Clinical software contracts at a national level include:
- GP IT Services – for the provision of general medical practice information technology software and services.
- Picture Archive and Communication System (PACS) – for the acquisition, storage, retrieval and display of digital patient images.
- Radiology Information System (RIS) – this holds patient data associated with images contained in PACS.
- National IT Services Contract – delivers a large range of national IT services including hosting, application development and support.
- Docman – GP IT electronic document management and transfer.
- Opera – national operating theatres management system.
- Tracelineand eProgesa System – run by the Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service for management of blood supply.
- National Sexual Health (NaSH) – a bespoke community sexual and reproductive health clinical tracking system.
- NHS24 – providing core IT services to NHS24 service.
- Patient Management System (PMS) – patient management system and related clinical modules and services.
- Diabetic Retinopathy Screening (DRS) – for screening of patients to prevent onward complications of diabetes with respect to their sight.
- Abnormal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) – for screening and management of patients.
Software category:
- GP IT Services = EPR and PAS.
- RIS = RIS.
- National IT Services = all categories.
- Docman = EPR and PAS.
- Opera = PAS.
- Traceline and eProgesa System = PAS and integration.
- NaSH = EPR and PAS.
- NHS24 = clinical portal and integration.
- PMS = EPR, PAS and pharmacy.
- DRS = EPR and PAS.
- AAA = EPR and PAS.
Software supplier:
- GP IT Services = Egton Medical Information Systems and In Practice Systems.
- PACS = Carestream.
- RIS = Carestream.
- National IT Services = Atos.
- Docman = PCTi Solutions Ltd.
- Opera = GE.
- Traceline and eProgesa= MAK System.
- NaSH=Axsys Technology Ltd.
- NHS24 = Cap Gemini/British Telecom.
- PMS =Intersystems.
- DRS = Northgate.
- AAA = Atos.
Software name:
- GP IT Services = EMIS PCS and InPS Vision.
- PACS = Picture Archiving and Communication System.
- RIS = Radiology Information System.
- National IT Services = A wide variety of software products and services including commercial off the shelf (COTS) type and bespoke developed software/systems.
- Docman = Docman.
- Opera = Opera.
- Traceline and eProgesa=Traceline and eProgesa.
- NaSH= Generic Clinical System (GCS) which is a flexible clinical systems development toolkit/environment.
- NHS24 = Strategic Frontline Application (SFLA).
- PMS =TrakCare.
- DRS = Vector.
- AAA = AAA.
Description of software:
- GP IT Services = EMIS PCS, Pocket EMIS, Business Continuity. InPS Vision 3, Vision Online Services (VOS), Vision 360. Upgrade, maintenance and support included.
- PACS = Not modular and provides full functionality as described above. Upgrade, maintenance and support included.
- RIS = Not modular and provides full functionality as described above. Upgrade, maintenance and support included.
- National IT Services = This contract delivers many areas of functionality. Major examples of these include:
- HP Zone which is for infection management and control including upgrade, maintenance and support.
- Hosting and Managed Technical Services (MTS) for many systems and services delivered to NHS Scotland including upgrade, maintenance and support.
- Screening programme systems (e.g. Bowel Screening, Breast Screening, Community Preventative Care, Abnormal Aortic Aneurysm etc.) including upgrade, maintenance and support.
- Support of Scottish Care Information (SCI) product suite for the integration and sharing of information between NHS sectors (e.g. referrals etc.). This includes upgrade, maintenance and support.
- National Colonoscopy Clinical Information and Audit System (NCCIAS) software used in colonoscopy clinics across NHS Scotland. This includes upgrade, maintenance and support.
- Emergency Care Summary (ECS) for provision of clinical information to Out OF Hours (OOH) services. This includes upgrade, maintenance and support.
- Knowledge Management System to support NHS24 services. This includes, upgrade, maintenance and support.
- ePharmacy programme for the provision of acute and chronic pharmacy services (e.g. automated repeat prescribing etc.). This includes upgrade, maintenance and support.
- Docman = Docman, Pocket Docman. Upgrade, maintenance and support included.
- Opera = Not modular and provides full functionality as described above. Upgrade, maintenance and support included.
- Traceline and eProgesa=Traceline and eProgesa products and Proteus Movement Interface module. Upgrade, maintenance and support included.
