31 OCTOBER 2009
OPENING CEREMONY - Commandant Wilbur opened the meeting at 1000, with the posting of the Colors, the Pledge of Allegiance, first verse of the Marines Hymn,
and the opening prayer given by Chaplain Mitchum.
Jim Smith - Asst. NVC / National Awards
John Hopkins - National Legislative Vice Chair
Chuck Tidwell - Southeast Division Aide-De-Camp
Archie Sweet - National Bylaws Committee / National Asst. Sgt.-At-Arms
Tom Perrone - National Administrative Board
Cal Walters - Southeast Division Conference
Joe Feld - Southeast Division Conference
Deborah White - National Young Marines
Charles Hardy - Kennel Deputy Quartermaster
Butch Raynes - National Uniform Regulations
INTRODUCTION OF SPECIAL GUEST - Congressman Joe Wilson of Charleston gave us a very informative talk on the New National Health Care Bill, (1990 pages). He also stated that a bill was passed that members of Congress “will take” the health care plan but it got amended to “may take”, thereby neutralizing the plan. Congressman Wilson also passed out vials of black sand from Iwo Jima to our WWII veterans.
ROLL CALL was conducted by the Department Adjutant. Representatives from the following Detachments were found to be absent - Det# 1112, Det# 1178, and Det# 1219.
MINUTES - The minutes of the 29 August meeting were approved and posted on the website.
PAYMASTER REPORT - Paymaster Hardy reported $5,181.09 in the checking account and $9,092.33 in the savings account for total assets of $14,282.42
INTRODUCTION OF CAL WALTERS - Cal briefed us on the S.E. Division Conference to be held at the Ashbury Hotel; Suites 600; West I-65 Service Road; Mobile, Alabama 36608. Room rates start at $73.00 plus tax per night for both kings and doubles. Suites are available for an additional charge. Cost includes breakfast buffet for each day you are registered. Please book your room by calling 1-800-752-0398 or register online at, no later than February 5, 2010. Cal can be reached by email -
· Commandant Wilbur announced that Cal Walters is the current recipient of the Carter Award.
· Commandant Wilbur read the resignation letter from the Department Junior Vice Commandant, Herb Bailey.
· Commandant Wilbur announced that he has accepted Bailey’s resignation and asked for a motion to appoint Don Jones to finish out Bailey’s term since Jones was the 1st runner up at the last election for that post. The motion was made and seconded. The Executive Board voted and passed for Don Jones to finish out the term of Junior Vice Commandant for the Department of South Carolina. Don Jones accepted the appointment and was sworn in by the Southeast Division Asst. NVC, Jim Smith.
TOYS FOR TOTS - Jim Williams reported the kickoff started this week and reports are due in by 2400, Sunday. In 2007 we collected 211,000 toys; 2008 we collected 180,000 toys. Canisters for cash donations are authorized. Coordinators biggest complaint is that they are not getting help from other members of their detachments.
UPDATE ON BY-LAW CHANGES - A report was made by Archie Sweet and Bill Hartley. The main topic of the changes was the elimination of the khaki shirt from our uniform inventory. Bill Hartley offered forms for everyone to submit changes with.
· Commandant Wilbur announced the recipient of the National Junior Vice Commandants Citation for the Department of South Carolina and for Detachments #1112 and #1145.
· Paymaster Hardy requested that all moneys be turned in for the Hawaii raffle and for the Chesty Puller challenge coins ASAP
* Commandant Wilbur announced Johnny Horton has been appointed to the position of Chief of Staff and what his responsibilities are.
* Archie Sweet introduced the new SOP for the Department. During the discussion, John Hopkins recommended that more emphasis be placed on what the responsibilities of the Detachment and Department Web Sergeants are due to major changes National is undergoing in their computer network system. It was also recommended that a list of Department level awards be included in section #9. Archie Sweet stated that it was a good idea and it could be added to section #9 as an enclosure. Commandant Wilbur called for a vote to adopt the new SOP as amended with enclosure #5 to include the list of Department awards. A motion was made, seconded, and the new SOP was adopted as amended on this date.
* Commandant Wilbur announced that bids to host the National Convention for 2012 must be submitted prior to the Mid-winter Conference in February 2010.
*Grand Strand Commandant Butch Raines stated that his Detachment is bidding to host the National Convention for 2012.
* Department Officers, Sr. Vice, Jr. Vice, and Judge Advocate were polled for comments.
There being none the Commandant asked for an update on the Charleston Convention. Commandant Tharp reported that everything was on track for the convention. Commandant Wilbur called for a full report on the Charleston Convention at the next quarterly meeting.
* MAA/ Commandant Butch Raynes announced a fund raising for the pilot and crew of the helicopter that crashed near Myrtle Beach.
* Commandant Layne Parker announced that he has 23 handicapped tricycles left.
* Past Department Commandant Tom Perrone passed out proposed changes to the National by-laws to be voted on next June.
* Commandant Stump announced the annual pageant at Parris Island on November 10th at 1300 on the parade deck .Also the traditional luncheon will go at 1030 at the chow halls and is open to everyone. Also Chuck Taliano is back home and is doing well.
* Commandant Jackie Cooper announced that the Kershaw County Leathernecks was hosting a Toys for Tots Motorcycle ride and a car show .Details are posted on their website.
THANK YOU TO THE YOUNG MARINES - !!! Commandant Wilbur called out and introduced the Young Marines that came down from the Piedmont area to serve us lunch.
* Tom Perrone announced that he has WWII medallions for those Marines who served in WWII, that have not received a medallion. A motion was made, seconded, and passed for the Department to purchase the medallions and pass them out.
CLOSING CEREMONY MAA - Butch Raynes retired the Colors and
Chaplain Mitchum led the closing prayer to include blessing for lunch.
* During lunch, the hat was passed and the proceeds were given to the Young Marines.
Respectfully submitted
Wayne Lackey
Department of South Carolina