Ameeting of the Planning & Neighbourhood Plan Committee was held on 9th November 2016.

Present:Cllrs A Greenway (Chairman), Mrs M Chapman, E Reall, Mrs S Watson, D Pikett, N Hornsey

and M Powell

Also Present: District Councillors Mrs D Rodgers andS England;Richard Costall and Chris Murphy (Beal Homes); Mr C Pickering and5 members of the public

Clerk: Mrs Julie Murray

16/11/12 Chairman’s remarks

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.

16/11/13 Apologies

On a proposal from Cllr Mrs Chapman, seconded by Cllr Powell, it was unanimously RESOLVED following a vote to accept apologies from CllrMrs England having considered and accepted her reason for absence. District Councillor M Parish also sent apologies.

16/11/14Co-option of non-council members

None for this meeting.

16/11/15Disclosure of pecuniary interests



On a proposal from Cllr Hornsey, seconded by CllrPowell, it was unanimously RESOLVED following a vote that the notes of the meeting held on 2nd June 2016 be approved and signed as the minutes.

16/11/17Clerk’s report

16/06/11 – The referendum took place on 28th July with a resounding YES vote, presented to WLDC for adoption on 5th September and was reported at the Full Council meeting held on 12th September, minuted number 16/09/26.


Sir Edward Leigh MP – Letter enclosing response from Brandon Lewis MP regarding housing appeals and the Green Wedge

WLDC – Notice of Neighbourhood Planning Referendum

Clarke Telecom Ltd – Proposed installation of replacement telecommunications mast at Welton Pond, off Fen Lane, Dunholme

16/11/19Planning matters

No Observations/Comments on:

134752 – Mr I Fraser – 39 Prebend Lane – To erect single garage

135050 – Mr S Bartle – 9 Norbeck Lane – Application to form a new garden room to the rear to include the removal of existing conservatory, also install a new window in the east gable

135072 – Mr & Mrs J Bolton – 20 Heath Close – To erect front and rear single storey domestic extension

Planning Permission Refused on:

134905 – Mrs C Cherrill – Home Acre, Market Rasen Road, Welton Hill – Removal of condition 2 of planning permission W119 761 83 granted 8th December 1983 relating to agricultural worker occupancy



133276 – Gin Property Ltd- Land atRyland RoadDunholmeLincolnLN2 3NE - Outline planning application for proposed residential developmentof up to 65no. dwellings, to include public open space, affordablehousing and staff car park for St Chad's Primary School-access to beconsidered and not reserved for subsequent applications-resubmissionof 131516. The inquiry took place on the 13th, 14th and 15th September 2016 – report to the Secretary of State by 28.11.16. APPEAL REF: APP/N2535/W/3146208

133479 – Dr C Hacking – Land to rear of 23 Sudbeck Lane – To erect 1no. new dwelling to rear

APPEAL REF: APP/N2535/W/16/3154465 – Decision – Allowed 25.10.16

16/11/20Beal Homes Development - off Prebend Lane

2.06pmOn a proposal from Cllr Greenway, seconded by Cllr Reall, it was unanimously RESOLVED following a vote to adjourn the meeting to allow representatives from Beal Homes to speak:

Richard Costall reported that a Reserved Matters application has been submitted to WLDC, although it has not yet been validated due to some landscaping issues, which have now been resolved and it is hoped it will be done this week. The condition included in the 106 Agreement Sch 4, Part A Section 8 relating to the Recreational Land requires WLDC to agree to whom they will be conveying the land to and then a timescale for delivery and work to be carried out to the value of £300,000 for preparation and drainage can be decided, although this would not take effect for some years yet. Once WLDC has decided who the land will be transferred to, then details can be inserted on the plan as to its usage.

District Councillors Stephen England informed the meeting that the group that had been formed with an interest in this area of land were no nearer to gaining any funding from other sporting bodies to support their ideas and that the preference is that the Parish Council should be the transferee. The Neighbourhood Plan Questionnaire sent out to all residents in 2014 indicated that no more football use was desired.

The 106 Agreement does not indicate to whom the land will be transferred only that “the Owner shall transfer the freehold interest in the Recreation Land to Welton Parish Council or such other body or organisation as is first approved by the Council (WLDC)” – the Clerk informed the meeting that an invitation to attend the meeting had been sent to WLDC, but they had declined, although some information that was already known had been sent by e-mail.

