
Minutes of the PLANNING COMMITTEE meeting held on Monday 24th July 2017 following the Interim Council Meeting in the Council Chamber, Town Council Offices, Cornwalls Meadow, Buckingham

Present: Cllr. Mrs. J. Bates

Cllr. J. Harvey

Cllr. P. Hirons (Vice Chairman)

Cllr. A. Mahi

Cllr. Mrs. L. O’Donoghue

Cllr. M. Smith

Cllr. R. Stuchbury (from minute 247/17)

Cllr. M. Try

Also present: Mrs. C. Cumming (co-opted member)

Mrs. N. Stockill (Committee Clerk)

For the Town Clerk: Mrs. K. McElligott

Cllr. Hirons took the Chair in the absence of the Chairman.

242/17 Apologies for Absence

Members received and accepted apologies from Cllrs. Cole, Strain-Clark, Stuchbury and Isham.

243/17 Declarations of Interest

To receive declarations of any personal or prejudicial interest under consideration on this agenda in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 Sections 26-34 & Schedule 4.

Cllr. Hirons declared an interest in agenda item 7 (17/02416/APP) as a Deputy Church Warden at St. Peter and St. Pauls Church.

Cllr. Bates declared an interest in agenda item 5.2 (58 Nelson Street) as a near neighbour.

244/17 Minutes

To receive the minutes of the Planning Committee Meeting held on Monday 3rd July 2017 to be put before the Full Council meeting to be held on 14th August 2017.


245/17 Buckingham Neighbourhood Plan/Vale of Aylesbury Plan

To receive any update from the Town Clerk.

The Chair thanked The Planning Officer, Town Clerk and Sheena McMurtrie for their work on the Moreton Road Phase III’s Planning Call-in Inquiry.

246/17 Action Reports

246.1/17 To receive action reports

Cllr. Harvey drew Members’ attention to a public consultation on the ‘Buckingham What Matters’ site concerning the East West Expressway.

660.3 (IT Problems) The Planning Officer noted that a response to the March letter would be brought to the next Planning Committee meeting.

246.2/17 (190/17) 58 Nelson Street – response from HBO

Members AGREED to respond to the HBO asking to be kept informed of any developments in the case. ACTION PLANNING OFFICER

Cllr Whyte left the chamber at 20.03

247/17 Planning Applications

For Member’s information the next scheduled Development Management Committee meetings are Wednesday 9th August and Friday 1st September 2017, with SDMC meetings on Thursday 10th and Wednesday 30th August 2017.

To consider planning applications received from AVDC and other applications

This application was withdrawn on the day of the meeting and not considered.


Buckingham Primary School, Foscott Way

Variation to condition 3 on application 09/00503/ACC [CC/09/09] to allow use of synthetic pitch between the hours of 8am – 9pm Monday – Friday and the use of lighting up to 9pm Monday – Friday

17/02350/APP NO OBJECTION (QUALIFIED, see comment)

The Old Latin House, Market Hill

Construction of car port, stores and garden workshop

Members had no objection to the construction of a garden building, subject to the Historic Buildings and Conservation Area officers finding it acceptable so close to a Listed Building.


Lunn Poly, 11 Cornwalls Centre

2 off non-illuminated fascia sign, 1 off non illuminated projecting sign and reverse applied window graphics

Members wondered if the Highways Officer had noticed the site was on a pedestrian precinct.

17/02414/APP OPPOSE

8 de Clare Court

Two storey rear extension and replacement fence to the rear

Amended (adding a fence and gate to the description) and Minor Amended (further details of the fence and gate) plans had been submitted which were considered in place of the originals.

Members discussed the amended proposal and the replacement of a brick wall by a fence, and decided that if the construction of the extension necessitated demolishing the wall for access, then it should be rebuilt to the same height and plan, in matching materials, to preserve the integrity of the street scene where brick boundaries were the norm.

Members might be minded to revisit their response if the wall were to be retained/rebuilt and a full-height door installed (not a low gate).


