A) 1/1228/2016/OUT

Land adjacent Trewyn Park,Outline application for 9 dwellings with some

Trewyn Park matters reserved.


Interest- None Declared

Observation- The committee had no adverse observations.

B) 1/1287/2016FUL

Land at Trewyn Road Retrospective proposal for a pedestrian access


Interest- Cllr. Briggs signed declaration of interest.

Observation- It is the Committee view that the Application should be refused. The committee felt very strongly on this item and stated that the wooden fence to be placed is inadequate and can be removed easily to allow for Vehicular access. The Previous Planning Decisions on this site by the applicant show that there is precedent to try and get vehicular access onto the site to allow for future housing – this is also evidenced by the


removal of the hedge illegally allowing construction vehicles to access the site without a planning application so that enforcement action was required.

Therefore, if the application is granted, any access should be strictly limited to Pedestrian access only to the site and limited to a maximum of 945mm, the plans state that the proposal is for a larger area which is large enough to allow for vehicular access. All items registered for this proposal show a lack of evidence for this reasoning of a pedestrian access with no justification why the person concerned need to access the site. The hedge that was removed illegally should be replaced to as its removal has an adverse impact on nature conservation interests & biodiversity opportunities.

There are also Highway Safety concerns as the site borders a busy road at a corner with limited visibility.

The Town Council will be asking its District Councillor to call the Item in.

The members strongly objected to this application, and have requested that Cllr. I. Parker is made aware of their concerns.

C) 1/1173/2016FUL

Northern Devon Healthcare Trust Proposed relocation of four parking bays

Holsworthy Hospital

Interest -Cllr. Allen signed declaration of interest.

Observation- The committee had no adverse observations.

134.To receive decisions from the District/County Council on previous applications.



Holsworthy Methodist Church Fell 1x Yew Tree

Bodmin Street


Swinton Conversion of first floor into residential apartment

3 Bodmin Street



Swinton Conversion of first floor into residential apartment

3 Bodmin Street



St Peter and St Pauls Church, Replacement oil tank – affecting public right of way

North Road




32 Brooks AvenueProposed conservatory & summer house


135. To Discuss 1/1138/2016OUTM, Former Cattle market, Demolition of exciting cattle market

buildings & replacement with up to 55 residential units and associated works.

Cllr. Allen signed the declaration of interest

The TC confirmed that all Cllrs, were asked to send questions into HTC so that these can be provided to the Planning officer at TDC prior to his meeting with the Town Council. The TC confirmed that a few responses have been received and an email will be sent after this meeting to arrange for a meeting to be held to discuss all matters raised.

It was agreed again, by all present that a supermarket would be the best way forward, Cllr. Sanders stated that the evidence that re-zoning is necessary. No evidence seen regarding this.

Cllr. Allen states that if it is left, then no result of this would occur.

It was agreed that, by all members that this application is not acceptable, and have requested that Cllr. I. Parkerto call the Item in.

The TC confirmed that no 106 funds would be used for this project.

10.20am Cllr. I. Parker District Councillor, attend the office for another matter.

Whilst present, Cllr. I. Parker confirmed that planning 1/1138/2016OUTM has alreadybeen called in. The members mentioned Planning 1/1287/2016FUL this will also be called in.

136.To discuss any Highway Matters

Call for Potential Traveller Sites; Consultation on the draft Traveller Site Assessment Methodology; and Consultation on draft North Devon and Torridge Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedules and Regulation 123 Lists.

The TC stated that TDC require a “Call for Sites” exercise is being undertaken, to try and identify potential sites for traveller accommodation, including both permanent pitches and transit / emergency stopping places. Holsworthy is not a viable place and there is currently no space, the nearest was in Pyworthy.

Cllr. Punter mentioned that past Coles Mill Close, towards the incline to Whimble Hill, the first half of pavement is covered with ankle deep leaves. Due to the adverse weather, this has become very slippery and difficult to walk through.

Cllr. Punter stated that he had reported this to DCC on several occasions via the telephone and expressed his concern for dog walkers, families etc walking along this area. Cllr. Punter stated that at this stage no one has taken on board these points and help solve towards this issue which can potential become a Health & Safety issue.

The TC requested that an email to be sent to the HTC with any details of dates and who had been contacted.

137.Town Clerks Report

The TC handed to member’s present information from the SLCC about top tips on general Planning & Highways and Planning Applications.

138. Close

Cllr. Sanders closed the meeting at 10.35am.

Signature …………………………………… Date ………………………………