District Councillors Mrs Di Rodgers informed the meeting that she had been invited to join the group, but had declined, wishing to retain her standing as an independent member of WLDC.

No other sporting bodies have come forward with an interest or funding and it is believed that the new development at Riseholme will include an large sporting facilitiy.

It was suggested that the public be consulted on the future use of this land; it was not a decision that should be made either by the Parish Council or another organisation.

Richard Costall said that Beal Homes could ask WLDC if the PC is an appropriate body for the the land to be transferred to; although this does not apply until the 70th open market dwelling on the site is occupied. Usage could include parkland, allotments, finess equipment, running routes etc. Cricket and Rugby would not be supported by the ECB or RFU. The estimated timescale for the land to be transferred is 5 – 6 years.

It was agreed that definition of who the land will be transferred to needs to be obtained from WLDC in order to move forward and that the safest route for it to be kept in perpetuity for the people of Welton is by the Parish Council.

2.40pmThe meeting resumed.


Members were in agreement with what had been discussed during the adjournment and on a proposal from Cllr Pikett, seconded by Cllr Hornsey, it was unanimously RESOLVED following a vote to write to WLDC informing them that a motion had been passed at this meeting for them to decide who the land should be transferred to for clarification as to who will ultimately manage it and that the Parish Council is a willing transferee.

16/11/21Northfield Road POS Area

During the summer a Tree Safety Report had been carried out on the instructions of the Environment Committee which had identified an Ash tree on the Northfield Road POS as being dangerous due to its condition. The Tree Warden had been to look at it and agreed that the tree was dead; as a matter of urgency for health and safety reasons the Clerk obtained quotes for it to be felled and this was carried out by a tree surgeon who also confirmed that it was diseased. Following the felling of the tree, Mr C Pickering called in to the Parish Office to inform the Clerk that the tree stood on his land and that the strip of land in the centre of the POS with a line of trees on it is in fact in his ownership.On a proposal from Cllr Greenway, seconded by Cllr Hornsey, it was unanimously RESOLVED following a vote that the Clerk had acted in good faith believing the entire area of POS to be in the ownership of the Parish Council following its transfer from the developers.

Members questioned the fact that for a number of years the PC has been arranging for the grass to be cut and maintenance of the trees – on a proposal from Cllr Mrs Chapman, seconded by Cllr Hornsey, it was unanimously RESOLVED following a vote to ask Mr Pickering if he is willing to continue with this programme of maintenance? A further motion was put forward by Cllr Powell, seconded by Cllr Hornsey andit was RESOLVEDby a majority vote (4 for, 3 abstentions)to seek recompense from Mr Pickering for the cost of past maintenance and felling the tree. The piece of land in question covers such a small area that has trees growing along its entire length, what use could it be put to other than as open space? A third motion was put forward by Cllr Reall, seconded by Cllr Mrs Watson which was RESOLVEDby a unanimous vote and outweighs the previous two resolutions, to ask if Mr Pickering is willing to gift the land to the Parish Council for no financial gain in order that the PC can continue its future maintenance. It was pointed out that legal expenses may be incurred in transferring the land.

16/11/22Rippon Homes Development- east of Hackthorn Road

A meeting was held with representatives from Rippon Homes, Cllr Pikett and Greenway and the Clerk on 24th October to discuss their request topursue a route to the public drainage system in Halfpenny Close via the Negotiated Easement methodacross Parish Council owned land for either a rising main or gravity sewer between their development and Swen Close.Rippon Homes Ltd has offered a sum in the region of £5000 for the benefit of the community in way of compensation, following discussions at the meeting, this was increased to £7,000. Subsequently the Clerk has taken advice from the Council’s Solicitor who has advised the Council to obtain a valuation from a valuer and that any legal costs should be met by the developer – this needs to be clarified with them prior to any agreement being made. On a proposal from Cllr Mrs Watson, seconded by Cllr Reall, it was unanimously RESOLVED following a vote that the Clerk will obtain quotes for a valuation to be carried out and this will be put before Full Council for authorisation. A Planning & Neighbourhood Plan Committee meeting will be called for further consideration when the information is to hand.