- NaSH= Bespoke system developed using Generic Clinical System toolset. Upgrade, maintenance and support included.
- NHS24 = Not modular and provides full functionality as described above. Upgrade, maintenance and support included.
- PMS = A&E, Trak Maternity, Neonatal, Mental Health, Theatres and Order Comms. Upgrade, maintenance and support included.
- DRS = Not modular and provides full functionality as described above. Upgrade, maintenance and support included.
- AAA = Not modular and provides full functionality as described above. Maintenance and support included.
Number of users/licenses:
- GP IT Services = 15,000+ users.
- PACS = Unlimited user license.
- RIS =Unlimited user license.
- National IT Services = Service contract therefore system and service dependent.
- Docman = 2,200+ user licenses in total.
- Opera = National license bought under a national framework agreement.
- Traceline and eProgesa= 250+ concurrent users.
- NaSH= Unlimited user license.
- NHS24 = Service contract therefore system and service dependent.
- PMS = Implementation and module rollout done locally at Health Board level therefore user numbers at a national level cannot be estimated.
- DRS = Unlimited user license.
- AAA = Unlimited users.
Annual spend:
- GP IT Services = Nationally between £500,000~£1,000,000 depending on nationally agreed developments. Health Boards pay for annual support and maintenance locally.
- PACS = £1,850,000 approx. for basic service. Health Boards pay for any expanded services locally. Archive and infrastructure charges included in the National IT Services contract.
- RIS = Is an enabling framework contract only, therefore Health Boards pay all costs locally.
- National IT Services = £40,000,000 approx.
- Docman = £1,100,000 approx.
- Opera = £200,000 approx.
- Traceline and eProgesa= £250,000 approx.
- NaSH= £420,000+ approx.
- NHS24 = £7,000,000 approx. However, this service is currently managed by NHS24 Health Board so the approximation given is only an estimate requiring their verification.
- PMS = Is an enabling framework contract, therefore Health Boards pay all costs locally.
- DRS =£550,000+ approx. This service is not yet live as it will take over from the current DRS service delivered as part of the National IT Services contract.
- AAA = £80,000 approx.
Contract duration:
- GP IT Services = Framework contract 4 years. Call-Off contracts 7 years.
- PACS = Framework contract 11 years.
- RIS = Framework contract 4 years. Call-Off contracts 7 years.
- National IT Services = Contract between NSS and Atos 11 years with options to extend variously for a further 10 years.
- Docman = Perpetual software license.
- Opera = Framework contract 10 years.
- Traceline and eProgesa= Perpetual software license.
- NaSH= Potentially indefinite sole source Call-Off contract from GCS Framework contract.
- NHS24 = Contract between NHS24 and Cap Gemini/BT has 12 year term.
- PMS = Framework contract 4 years. Call-Off contracts 10 years.
- DRS = Contract between NSS and Northgate has 5 year term.
- AAA = Contract between NSS and Atos has 10 year term.
Contract start, expiry and review date:
- GP IT Services = Framework contract 01/02/2010~28/02/2014, no review date. Call-Off contracts variably 01/02/2014~28/02/2021, no review date.
- PACS = 11/04/2006~28/02/2017, review date 28/02/2016.
- RIS = Framework contract 27/03/2013~26/03/2017, no review date. Call-Off contracts variably 31/03/2020~31/03/2024, no review date.
- National IT Services = 01/04/2007~31/03/2018 extended to 31/03/2022, review date 31/03/2019.
- Docman = 25/05/2004~24/05/2009 reviewed and extended to in perpetuity licenses.
- Opera = 27/02/2009~27/02/2019, no review date.
- Traceline and eProgesa= Effective date 30/06/2006 in perpetuity until terminated by either party.
- NaSH= Call-Off contract 14/02/2007~potentially indefinite.
- NHS24 = 02/03/2012~03/03/2024, no review date.
- PMS = Framework contract 25/01/2010~24/01/2014, no review date. Call-Off contracts variably 25/01/2010~24/01/2024.
- DRS = Effective date 31/12/2015 with 5 year initial term and option to extend for a further 2 years, review date 31/12/2018.
- AAA = Effective date 15/02/2011 with 10 year initial term and options to extend to 31/012026, review 14/02/2019