7 Chandos Close

Two storey side and rear extensions


35 Moreton Road

Single storey side extension

An additional plan had been submitted as a Minor Amendment showing the existing plan and elevations, which was considered at the same time.


16 Meadow Gardens

Erection of a 4ft picket fence around the front of property – retrospective

Members felt the fence was contrary to planning conditions replicated in the house deeds, was detrimental to the street scene and to the amenity of the neighbour.

The following two applications were reviewed together:

17/02462/APP & 17/02463/ALB NO OBJECTION (QUALIFIED, see comment)

Dipalee Tandoori, 18 Castle Street

Subdivision of 1st and 2nd floor to form two 1-bed flats and one 2-bed and integration of a new staircase, partitions, new doors and new windows to 2nd floor.

Members had No Objection to the principle of the proposal, but would like further information on the air-conditioning outlets to the kitchen area, whether occupants of the flats would have domestic waste collection (whether by bag or bin) or use of the restaurant’s bins, and asked that it be made clear in the conditions that there was no parking provided for residents.


Willowby, Bath Lane

Demolition of existing bungalow and rebuild with dwelling and double garage


37 Catchpin Street

Erection of boundary fencing and gates

Members expressed concern that the proposal was contrary to the design of the estate, and that the gate would make access by emergency, refuse and delivery vehicles impossible.

The following Minor Amendments/Additional Information had also been received:

Cllr. Stuchbury entered the Chamber at 20.38

Land at Lace Hill


The excavation of a drainage detention basin & associated network of sewers and swales


Construction of a new bridleway and associated works & associated works (diversion of Bridleway No 13 (part))

Additional information: AVDC Ecologist’s comments; resulting revised Landscape Plan and planting details (same for both applications); construction details for the bridle path

Members expressed concern at the connectivity of the new route with the bridleway north of the bypass through the Badgers estate, and asked whether the proposed height of the fence was adequate for security. BCC Rights of Way would be contacted with these queries.


2 Butterfly Close

Insertion of front and rear roof lights [with conversion of the loft to double bedroom and bathroom]

Members had considered this application on 5th June, responding OPPOSE & ATTEND and noting that there was inadequate parking within the curtilage for a house this size.
Further information had been supplied in Land Registry documents showing the actual curtilage to be larger than that outlined in the original documents, and to encompass not only the space in front of the garage but the whole road width at this point and the frontage including the layby beyond the plot boundary, with the capacity to accommodate 5 vehicles.
Members consequently withdrew their opposition to the application and changed it to NO OBJECTIONS


4 Honeycomb Way

Two storey rear extension and loft conversion with dormer

Members’ response to the application (15th May) had been OPPOSE & ATTEND, expressing concern that the size of the 2nd floor balcony would lead to overlooking both to the rear and to each side, and the nature and implications of the ‘customer parking’ mentioned in the D&A Statement. The proposed extension was felt to constitute over-development of the plot.

Minor Amendments taken to the 3rd July meeting showed that three cars could be parked in the carport, and the large loft-level balcony had been reduced to a Juliette-style ornamental railing to a french window but Members felt that they needed information on the ‘customers’ - the nature of the business, how many traffic movements might be generated and how long would they be parked? Not all of the drawings had been amended to reflect the other changes and Members maintained their response.

Further information had been provided indicating that ‘customer’ was an error on the part of the agent, ‘client’ was meant, and new drawings supplied.

Members consequently withdrew their opposition to the application and changed it to NO OBJECTIONS

248/17 Planning Decisions

To receive for information details of planning decisions made by AVDC as per ‘Bulletin’ and other decisions.

BTC Officer

Approved responserecommn.

17/00057/APP Lace Hill 3-storey Premier Inn,Beefeater,Costa No Objections*

*Changed from Oppose 10/4/17 follg. receipt of satisfactory amendments

1701927/APP 10 Bath Lane S/st. extension to replace conservatory No Objections


17/02206/APP 20 Hubbard Cl. 2-storey side and s/st. front extensions Oppose & attend

Not Consulted on:


17/01891/ACL 15 Badgers Way Repl.conservatory with single/storey extn. No Objections

249/17 Development Management Committee

249.1/17 Strategic Development Management (20th July 2017) 16/03138/APP; Land at Summerhouse Hill, 38 dwellings. To receive a verbal report from Cllr. Hirons.

Cllr. Hirons spoke to Members regarding the meeting of the 20th July 2017, highlighting that on arrival the Planning Manager had informed him of five last minute corrections to the Officer’s report – these were not made available for Cllr. Hirons to consider. Cllr. Smith stated this was the second time one of BTC’s Officers had attend Development Management Committee only to be told at the last minute that supplementary information was available. Cllr. Smith suggested exploring whether this is in breach of how planning decisions are made.

Members AGREED to write to AVDC on the concerns of the Town Council.


249.2/17 Development Management (21st July 2017)


250/17 Enforcement

250.1/17 To receive the June update (Buckingham only) via Cllrs. Mills & Stuchbury

Members AGREED to request a copy of the Enforcement Report on 50 Moreton
Road (Old Police Station) for consideration at the next Planning Committee.


Members discussed the public’s awareness of Buckingham’s Conservation Area and the associated planning restrictions placed on buildings within the Area. Mrs. Cumming informed Members that Conservation Areas were due to be a keynote speech at the Buckingham Society’s AGM. Cllr. Stuchbury advocated working alongside the Buckingham Society to promote the Buckingham Conservation Area and Design Statement to new residents of the town.

Member AGREED for the Mayor and the Chair of Planning Committee to contact the Buckingham Society and explore ways to raise the profile of Buckingham’s Conservation Area. ACTION CLLR HARVEY & CLLR COLE

250.2/17 To report any new breaches

Members discussed the new canopy at Vibins but did not consider it to be a notifiable breach.

251/17 Transport

To report any damaged superfluous and redundant signage in the town.


252/17 Access

To report any access-related issues.

Cllr Stuchbury explained to Members that AVDC are undertaking a review of the taxi token scheme.

He referred to the recent article in the Advertiser (21st July 2017 ‘Oh no! Not more steps!”) expressing concern that the AVDC Officer’s statement did not address the issue that disabled access had not been included as a condition of approval. Members AGREED for the Planning Officer to send a copy of the article to AVDC asking for a response to the Officer’s statement


253/17 Correspondence

253.1/17(ref Min 186.3) response to Cllr. Stuchbury from Mrs. Kitchen

Members receive and discussed Mrs Kitchen’s email of the 11th July 2017. Cllr Smith remarked that Stony Stratford Town Council was included in all Section 106 discussions and the Developers even had to pay the legal fees for any subsequent investigations.

Proposed by Cllr. Smith, seconded by Cllr. Mahi and AGREED to write to Neil Blake and Carol Paternoster highlighting the examples of Brackley and Stony Stratford Town Councils and asking why Buckingham cannot have the same level of involvement with their Planning Authority. ACTION PLANNING CLERK

254/17 News releases

Members AGREED to the following News Releases:

254.1 Buckingham’s Conservation Area

Neighbouring Councils’ involvement in Section 106 agreements - Members AGREED to submit a letter to the Advertiser on behalf of the Planning Committee.

254.2 Members AGREED to RECOMMEND to the Communications Strategy Group that all future (BTC) News Releases are added to the Town Council’s website.


255/17 Chairman’s items for information


256/17 Date of the next meeting: Monday 21st August 2017 at 7pm.

Meeting closed at 21.50pm.

Chairman………………………………. Date……………………………

Planning Minutes (24.07.17) DRAFT SUBJECT TO RATIFICATION page 1 of 6

EQUALITIES ACT 2010/CRIME AND DISORDER ACT, 1988: the decisions made during the course of the meeting were duly considered and it was decided that there were no resulting direct or indirect implications in respect of crime and disorder, racial equality or diversity.
